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This Thread is for the Dry Fert Freaks!


Okay, I won't try to sell anyone on the benefits of dry fertilizers. Sure, they're less expensive, much cleaner and easier to use, and just as effective as liquid ferts. Some of us already know that! Let's just share our knowledge of dry ferts.

Here are a few dry ferts that really work:

For my soil grows, I use Fox Farm Happy Frog Fruit and Flowering granular nutes. One very effective application is to add Happy Frog on day 15, day 30, and day 45. I grow in one gallon pots, so I add 3/4 tsp of Happy Frog and mix it into the top inch or so of soil. Other than that, I just water normally. (BTW, Happy Frog soil is the best, most stable soil I've ever worked with...) With this regimen, I'm having 100% success with no deficiencies or imbalances:


I'm really impressed by this Jack's Classic nute line. Like they suggest on their web site, combining the standard all-purpose nutes with their fruit and flower nutes in equal parts has my plants standing up and taking notice:


Maybe the best of them all is the General Hydro Maxi line of dry nutes. I mix the Maxigro and Maxibloom with one part Gro to two parts Bloom. Dongle has done the research and discovered that GH Maxibloom is basically the Lucas formula in dry nute form. Hopefully Dongle will chime in here soon, because he's been doing the work on dry nutes for a couple of years now.



Not sure what I can add other than yes, MaxiBloom kicks booty.
I get better results with MaxiBloom and Floralicious Plus than I do with FloraNova Bloom liquid.
But even when used alone, MaxiBloom rocks.
The MaxiBloom/Floralicious Plus combo is cheaper to use than the Nova or the multi part Flora series.

Here is the nutrient profile for the MaxiBloom/Floralicious Plus combo:

n 98
p 122
k 220
mg 65
s 74
ca 92

Now if only Floralicious Plus came in dry form...


What is the MaxiBloom/Floralicious Plus combo? Plus how do you actually use it? I understand that with Maxibloom alone one could merely add water and then dump in MB until one reached the proper EC...but with 2 parts it has to get more complicated...no?


The combo is 1ml/gal of Floralicious Plus and the rest is MaxiBloom.
I don't add the Floralicious Plus every time I add nutrients.
I wait until I have added back about 20 gallons of water total (from each of my 100 gallon reservoirs), then I add 20ml of the Floralicious Plus.
I just pour the MaxiBloom in until I reach my desired EC, after I have added Floralicious Plus (if I add it).


jacks was peters. great stuff, great price. been growing over 35 years, used all the expensive stuff but went back to jacks or schultz.


used blackjack 5-1-1 granular dry fertilizer during latest veg. excellent results. spread in media @ transplant to flower. lots of shoots thereafter...

not necessarily into trying this/this nute, but did prefer the cleanliness of granular/dry to the extra work of fnb.

miracle grow all purpose dry 15-30-15 & peters bloom booster dry 10-50-10 @ least 1 time during veg & flower respectively. seem to be all-around-quick boost.

enjoy your garden!


Hi Guys,
Glad to run into some powdered nute fans. I generally hate to discuss nutrients because there are so many snobs out there. Criticizing what they've never tried.

I use Peter's Professional with both dirt and coco and even tried the 10-30-20 in a Hempy bucket which turned out great. I wouldn't use it in a long term res environment since there are no chelators to prevent calcium binding.

And even Miracle Grow has a place in my heart. If you have a plant that needs N fast...MG will do it since the N is all urea based and thus directly usable by the plant.

So when I decided to try hydro three years ago, I looked around for a good powdered nute. I live in the boondocks so everything must be shipped and I hate paying shipping on water. I found several companies selling hydro powdered nutrients but they were for large commercial operations. Didn't need a 25 pound bag.

That's when I started using Maxibloom. It was stable in the res with a slow predictable rise in ph which only needed correcting every third day. I like a little ph swing anyway. I used the Maxibloom alone with no bloom booster and have grown some juicy and powerful herb. White Widow loves the stuff though MgSo4 was needed to prevent Mg deficiency. (WW is notorious for that). Nobody has had any problem with the taste of my herb.

I purchased some Beastie Bloom to try with the Maxi-bloom, but after reading Dongles results, I'll have to consider a change once I use up the BB.

I used Maxi-bloom for vegging too, but I finally bought some Maxigrow. In really young plants I like to give them the extra phosphorus in the Maxibloom. Was thinking about a 50/50 mix for vegging.


I love the Jack's Classic myself. Really good stuff.

I like to throw in for bloom Northern Lights brand Fat Flower. 0-50-30, a little goes a long, long, way and it does seem to live up to it's claim of increasing fragrant oils and resins!

Me likey!


Active member
dry ferts are great, I like them. Are there any chemical dry ferts that you can top dress that only last like a week or two?


Anyone use Fox Farms Marine Cuisine ?

Derived from: Cottonseed Meal, Blood Meal, Earthworm Castings, Fish Meal, Shrimp Meal, Crab Meal, Bat Guano, Seabird Guano Kelp Meal, Urea, Ammonium sulphate, Calcium Nitrate, Ammonium Phosphate, Treble Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Potassium Chloride, Ferrous Sulphate, Iron Sucrate, Manganese Sucrate


dry ferts are great, I like them. Are there any chemical dry ferts that you can top dress that only last like a week or two?

Any chemical nute that's not time-release will absorb and be used in a relatively short time. But if you're looking for a late bloom nute (like if you timed things wrong and plant needs more N) Then an organic like worm castings/guano is your best bet.

PS: Joe and Reel...can't comment on those nutes, but thanks for the heads up. Will look into them.

PSS: Just looked up the Supernatural nutes and they are like $22 for 400 grams. Over three times what Maxibloom is and I'm sure it's not 3x better. Oh, and be careful when you order maxigrow. I googled it and got all sorts of info on a maxi grow that will make your dick grow larger. Don't think it'll work on plants. lol


FloraMato is great for perpetual grows. My experience is with ebb and flow. I just kept it at 1000 ppm (with Floralicious Plus or Liquid Karma depending on my mood) and could swap plants in and out as they finish.

Jacks Classic (Formerly Peter's) might require a little epsom salt, but it is way better than Miracle Gro. It was my first dry nute. Great stuff to learn on.


FF Happy Frog\Peace of Mind

FF Happy Frog\Peace of Mind

I've gone organic in the last year and I've been pleased with the FF Fruit and Flower. I use it indoor and out, mixed into the soil and then top dress later as needed. I also use Peace of Mind High P guano, and this time around got some of the Starter for seedlings/clones. I've also used the Tomato and Veggie for my veggie garden.

Krakatoa is right on about the top dressing schedules, about every two weeks. The package instructions say monthly, but 2 - 3 weeks is more like it.


ICMag Donor
PS: Joe and Reel...can't comment on those nutes, but thanks for the heads up. Will look into them.

PSS: Just looked up the Supernatural nutes and they are like $22 for 400 grams. Over three times what Maxibloom is and I'm sure it's not 3x better.

TY for the heads up.
Mine were free samples so I'll give em a run.


5 gal mix:

black gold coco blend

generic coco brick

earth worm castings


sweet earth rose & flower 4-6-2 w/ myco + humic acid
(1/2 cup. box directions for 5 gal)

corn meal
(5 tbspn)

plant success myco tabs 17-9-5
(5 powdered tabs)

blackstrap molasses
(5 tbspn)

used coffee grounds
(1 cup)

tap water only... until end.

goal:pre-fertilized coco+water only

enjoy your garden!


Active member
I wonder how the veg rates/yield would compare with top dressed organics fed with wormcasting/molasses tea in 100% canna coco to canna coco with a + b. I imagine adding premixed wormcastings in the soil before hand would take away from the air pockets in the coco hence just using a compost tea.