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Thief got mauled by my pitty... but should i end it there lol

Thief got mauled by my pitty... but should i end it there lol

  • Celebrate what happened to the thief, Karmas a bitch

    Votes: 27 81.8%
  • Karmas a bitch but no need to share/celebrate the story

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Apologize for the inconvenience i caused the thief

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters


guy with no clothes
bitten up with blood loss
no doubt panicking
trying to find his car in the middle of the forest
at night
and then a 5 mile treck to town

op are you sure this guy is alive?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

Are you sure one of your wild shots in the air emptying your clip in the dark did not hit him possibly as he ran in the distance from you? :thinking:

Happens on 4th of July every year, many people die as a result of errant gunfire.

He could have got lost in the woods if it's that type of scenery too, maybe fell down a ravine and bled to death. Could be laying there right now barely holding on to life hoping and praying someone somewhere will come find him and save him all because he was trying to jack someone's shit.

All food for thought, to all would be burglars & robbers it's just a bad idea all around to fuck with people's shit you might get eaten alive by a big pitbull or shot in the back of the head with a .380 in the dark while you flee the scene. You might just see a momentary bright flash and not even know how it all ended.


plain and simple if its not yours dont touch it and stay off private property my two cents not wishing any harm to anyone but he was old enough to know he was stealing


I guess we will have to agree to disagree Soft. No problem. I guess we also live in two different worlds so to speak. Which i guess is understandable. But nope I missed none of that. No chance in hell I'm making friends or going in someones house. That's why I said say what I have to say and leave. Make's no difference if he's 18 or 58. Makes no difference if he's nut's or sane. Lives with parents or friends. By himself or a house full of maniac's. If he's a kid, and to me 18 is a kid, maybe he'll learn something. If not, he'll get the message I feel he needs to get which is not at that house. Maybe in your neck of the woods the warning he got would be sufficient. In mine it's a bright neon sign saying come back and get it right the next time. Shooting in the air has been a sign that the shooter aint a shooter since probably the late 80's ime. No disrespect to the op, ya gotta do what fits your situation. Take a city like detroit for example, get into an argument and bust a few shots in the air and some people will laugh in your face. Like you said not alway's but it has happened. It would damn near be mandatory for me to let dude know he lucked up, and 18 to 80 he won't be as lucky next time. Again I'm speaking from experience. Meaning I've done it on more than one occasion. Hell I've had it done to me on more than one occasion. Got a couple uncles that have been crackheads going on twenty years. A couple of aunts and cousins that are prostitutes and crackheads right now. Had my house shot up cause one of em stole some shit from the neighborhood pharmacist so to speak. And yes he knocked on my door and told me if he didn't get his money shit would be fucked up. A tweaker? A couple thousand bucks worth of goods and all he has to worry about is a dog?!? Not round these parts, you'd be lucky not to get hit again same night. I see from your post we are speaking two different languages so I won't post again in this thread. lol But ego and inexperience is far from the reason I posted. And like I said not tough just life.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Also caught someone breaking in before, "persuaded" him to wait for the po's to get there instead of his other alternative. The po's were the main one's asking me why I didn't "fill his ass up". "He wouldn't have ever made it outta my shit" if I recall correctly. So not everything goes down the way you think it would for everybody Soft. For the record my reply was that I'm not interested in killing anybody, they seemed to get a good chuckle outta that, and said I was wierd. I was only posting as per my experience like everyone else I guess. If that experience doesn't fit with yours and makes me inexperienced, immature, running my mouth, and i think it was feeding my ego then so be it. Problem solved. Tuggo out.

p.s. no disrespect to the D, that bitch is just as beautiful as she is grimy. :wave:


Wait whaaat? Im not about to hide my dog lol, that night she got a fucking 5 star meal and got to sleep in the bed.

Well actually she sleeps in the bed everynight anyway, but on that night she got to sleep under the covers, i made my wife curl up on the floor.
Great Morning story ! :thank you: lol


Oh yeah good on the op, and even better on your dog. With no training either, that shit takes guts. Give her a meaty bone from me bro. Now I'm out.


Hang the keys from dogs collar (trophy) and forget this POS ever dropped by. He's never comin' back. No bullets in his mailbox, no invites to meet. No walking by his house. It's over, he knows, you know it. IF he comes back, pitt gets new chew toy, and burn the body once he's done.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
give him keys back and say i know where you live so you better not come back around my house or next time I wont be firing into the air.


New member
yet another story of mans best friend!!! i own english bull terriers, and let me tell you now. GUYS, IF YOU AINT GOT A DOG, GET ONE!!! they are worth there weight in gold and plus you'll have a best friend for life!! peace.


3rd-Eye Jedi
if your dog bites someone and those are not he direct results you wanted you shoudln't have a dog

as far as telling a grower to leave a calling card ?!? really ?!?

he did nothing illegal (except with the handgun if its not legal to posses) why react illegally potentially getting heat on him

what if the kid is a miner and his parents find out and he tells them another story

could this lead to an unwanted investigation?

not trying to play devils advocate for the their but potential exposure to law enforcement

without knowing the laws in those parts who knows if its a crime you didn't report it?

there are too many "fuzzy" variables

perhaps MAILING his keys with a mailing confirmation with I found these right outside my property and they traced to this address

you have to let him know you know who his is to mitigate retribution (very slight chance imho)

and if you have the capacity to do so, talk to a lawyer about the thief dog bite scenario and ask if you have any potential liability, esp in regards to police investigation

good luck hopefully it puts the word out that your property should be avoided at all costs and this becomes just a memory


yet another story of mans best friend!!! i own english bull terriers, and let me tell you now. GUYS, IF YOU AINT GOT A DOG, GET ONE!!! they are worth there weight in gold and plus you'll have a best friend for life!! peace.

Best dog i ever Had was an english bull terrier.she lived for 14 years..the irish stafford i have now dosent come close to the english bull i had great dog..DanUser:dance013:

el dub

If you live in a state with a law similar to Colorado's "Make MY Day," provision, the kid probably wouldn't even do jail time for shooting you while banging on his parents front door.



Active member
You have his keys, possibly his mom's keys.
So much potential for mischief.

Obviously the smartest thing to do would be to throw the keys in the trash, so that is not what I would do.

You could stake out their house and wait for them to leave in the car. Follow them and the possibilities are endless. Make sure to wear a hat, sunglasses and a fake mustache.

You could do as little as move the car a few spaces away or take it and park it illegally in front of the police station.

You could dress up like him and run over a group of nuns...