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This Sucks!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I was watching National Geographic Naked Science today, high as a kite. One show was about the dinosaurs getting wiped out by the asteroid, but the next show was about the Earth's magnetic field and the final conclusion was that we are shit out of luck.

But at least not for 1,500 years so we are all good. I digress.


The rotation of the inner liquid core against the semi-liquid mantle is what creates the magnetic field that protects us from the solar winds and radiation that would make us look exactly like Mars.


NASA confirms that Mars does have some sort of magnetic field left, but for whatever reason the field crapped out and the planet did not evolve.

Earth's field vs Mars field

The Aurora Borealis phenomenon is the collision of the suns solar wind leaking into the atmosphere where the field is the weakest. At the poles.

So why does this suck? There is something call South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly.


The polarities seem to be reversed, which is allowing higher amounts of solar radiation into the atmosphere. The Earth apparently tends to reverse it's polarities every once in a while. The last time was 700,000 years ago. We are supposedly over due.

This is what the polarity shift would look like.

The solar wind penetration would be devastating for most species. Animals, such as bats and whales use magnetic North to travel and so all our electronics. We've obviously made it through one before, albeit barely I would imagine, so now that we know I'm sure we'll do better.

Sounds pretty rough though lol, but even at the fastest this is 1,500 years off and this is still hypothesis, but I found the evidence pretty compelling.

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B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
as long as we(CANADA) still have time to win gold in hockey it's all good. downer tho, booo


Damnit gramps, we already got GH gas problems, and now you are pointing out EM shifts.
How will our race ever make it?
Somebody needs to hit the fast forward button to see how it all works out.


not for 1,500 years so we are all good
The chances of the human race lasting another 1,500 years are vanishingly small given our current direction and the overall apathy and entrenched vested interests of those in a position to change things.


Bush Doctor
Everything in the universe is renewal. Even when the Earth is obliterated, every piece of matter will be reused in some other way, such as the building of stars, molecules, etc.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
as long as we(CANADA) still have time to win gold in hockey it's all good. downer tho, booo

You have to beat us (US) on the Feb. 21st. :biglaugh: ;)

Yellowstone could pop too. That would be pretty bad. I can't say that it really bothers me. You are going to go when you are going go.

Live it up. :biggrin:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The chances of the human race lasting another 1,500 years are vanishingly small given our current direction and the overall apathy and entrenched vested interests of those in a position to change things.

Ah, things may be going down the crapper now, but we are a resilient bunch when we need to be IMO. I may be hopelessly optimistic.

Damnit gramps, we already got GH gas problems, and now you are pointing out EM shifts.
How will our race ever make it?
Somebody needs to hit the fast forward button to see how it all works out.

Up creek without a paddle. :biglaugh:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Or maybe you're smoking better stuff than me :)

I'm pretty high right now lol. :biggrin:

I'm not saying that it will be pretty. Nature has shown us that it is anything but pretty, but we are the most adaptable species out there. We often have to be faced with immediate crisis to be forced to act. It's not past us to eat each other in the most extreme survival situations.


A few years ago I saw a thing that said earth was growing/expanding, not just a constantly sized shell.

There are a ton of videos/images that try to explain it all over the web.

Think of all the ancient cities we've found buried underneath modern cities or below fields, how long it took for that much material to build up on top of them - sometimes only a few hundred years for a few dozen feet of sediment - and compare it to the age of the planet - billions of years.

Whether it's particles/junk from space slowly collecting, or some kind of reaction like those snake fireworks which go from tiny little pellets to big amazing snakes. How much does magma expand after becoming lava and then hardening into new land masses?

...It seems totally plausible to say that planets expand, and it doesn't exclude regular plate tectonics theories...
This is where I start getting really into it when I'm stoned...

Let's say the earth IS growing, whether it is from foreign material or from a less dense, more voluminous material "growing" from out of the inside...

If it grew to a certain point, would the magnetic field be strong/far-reaching enough to reach the outer edges? Or would the magnetic field end up like mars' - mostly on it's inside?

Would earth outgrow the atmosphere, or stretch/thin it out until there's nothing left?

I need to smoke a bowl right now...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
You have to beat us (US) on the Feb. 21st. :biglaugh: ;)
. :biggrin:
Ok i c, but it's not you(US) that I am worried about. It's them(Swed) that I am most scared of. C ya in the finals I hope. We(Can) beat them(Swed) in the semi's and you(US) take care of that(Russ) team and it's on.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If it got to a certain point, would the magnetic field be strong/far-reaching enough to reach the outer edges? Or would the magnetic field end up like mars' - mostly on it's inside?

The reason scientist believe Mar's field looks like it does is because the core is solid. The way I understand it is if the rotation inside the core slows to a certain point the field will turn off and you end up like Mars.

I'm not sure about the earth expanding. Volcanic ash and the natural movement of sediment can cause extreme land mass changes. The magnetic field is massive.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Ok i c, but it's not you(US) that I am worried about. It's them(Swed) that I am most scared of. C ya in the finals I hope. We(Can) beat them(Swed) in the semi's and you(US) take care of that(Russ) team and it's on.

I'm rooting for a US Canada final too. My boss is Canadian and we clown each other constantly. That would make for a great work week. :biggrin:


A foot without a sock...
Gramps, you need to take up watching synchronized swimming, while high....:D

Good job on the grow :yes:

Well if the universe is infinite not all the earths will not be destroyed. 700,000 years ago is about the same time as the last ice age so they may be related.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Gramps, you need to take up watching synchronized swimming, while high....:D

Good job on the grow :yes:


:biggrin: Thanks bro! Every time I turn on NatGeo it seems like it's something about the world ending. I can't say that it gets me down because anyone's world can end at anytime.

Stuff like this reminds me of how small I am.

Well if the universe is infinite not all the earths will not be destroyed. 700,000 years ago is about the same time as the last ice age so they may be related.

The earth will still survive after during a reversal. It would just be devastating to a lot of species. If some reason it ever turns off then the party is over. Interesting point about the ice age. :dunno:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The whole world will be experiencing the Aurora Borealis effect. I'd be eating mushrooms like a mofo.


