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Things Falling Apart: BAD SIGNS

St. Phatty

Active member
For 5 yrs. a rode public transit 3 hrs. a day back and forth through the world class open air drug markets of the city.

Saw a lot, most of it very sad, learned a lot too.

In fact, I've always lived in or on the edge of Baltimore's ghettos which is why I can talk about it, personal experience/observation is the best teacher.

I even have a scar/stitches on my face to prove it! :tiphat:

only time i got mugged, it was a punch from a tall black kid on Geary in SF.

didn't break anything.

as far as the locusts, i'm always amazed that no animals come to eat them. where are the seagulls & pigeons ?


Active member
Seems to me that you’re right about us not adapting well (or at all) to the COVID situation...but *most* of the “economic relief” has gone to the permanently wealthy and their corporations - and not specifically to any portion of healthcare - or to the public, who - as always - bear the brunt of impact. Given that the GOP wishlist for the ‘next’ assistance bill includes billions for the pentagon and *nothing* for families that are still without paying work and facing foreclosure/eviction - and again virtually nothing to fund the healthcare system, it seems that they want to take yet another “opportunity to enrich themselves, their friends, and the corporations they’re invested in.

It’s not exactly funny that people don’t know exactly what is wrong...but it’s very plain that the rightward march of society has packed the government at every level with ever-more-extreme “conservatives” these last 40 years, and those “conservatives” still rail against the democrats as if they have been in power the whole time...and still are....

It’s pretty plain that “conservatism” has failed the American public at every turn, and intends to carry on with the endeavor, no matter what; yet still we hear the continuing cries that ‘those commie liberals’ are the problem. The *only* problem. A problem that clearly won’t go away even if they exterminate every single non-supremacist in the country.

In all my years of tracking politics in the US, I have never seen such a fundamental break with reality as is apparent in the administration, the courts, law enforcement, state legislatures, economic policies, foreign relations. The “conservative cure” is killing us as a nation and as a people far faster than any physical disease, any foreign enemy, any honest mistakes in governance have ever managed to accomplish...but so many just keep listening to the voices that say ‘we just need more “conservatives” in power - more “conservative” “conservatives” - that’ll fix everything.

At this rate, the 2020 election may be the actual END of the USA as anything resembling a free country if we get yet *another* round of GOP hustlers and kleptocrats in office.

“There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see”.

We must wake up from the insanity or we’re toast.

How free do you think we’ll be with the tyrannical war hawk dems in power? No schools, no leaving the house sans hazmat suit, 50% unemployment, violent crime rampant in the streets
No thx.
I’ll take my chances elsewhere


Well-known member
How free do you think we’ll be with the tyrannical war hawk dems in power? No schools, no leaving the house sans hazmat suit, 50% unemployment, violent crime rampant in the streets
No thx.
I’ll take my chances elsewhere

so, you are leaving if Biden wins? bye...


Well-known member
was really high walking my dog one night recently, along a main bike path/sidewalk that goes by a lot of businesses it wasn't out of the way or in the middle of nowhere by any means, I come up to what looks like someone threw a bag of trash from the highway that spilled out there were some shoes and clothes, I said out loud to myself what the fuck is this shit

my dog starts sniffing around some of the debris, not knowing or being able to see that well in detail what he was sticking his snout into I said a lot more loudly and firmly almost like a drill instructor come on go

as I turn back to face the path straight on and keep walking there is a shirtless guy sleeping right there in the middle of the sidewalk like I almost stepped on him, what I thought was a garbage bag was actually his backpack

my dog doesn't do the best meeting strangers at night, so I hurried past the scene, I crossed the street when the path comes to a traffic light intersection to start heading back but on the other side as not to disturb this guy

well it turns out the guy had gotten up and was following me, I think he thought when I said what the fuck is this shit and come on go that I was talking to him and he was pissed that I didn't stop to see if he needed help, I mean for all I know if I had stopped he may have tried to rob me, he definitely seemed like that sort of character

it was dark and I didn't notice him following me at first, I heard him coughing and then what sounded like him having a conversation with himself but he was actually shouting at me 'you're fucking dead' among other things, being very verbally aggressive and threatening, I realized he was actually following me when my dog turned to look

I just ignored him and kept walking letting him follow me around making noise, when I came up to the next intersection there was a cop driving the direction I was coming from so I figured maybe someone had called about the guy, but it looked like the cop just drove past but maybe they were going to park and walk up on the path to investigate his spot

I crossed the street back to the other side and my dog alerted again, now the guy is cutting across a parking lot towards me exhibiting aggressive body language, I told my dog well he's making a lot of noise let's see if he really wants it, but he never got closer than 20 feet or so

had he gotten in striking distance I more than likely would have just killed him, if he approached exhibiting aggressive body language like he was doing my dog definitely would have made the first move and at that point I would be defending my dog, while he was reacting to my dog launching at him he would not have been able to react to me, I probably would have tried to land a big punch to his carotid artery/side of his neck, once knocked down there were plenty of large 40lb+ landscaping rocks around to turn him into humpty dumpty with

I'm glad it didn't happen but in general I felt pretty neutral about it, like had it happened I don't think it would have bothered me that much
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Active member
How free do you think we’ll be with the tyrannical war hawk dems in power? No schools, no leaving the house sans hazmat suit, 50% unemployment, violent crime rampant in the streets
No thx.
I’ll take my chances elsewhere

That hilarious that you are describing trumps America.
Seems to me somebody said if you want peace prepare for war? Maybe that Reagan guy?
Repubs were all about defense until Putin's puppet came to power.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
was really high walking my dog one night recently, along a main bike path/sidewalk that goes by a lot of businesses it wasn't out of the way or in the middle of nowhere by any means, I come up to what looks like someone threw a bag of trash from the highway that spilled out there were some shoes and clothes, I said out loud to myself what the fuck is this shit

my dog starts sniffing around some of the debris, not knowing or being able to see that well in detail what he was sticking his snout into I said a lot more loudly and firmly almost like a drill instructor come on go

as I turn back to face the path straight on and keep walking there is a shirtless guy sleeping right there in the middle of the sidewalk like I almost stepped on him, what I thought was a garbage bag was actually his backpack

my dog doesn't do the best meeting strangers at night, so I hurried past the scene, I crossed the street when the path comes to a traffic light intersection to start heading back but on the other side as not to disturb this guy

well it turns out the guy had gotten up and was following me, I think he thought when I said what the fuck is this shit and come on go that I was talking to him and he was pissed that I didn't stop to see if he needed help, I mean for all I know if I had stopped he may have tried to rob me, he definitely seemed like that sort of character

it was dark and I didn't notice him following me at first, I heard him coughing and then what sounded like him having a conversation with himself but he was actually shouting at me 'you're fucking dead' among other things, being very verbally aggressive and threatening, I realized he was actually following me when my dog turned to look

I just ignored him and kept walking letting him follow me around making noise, when I came up to the next intersection there was a cop driving the direction I was coming from so I figured maybe someone had called about the guy, but it looked like the cop just drove past but maybe they were going to park and walk up on the path to investigate his spot

I crossed the street back to the other side and my dog alerted again, now the guy is cutting across a parking lot towards me exhibiting aggressive body language, I told my dog well he's making a lot of noise let's see if he really wants it, but he never got closer than 20 feet or so

had he gotten in striking distance I more than likely would have just killed him, if he approached exhibiting aggressive body language like he was doing my dog definitely would have made the first move and at that point I would be defending my dog, while he was reacting to my dog launching at him he would not have been able to react to me, I probably would have tried to land a big punch to his carotid artery/side of his neck, once knocked down there were plenty of large 40lb+ landscaping rocks around to turn him into humpty dumpty with

I'm glad it didn't happen but in general I felt pretty neutral about it, like had it happened I don't think it would have bothered me that much

So incapacitation isn't acceptable?

You must kill?

You are so cool you probably would have gotten a medal.


Well-known member
That hilarious that you are describing trumps America.
Seems to me somebody said if you want peace prepare for war? Maybe that Reagan guy?
Repubs were all about defense until Putin's puppet came to power.
That and shipping our industry to China blessing them with a few generations of the strongest growth on earth while the American public put up with service jobs, and dwindling wages.


Well-known member
So incapacitation isn't acceptable?

ultimately I don't know, it would have depended on what kind of opening there was, if I could have snapped his arm I probably would have just left it at that

the only thing I was carrying was a bag of dog shit, no weapon, no phone to call 911

he verbally threatened my life and then if he followed up with physical action/contact I would have viewed it as a kill or be killed situation

if I knocked him down with a punch he could have started reaching for a weapon, in which case it would have been detrimental for me to hesitate or take too much time to think, I didn't see if he grabbed anything from his backpack before he started following me


Well-known member
That and shipping our industry to China blessing them with a few generations of the strongest growth on earth while the American public put up with service jobs, and dwindling wages.

It's ironic but that poor white ghetto just south of the poor black ghetto that I lived in in Balto. was a perfect illustration of this.

Both 'hoods were littered with old, abandoned factories that at one time had provided jobs for the entire neighborhood.

Meanwhile, 6 blocks south at the harbor/port you could see trains delivering coal to be shipped out and large cargo container ships arriving with goodies made in foreign factories for us to consume, day after day.

Quick history of that 'hood/examples of the U.S. economy's shift away from industrial manufacturing, its failure to compete with global competition, and management's penchant for short-term profits.:

1904 - factories and houses built
1960's - factories closed, Bethlehem Steel starts its decline, auto plant declines, etc.
1970's - 2000 - 2020 hard drugs/drug dealing moves in to keep the economic engine moving. :dance013:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
ultimately I don't know, it would have depended on what kind of opening there was, if I could have snapped his arm I probably would have just left it at that

the only thing I was carrying was a bag of dog shit, no weapon, no phone to call 911

he verbally threatened my life and then if he followed up with physical action/contact I would have viewed it as a kill or be killed situation

if I knocked him down with a punch he could have started reaching for a weapon, in which case it would have been detrimental for me to hesitate or take too much time to think, I didn't see if he grabbed anything from his backpack before he started following me

A bag of dog shit is likely all you would have needed.

I'd like to be able to say "kill whomever you feel you need to, everybody seems to be doing that... you fit right in here... America is great again."

Oh wait, no I don't. I would rather not see people devolve.

Maybe one day you could come to different conclusions, try applying new thought as you think about better methods of dealing with others.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
A bag of dog shit is likely all you would have needed.

I'd like to be able to say "kill whomever you feel you need to, everybody seems to be doing that... you fit right in here... America is great again."

Oh wait, no I don't. I would rather not see people devolve.

Maybe one day you could come to different conclusions, try applying new thought as you think about better methods of dealing with others.

Seriously man?

You weren't there...you didn't see it...
How dare you talk down to this guy, when he was the one whose life was threatened...


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I wasn't there.

I live in a country with people who shoot people.

I think that killing the guy with a rock seemed excessive.

I think everyone that thought it sounded like a great idea should think again.


Comfortably numb!
I wasn't there.

I live in a country with people who shoot people.

I think that killing the guy with a rock seemed excessive.

I think everyone that thought it sounded like a great idea should think again.

ROE = rules of engagement. Escalation of force. Before taking matters in your own hand, know what the law is wrt escalation of force. Don't ever shoot someone fleeing your property, or use lethal force on someone armed only with a knife. Blow him in the knee cap or leg and if you can't do that, sorry you shouldn't own a gun! Too many cowboys out there!


Well-known member
Society falling apart is certainly a bad sign.

...... and the high rate of seriously mentally disturbed peeps left to fend for themselves 'cause some bright, forward thinking psychiatrists in the 80's thought it would be a good idea to close the state mental hospitals and move them in to group homes in 'normal' neighborhoods to help normalize them, at the expense of others.

So many great ideas that turned into not so great reality, looks like we've been following a series of 'Bad Signs' leading us to the chaos we see today, the concept of Civil Liberties taken to extremes. :tiphat:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Another black man murdered today for nothing. White cop grabs him shoots him 6 times, the other 2 times for getting in his car. They could have tazed him, maced him long before he was near his car door .

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Another black man murdered today for nothing. White cop grabs him shoots him 6 times for getting in his car. They could have tazed him, maced him long before he was near his car door .


That was fucked up. What the fuck man. Thats just absurd.