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This one's for you DHF!



So after different designs over the years it was time to step up my game from prefabbed grow tents to my custom built 5k cube. This is my thank you to you DHF! The room is 8.5x8.5 with 8ft ceilings. The ceiling and one wall are used from existing construction. The frame is stick 2x4 wrapped in black white poly. I then put double sided carpet tape on the poly to attach the refletix to. Worried that would not be enough support I got the brass Manila envelope pushpins to push through the refletix and poly. On the back side you spread the push pins apart and secure with pieces of duct tape to hold into place. Don't worry I'll take some pictures in a few.... Worried about how to access the room with large girls all tied up the three sides with poly open up with tarp zippers on both sides giving me access to work around the room instead of inside it. I took DHF's advice and put chicken wire on the ceiling and thank goodness I did! The solid wall side has an existing 18k btu minispilt for cooling. Everything that I could put refletix on I could including under the chicken wire on the ceiling and even stapled it to the corner 2x4s for maximum lumen use. Temps have been great since firing up in mid October. Plants are in a pattern like this with x's being bulbs and o's being the plants.
Strains are CSG Cheese and Chong and GN Cindy99 seed starts. I have an indica and sativa pheno of Cindy99 and two different phenos of Cheese and Chong. After the firsrt run I am running two Cindy 99 sativa pheno and a Cheese and Chong pheno's I call Cheesy Express and Cheesy Jones. So far my favorites for vigor and tree size plants are the sativa Cindy99 and the cheesy jones.
I am having problems uploading picture but they are soon to come!




Ok sweet got it that's one of the side doors rolled up. Disregard the real garage door haha....


The push pins I use to help secure the refletix.


The minispilt outfitted with refletix


Cheesy Jones with the filter hanging.


Chicken wire for colas!


Sativa Cindy Cola


Sativa Cindy monster


Cheesy Jones Pheno cola


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Feeding regimen is a modified rez/head formula of 6/9 with various supliments. Pots are thirty gallon smart pots. What I do is go from clone---> red cup ----> five gallon smartpots -----> thirty gallon smartpots. The five gallons get vegged in home made water farms till the roots look like a porcupine bursting out of the smart pot. They are then transplanted directly into the thirty gallons for zero shock!
medium is a mix of coco/perlite with pure pure lite bottom inch or so then a mix of coco and perlite 80/20 up to the top of five gallon pot and then top dressed with all coco.
I tried to hit all the basics. Im sure I left a few things out feel free to hit me up with questions. Again many thanks to DHF for all the advice and tips I have read from him over the years. And also a big thanks to the whole ICMAG Community you guys are great!


shoulda done 10 x 10 with 5k

I thought about that but tried to get the most lumens per sq foot I could. Temps are never over 80 and I have a horticontrol 2k flip flop I use during the first two weeks of flower to lower it to 3k with the corners flipping every hour and the center always on till end of stretch. Bulbs are horti reds


Active member
I had to look at that first pic a couple of times - it looked like you had rigged a garage door opener motor to automatically roll up one side of your room!


fucking beautiful bro

nice work

Thankyou GMax I have put quite a bit of thought and work on this! Quite honestly this is my first grow show cause I wanted to wait till my setup was good enough for you folks......


I had to look at that first pic a couple of times - it looked like you had rigged a garage door opener motor to automatically roll up one side of your room!

I know right! That was as close as I could for the garage door to remain funtional. the garage is a 24x 40 that is built into a hillside. Its super insulated and has block walls almost six foot up,When I aquired the property I finished off the garage and built a 6 inch insulated wall in between the double stall and the single. The double stall is the lung room with a hollow stud cavity for fresh air exchange to the gromroom. My work room is 15x24. It holds my veg room, a horizontal 1k flower room for extra heat during lights off and the main flower room.


I know right! That was as close as I could for the garage door to remain funtional. the garage is a 24x 40 that is built into a hillside. Its super insulated and has block walls almost six foot up,When I aquired the property I finished off the garage and built a 6 inch insulated wall in between the double stall and the single. The double stall is the lung room with a hollow stud cavity for fresh air exchange to the gromroom. My work room is 15x24. It holds my veg room, a horizontal 1k flower room for extra heat during lights off and the main flower room.
I like what I see Bro........and ....I take no credit.....I only spew the facts.....some folks get it and yield accordingly........but....

Most folks don`t from pre-conceptions they`ve read and heard over the yrs that influence their decisions to take different paths........regardless.....

Gladta see buncha nuggage and my nick behind the culmination of such events......Respect......and ......keep up the good work my buddy.........

Holler anytime if I can help.......



Thankyou GMax I have put quite a bit of thought and work on this! Quite honestly this is my first grow show cause I wanted to wait till my setup was good enough for you folks......

should have posted sooner..we could have helped you make it better sooner..

i am no expert on the zigzag light pattern grows...but my advice would be to use reflectors on the edge bulbs...i know reflectors in vert, i am crazy...

but there are a few of these types of grows and i really think that can take them to the next level...you can wrap everything up in reflectix, but light bounces around the same way a pool ball goes around a pool table...you shoot it straight at the wall, it will come right back at you...shoot it at an angle and it bounces off at an angle the other way..

something like a sideways batwing is coming to mind... i havent seen any grows like this..but i think it is a great idea..you can have the benefits of horizontal and vertical..the best of both worlds

or maybe even flipflop the pattern and do 5 plants 4 light..that way instead of having one "superbulb" in the middle lighting all 4 plants, you have a "superplant" being lit by 4 different bulbs

just thoughts for the future


i am no expert on the zigzag light pattern grows...but my advice would be to use reflectors on the edge bulbs...i know reflectors in vert, i am crazy...

but there are a few of these types of grows and i really think that can take them to the next level...you can wrap everything up in reflectix, but light bounces around the same way a pool ball goes around a pool table...you shoot it straight at the wall, it will come right back at you...shoot it at an angle and it bounces off at an angle the other

I would not call that crazy GMax I am actually more than open to new ideas. My thoughts were since the reflectors have dimples for light dispersion that the refletix would essentially do the same thing with all the dimples and the refextix actually bends around the corner to kind of mimic a reflector. I'll take a few picutres for reference. Actually the whole room is one big reflector. Going in with lights on is like when Clark grizwold plugged his house on Christmas vacation haha!


I like what I see Bro........and ....I take no credit.....I only spew the facts.....some folks get it and yield accordingly........but....

Most folks don`t from pre-conceptions they`ve read and heard over the yrs that influence their decisions to take different paths........regardless.....

Gladta see buncha nuggage and my nick behind the culmination of such events......Respect......and ......keep up the good work my buddy.........

Holler anytime if I can help.......


Those facts should be written in stone somewhere cause I could knock someone out with the wookie
wompers the plants are putting out! Thanks for the seal of approval bro!


I think I remember one of those rules being to monocrop for maximum dialage... Nice garden. :)

Thank you brother bobblehead. I gifted a buddy of mine some grape skunk/ak cross beans I got of yours off the server. Fantastic smoke! This whole grow was started from seed to get away from the Borg and to finally get into some genetics I have been hoarding for some time. The cindy99 sativa pheno and the Cheese and Chong cheesy jones pheno exhibit similar growth patterns and swelling times I really hope to dial them both into the room. Boy it really would be hard to pick just one they both grow so vigorous and huge. I will be interested to see the next round develope. With proper veg times and instead of topping I pitched the main stem from clone to 4 ft plant. I think I will need the roll up doors to for sure because the monsters blooming I have now were no where the size and health of the next round ready to go in.


Going out to feed the ladies soon. Will get some picutres of the round. Off topic I got a few seed starts green crack s1s, white og v2, and mosca bluemoon. And I dusted my Cindy99 sativa pheno and Cheesey jones with some pollen from a stud that rooted in no medium in a garbage bag of trimming. Strong guy so I put him outside earlier this fall to collect some pollen.