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think I found yummybuds first date story

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donut engineer
anyways. I'm thinking of asking her on saturday if she'd like to come toke with me and get her number.

but I don't know if thats the right thing to do. maybe I should just ask her to hang out but toking would be less awkward I think lol at least for me than asking her to 'hang out" wtf does haning out mean. and i can't ask a 17 year old to a formal 'date" that'd be too awkard.

Remember, getting a number is not the goal. The goal is to form a relationship. I think your plan to ask her to hang out is a good one. Take it half-speed, man; hang out, then more hanging out (and maybe some kissing), then hanging out and boob grabbing, then mouth relief. Get to step one, take it slow, and work on developing the rest as it unfolds.

Younger girls, ime, are easier to read then older girls. Use that to your advantage. By in large, girls like 'the chase'. It's a fine balance of letting them know you care, but not so much that you're their hang-dog.

"The slow blade penetrates the shield." -Gurney Halleck


Active member
well I think she likes me but who the hells knows i'm a retard when it comes to girls.

just the fact that she keeps on smiling at me and tells me to smile when she sees me and talking to me whenever I pass her I think she likes me.

sometimes yeah its easier to tell a girl likes you. this other young girl at my work last year (also around 17) would keep on coming around me and trying to get me to touch her but I felt creepy because she was also around 17.

she would come around me and say OH hey yummy pick me up I can't reach this thing on the shelf, trying to get me to pick her up.


Active member
i'm not even sure if she'd want to hang out with me. its hard to tell if a girl likes you even if she is young unless its obvious or she tells me.

this girl I just see smiling at me when she sees me and talking to me when she goes by me. now I just smile back at her when she smiles and she keeps on bugging me about not smiling. so I think she likses me or I could be wrong and she may just have a personality like that and be friendly.

what I have noticed now is that if a girl touches you in any way probably means they like you.

I had a girl at work that would keep on touching me like poking me in the stomach and grabbing my arm stuff like that.

and this other girl at my work also would always ask me to pick her up so she could reach stuff. I said no though she was liek 16 and back then I was 23 and I felt creepy picking touching a 16 year old. but she obviously liked me.


donut engineer
Well that's good. Just don't over-analyze this like you always do, dude. That's the girl's job. Your job is to be a man. Be the secure, deliberate guy you've always wanted to be.

EDIT: I think there's a business term you could take advantage of called "Always Be Closing" (ABC). The idea here is that you're always 'closing the deal' in some respect.

Wrong - "Uhh, hey, uhh, I was wondering if you maybe, and it's cool if you want to say no, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

Right - "I'm going to chill out on Saturday, maybe even smoke some ganja. I was hoping you'd want to hang out also? You seem cool, maybe you could invite one of your friends."

See that? You might want to ask her and another girl at work at the same time. That way you're removing the creep factor significantly.

Practice makes perfect man. Keep taking risks. All that doubt will eat you up.

good drown

so you are 24 or 25 and she is almost 18? you're fine. start putting in your time now, and hopefully by the time you are ready to have sex, she is 18, or close.
did you grow up with this chic when you were younger? thats the only time i see age differences being weird. imaging changing someones diapers because they were a family friend, and then later on in life having sex with that person is a little odd, but i but some people like that. I am in no way say you are like that.
you should be friends with as many girls as possible. not just work or school friends, those are fine, but hang out after work and school with them. It will help you get a girl. You should really do that. Watch how many girls check you out if you go to the mall with a girl.
good luck-happy holidays


Active member
lol no there is no other girl at work I could ask to also come out.

so if I just ask her to come out alone would that be creepy?

when I ask a girl to hang out I always get nervous even if i'm not nervous around her before when I ask her to hang out or come out it comes out obviously nervous and thats creepy.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yummy what you need to do is get high with a female. THAT is step one. because obviously, this is NOT going to happen sober.



donut engineer
yummy what you need to do is get high with a female. THAT is step one. because obviously, this is NOT going to happen sober.


Yeah that.

And no, I'm sorry, it won't be that creepy if you know her and you guys get along. Sorry for messing you up dude. Just get her high and fool around. I'm going to put my foot in my mouth.

good drown

start getting girls as friends and hang out with them. after a while you wont be so nervous around girls, hopefully.
some girls dont mind a little nervousness at first, some find it cute, but not for long. you gotta be able to talk to them, thats all it takes man. Even if you are very nervous, have like 5-10 topics to talk about. pre think about them so you wont need much thought on your end, just have questions to ask.


Cannabrex Formulator
Yummy is WAY too obsessed with not being "creepy".......

I think someone has some serious self-image issues......IMHO yer the only one worrying about "creepy".....


yummy face it. you arent going to do a damn thing. quit kidding yourself. dollars to donuts you guys. quote me on this.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i feel sort of bad, guys

at first, i wholeheartedly, blindly, believed in Yummy...i wanted nothing more than to see him succeed!
then i started having my doubts and suspicions..and i eventually TURNED on yummy, or the entity portraying yummy! i felt betrayed.
Then, i satirically played along with yummy's delusions. i laughed along. i may even have made a couple of hurtful comments and shoddy photoshops
Now, i believe again, and desperately seek yummy's forgiveness!

this is so much like a religion it's not even funny! i feel like Job from the bible

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