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Thief got mauled by my pitty... but should i end it there lol

Thief got mauled by my pitty... but should i end it there lol

  • Celebrate what happened to the thief, Karmas a bitch

    Votes: 27 81.8%
  • Karmas a bitch but no need to share/celebrate the story

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Apologize for the inconvenience i caused the thief

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor
I would return the keys one way or another.To let him know ,you know his location,but that is just my opinion..


I feel i need to clarify this, when i say kid i mean someone between 18-25.



your joke brings up a valid point, where I am from your dog would be put down and you would have a hell of a lawsuit on your hands!
Redfang I would give you rep if I could , this is the point I was trieng to make also.

Heres my bud Chase.


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and this gets 8 positive feedback points? wtf? I know, stealing is wrong but this was a kid, to think anyone else thinks this is justified let alone celebrating it and gloating that he was bloody is messed up in the head IMO. I find this crazy rabid vigilante attitude quite common these days and it is sickening. Enjoy your blood sport and karma will bite you right back in the ass!

Get the fuck outta here

Whats your better idea? go out and politly ask him to stop stealing my stuff and apologise for the inconvenience i caused him? This aint no blood sport, my pup isnt a trained gaurd dog either, shit happens, and in this instance im quite satisfied with the outcome.

Mabey what happened to this kid will make him think twice before robbing your ass next time!


Professor Organic Psychology
I don't want my dog to bite someone because it could end his life. I am happy when he barks and people just shit themselves


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
and this gets 8 positive feedback points? wtf? I know, stealing is wrong but this was a kid, to think anyone else thinks this is justified let alone celebrating it and gloating that he was bloody is messed up in the head IMO. I find this crazy rabid vigilante attitude quite common these days and it is sickening. Enjoy your blood sport and karma will bite you right back in the ass!

you've gotta be fucking kiddin' right?

for starters the OP calls him a kid I suppose because he was young & dumb, NOTHING establishes the 'kid' to be a juvenile, I'm approaching 60 & anyone under 25 looks like a kid to me.

do you leave your front door unlocked so that some 'kid' doesn't cut himself when he's forced to break a window to gain entry to your house? if not then 'world class hypocrite' comes to mind, you're very liberal minded when protecting thieves rights, a real forward thinker.

Here are my two best guesses.......

1) You are in fact the dirtbag thief.

2) You are a cat owner who has been
burglarized & is envious beyond reason.


el dub

LOL My 70 lb mutt is a master of getting people to shit themselves. She crouches in the back seat of my pick up truck and when anyone in the parking lot gets too close to the front of the truck she bolts into the front seat, all fangs and laid back ears.

I love my mutt. Matter of fact, I gave her a special gift for valentines day. I took her to a busy mall and she stayed in the truck as usual. However, I left the door unlocked, just in case anyone would be stupid enough to try and get in with her there....


Professor Organic Psychology
LOL My 70 lb mutt is a master of getting people to shit themselves. She crouches in the back seat of my pick up truck and when anyone in the parking lot gets too close to the front of the truck she bolts into the front seat, all fangs and laid back ears.

I love my mutt. Matter of fact, I gave her a special gift for valentines day. I took her to a busy mall and she stayed in the truck as usual. However, I left the door unlocked, just in case anyone would be stupid enough to try and get in with her there....

I use to leave my doors unlocked in major cities. I have GPS on the windshield, cameras and laptops in the truck. I figured my dog (Who goes Everywhere with me, and I mean Everywhere) would take care of any intruder.

Well, after some thought I decided to lock the doors. Sometimes he sleeps on the back seat floor and if someone got the door open, startled my dog and he come up barking the thief could run away with the door open. My dog probably wouldn't chase him or hurt anyone that is not trying to get into the truck, but he could decide to go walking around and checking things out.

And for you all judging me for leaving my dog in the car, it is never on extremely hot days, although my dog LOVES extreme heat. He always wants to lay right in front of the fire so close it would make a person sick. And usually I walk the dog where every I can. I leave him in the car when I need to go into a restaurant or something and I always bring him back a treat. He is hooked on human food. He loves cake and ice cream like no dog I have ever seen. And my dog would just die if I didn't take him with me. After 5 years he has always went with. If I left him home he would freak out. He would rather be in the back of the car than left home.


and this gets 8 positive feedback points? wtf? I know, stealing is wrong but this was a kid, to think anyone else thinks this is justified let alone celebrating it and gloating that he was bloody is messed up in the head IMO. I find this crazy rabid vigilante attitude quite common these days and it is sickening. Enjoy your blood sport and karma will bite you right back in the ass!

the kid lived and if he has any kind of brains he will change his ways.
this could be a Hugh wake up call for that thief.
i know you probably think one should turn the other cheek but if he got away with it the next guy might shoot


^^ well to be honest im not 100% he lived, but i am 100% positive he wont be back.

jk of course, the blood on the grass was more from him rolling around, it wasnt puddles or anything.


your joke brings up a valid point, where I am from your dog would be put down and you would have a hell of a lawsuit on your hands!
Funny shit. Ain't nowhere that would happen. Nowhere. And if someone did have the balls to sue me after robbing my residence, and then tried to have dog put down, you'd have bigger problems than a dog bite.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Funny shit. Ain't nowhere that would happen. Nowhere. And if someone did have the balls to sue me after robbing my residence, and then tried to have dog put down, you'd have bigger problems than a dog bite.

Welcome to california - where theifs usually have more rights then homeowners.


ICMag Donor
Good read and some real laughter also, (Red Fang WTF?) Moral of the story seems to be dont trespass on private country property to steal shit! You never know how people will react to that stuff. Stay safe and way to handle yourself...NS


always some bleeding heart loser to stick up for the slime of society

op could have shot him in the back and been within his rights

don't steal.

pretty fucking ironic handle the pussy has too


@schwilly, i could of shot him in the back... but i dug enough holes for my guerilla grow last summer, fuck diigging more hole, or atleast untill spring. I certainly would NOT of been within my rights. Lol i just realized dude user name, ironic indeed haha.

I was able to find this pic from last summer of her, i think it fits this thread perfectly.


I certainly would NOT of been within my rights. Lol i just realized dude user name, ironic indeed haha.

I was able to find this pic from last summer of her, i think it fits this thread perfectly.

yea, the courts might have taken issue with a shot in the back. i was referring to your rights in regards to what is right, knowahmsayin? doing so might have saved another innocent person from dealing with him. who knows, maybe the tweaker gets real desperate and puts a knife in some pregnant woman while stealing a tv. thief is a thief.

great looking dog there. can't wait until i'm more settled somewhere and can properly care for one.

Red Fang

Active member
wtf? are you kidding me? I didn't think this place is so full of bloodthirsty stupid ignorant redmecks, I thought we had more intelligent people here than this lynch-mob mentality, like those guys from South Park "they took our jerbs". You can't engage in intelligent discourse and instead hit below the belt and lash out with unhelpful post points when you receive a challenge to your limited intellect. It is not acceptable to maim anyone under any circumstances except self defense, and this guy was running away and clearly not a threat to anyone at that point. He had a good scare, that is sufficient, we need not cheer his blood and injuries you crazy fucks! And the op wanted to take it further, even though I get the distinct impression that no harm was done and maybe nothing missing. You are all sick, go ahead and be childish and give me a million unhelpful comment points, I don't care I will speak my mind and say when something is wrong, and this is clearly wrong and disturbed in the head. And yes, where I come from you do pay penalties for unecessary violence (not Redneckville). An attempted robbery was not involved but when I was a kid a dog of ours bit someone, and then someone else, and they threatened to sue so we had no choice but to put it down. I was sick with sadness but that was that. I am sorry you cannot open your mind to viewpoints other than your own without resorting to childishness.

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