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Thief got mauled by my pitty... but should i end it there lol

Thief got mauled by my pitty... but should i end it there lol

  • Celebrate what happened to the thief, Karmas a bitch

    Votes: 27 81.8%
  • Karmas a bitch but no need to share/celebrate the story

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Apologize for the inconvenience i caused the thief

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
This idea scares the hell out of me. My pit the most lovable dog you would ever meet , went at my drunken brother .It almost got real ugly .

My freinds , & family know that if they get bitten , that they are to lie about it.He only attacks when its called for.

If its at all possible move your dog to a freinds.

Actually... your dog is most likely the sanest individual in your house. Were it myself... I'd move the drunken brother and the other 'friends' the dog has a problem with to the curb.

I've NEVER gone wrong by trusting my dogs and their attitude toward people.... people I've misread, but never my animals.

My dog has issues with you... you leave my house, family or not.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The thief may have stolen the vehicle the keys belong to. Since you know the "owners" address, why not see if the thief even lives there before deciding on any action.

How did the thief know to hit your place? Not every outbuilding in the country has $2500 in tools. Not likely someone you know since the dog was not a forseen component. But there may be a possum in the woodpile. Don't discuss this incident with any family or friends.

First......remove your DNA from the keys with bleach.
Second........use latex gloves to rub them in the bloodied grass and hang them on a nail outside to dry.
Third.......Using latex gloves place them in a sterile plastic bag.
Fourth........Use another pair of latex gloves and computer print out a note to county sheriff stating you found the keys in a parking lot and was concerned with all the blood stains. Use latex gloves to place plastic bag containg keys into padded envelope. Tape or glue the note to outside of envelope using those latex gloves.
Lastly......Find a sheriff sub station in your county and using those latex gloves, drop it off at the door.


The sheriff may do what you did and call Sears to get an ID. With the blood and parking lot story, the sheriff may take care of your thief.

Not likely the thief would own up to the attempted robbery even with the injuries. If anyone contacts you regarding this event you will act surprised and fein ignorance.

If it turns out the keys did belong to the thief, you now have his name, address and email. Use every bathroom stall in the county to spread that data around. NOTICE: The person named here is a thief!!
If you want to be nice, mail them to him with a note that says "please don't return to my property have a nice day" and if not, just toss em in the trash.

I need to move out to the country and get me a gun and a pittie.

mad librettist

Active member
well I would be a bit concerned actually, because you had no control over the aggression.

It's actually quite rare to see a human-aggressive pit not trained to be that way (I work professionally with about 50 or so dogs, and the pits are almost always the easiest to approach as a stranger in someone's house with the owners not home). I gather the thief's behavior (acting like prey) is what got him attacked, whereas if he had frozen in place and acted more like a human the dog would have reacted differently (most likely barking/growling just outside his personal space).

If I were you, I would do some quick double checking to make sure he isn't going to react the same way to a kid running in the yard. Then, I would try to get that aggression under control -- as in having a command for it to begin, and one for it to stop.


A thief is a thief, and it wont change, he'll be back, you should find him And get the message thru that he isnt wanted in society and tie his thieving ass up to a tree by a busy area and make sure he is buck naked and write "Im a thief" on his chest with perm marker!!!
AND DONT GET CAUGHT, because here in America a victim taking care of what LEO and our justice system should be doing, will get you many years in prison, fucked but reality!!!


Active member
This is a great thread. I agree with some here...

You should just forget about it. If you are growing, than then this is something you do not want to get deeper in. I mean....he got attacked...lost his keys..and had to walk home 5 miles bloody and battered. Plus, he knows you are armed.

Any rational individual would be terrified of going back over there. I think you are safe...and the thief got his. Done.

No need to start a war..or get revenge. He already got his.
if you are a human that normally does not occupy the space the pitbull does ,tread lightly.That's just having dog sense.He did as he was suppose to.
Stranger Danger
if you go to his house, its trespassing
you could be arrested, or worse, killed

The thief may have stolen the vehicle the keys belong to. Since you know the "owners" address, why not see if the thief even lives there before deciding on any action.

How did the thief know to hit your place? Not every outbuilding in the country has $2500 in tools. Not likely someone you know since the dog was not a forseen component. But there may be a possum in the woodpile. Don't discuss this incident with any family or friends.

First......remove your DNA from the keys with bleach.
Second........use latex gloves to rub them in the bloodied grass and hang them on a nail outside to dry.
Third.......Using latex gloves place them in a sterile plastic bag.
Fourth........Use another pair of latex gloves and computer print out a note to county sheriff stating you found the keys in a parking lot and was concerned with all the blood stains. Use latex gloves to place plastic bag containg keys into padded envelope. Tape or glue the note to outside of envelope using those latex gloves.
Lastly......Find a sheriff sub station in your county and using those latex gloves, drop it off at the door.


The sheriff may do what you did and call Sears to get an ID. With the blood and parking lot story, the sheriff may take care of your thief.

Not likely the thief would own up to the attempted robbery even with the injuries. If anyone contacts you regarding this event you will act surprised and fein ignorance.

If it turns out the keys did belong to the thief, you now have his name, address and email. Use every bathroom stall in the county to spread that data around. NOTICE: The person named here is a thief!!

this is a terrible idea also
put a latex glove on then put your hand in a dust pile
you still see the whole imprint from the fingerprints to the lines in your hand
the glove doesn't do shit

the only way to cover up your prints is to fill them in-
RTV silicone for plumbing or the stuff to seal your fingernails will actually do the job.

a letter in the punk's mailbox would probably be your most effective choice
"i wanted to give your keys back and tell you i know who you are and where you live"
should get the message across pretty well without a threat or menacing.

Max Yields

Active member
This is a great thread. I agree with some here...

You should just forget about it. If you are growing, than then this is something you do not want to get deeper in. I mean....he got attacked...lost his keys..and had to walk home 5 miles bloody and battered. Plus, he knows you are armed.

Any rational individual would be terrified of going back over there. I think you are safe...and the thief got his. Done.

No need to start a war..or get revenge. He already got his.
He can also have someone else deal with the culprit at a better time, although I do agree on laying low if he's waiting on his ladies. Keep his stuff it might come useful. He lost his personal freedom & belongings the second he invaded your privacy like that. Lots of useful posts here in this thread.
Oh & your dog is a good girl she did right, she deserves a treat, although it is always my priority with a dog to work on my owner dog relationship skills so they know to listen if you would have to stop her from attacking (in case of innocent person, family). You are the master, so it never hurts to keep this in practice at all times.

Oh & yes pit bulls are my favorite breed ever for many qualities that have already been mentioned. I love them.

mad librettist

Active member
if you are a human that normally does not occupy the space the pitbull does ,tread lightly.That's just having dog sense.He did as he was suppose to.
Stranger Danger

yeah well, when you get paid not that much and you gotta get in get the dog and get out, you learn a bit about which breeds are "dangerous".

other than having a large head (which means a harder bite) than many breeds, pits have no "guard dogginess" about them. and the most dangerous dog I know is a lab, second place a labradoodle. basically the point is that these breeds don't live up to their branding

compared to shih-tzus, for instance, pitties tend to just be big cuddlebugs that would rather spoon with you than bite, even if you are a stranger on his turf. they do however seem to have a strong prey drive and running away from one is always a bad choice. the shih-tzu will let you get close, take treats, then take a chunk off a finger like it's not a big deal
Should I have added correctly trained pitbull to my post?

They are,by a large margin, best all around dog.Security,family companion,child safe,lifelong friend.Pound for pound,there is no other :ying:


Professor Organic Psychology
Should I have added correctly trained pitbull to my post?

They are,by a large margin, best all around dog.Security,family companion,child safe,lifelong friend.Pound for pound,there is no other :ying:

I have a blue nose and I have never had a more loyal friend in my life. He will lick and follow around a baby, but if some thug tries to get into my truck, hotel, home, tent, camper etc uninvited he will give them a warning growl bark. Most people don't need any more than that, but if he bit someone it would be bad. He chews up old baseball bats like they are candy.


At first i was thinking that beacuse he left his house key along with his car keys i would sneak into his house in the dead of night, and when he awoke in the morning i would be sitting at the kids kitchen table ready for a meaniningful discussion (verbal only i swear lol)

After this thread tho i tend to agree with the general consensus. Im not taking it any further, i took the house key from the key chain and put it on my dogs collar (and it will stay there untill she passes). The rest of the keys i chucked out the window on the way to work.

Karmas a bitch, and i dont want to turn the tide.

Ill let ya guys know what if anything else comes of this. Thanks for all the replys


The thief may have stolen the vehicle the keys belong to. Since you know the "owners" address, why not see if the thief even lives there before deciding on any action.

How did the thief know to hit your place? Not every outbuilding in the country has $2500 in tools. Not likely someone you know since the dog was not a forseen component. But there may be a possum in the woodpile. Don't discuss this incident with any family or friends.

First......remove your DNA from the keys with bleach.
Second........use latex gloves to rub them in the bloodied grass and hang them on a nail outside to dry.
Third.......Using latex gloves place them in a sterile plastic bag.
Fourth........Use another pair of latex gloves and computer print out a note to county sheriff stating you found the keys in a parking lot and was concerned with all the blood stains. Use latex gloves to place plastic bag containg keys into padded envelope. Tape or glue the note to outside of envelope using those latex gloves.
Lastly......Find a sheriff sub station in your county and using those latex gloves, drop it off at the door.


The sheriff may do what you did and call Sears to get an ID. With the blood and parking lot story, the sheriff may take care of your thief.

Not likely the thief would own up to the attempted robbery even with the injuries. If anyone contacts you regarding this event you will act surprised and fein ignorance.

If it turns out the keys did belong to the thief, you now have his name, address and email. Use every bathroom stall in the county to spread that data around. NOTICE: The person named here is a thief!!

Dude you gotta stop smoking sativas... and i gotta stop smoking hash beacuse that sounds like way to much work lol

Red Fang

Active member
I was inside busy at work doing my tax returns. I also own a pitbull, sitting at the kitchen table I heard the dog crying at the door. Not thinking anything of it I opened the door figuring she had to go to the bathroom. The dog bolted out barking like mad running towards the farthest outbuilding.

That’s when the door flew open on the outbuilding and a young kid started sprinting as fast as he could towards the fence line, unfortunately for him he wasn’t fast enough, he stumbled and the dog caught up and took his ass down!

The fucking thief was screaming like a little bitch rolling around on the grass while the dog did work! He was able to regain his footing, now shirtless and pant less and jumped the fence and was gone off into the darkness.

Just for good measure, I grabbed the .380 stepped outside and dumped a clip into the air (I live in the country) then went to investigate, there was blood all over the grass and the kids keychain loaded with keys in the grass next to the blood. I went thru his keys and found a sears reward card…

I politely called sears and informed them I found some keys while walking my dog and would like to return them to the owner… sure enough they gave me his full name, and address lmao. So should I stop by dudes house for another ass whopping, and if so any good ideas lol?

Btw i never thought my dog had that in her. She is great with kids and other dogs, just the sweetest thing. Im still a little shocked, but proud in another way.. geuss her instincts just kicked in.
and this gets 8 positive feedback points? wtf? I know, stealing is wrong but this was a kid, to think anyone else thinks this is justified let alone celebrating it and gloating that he was bloody is messed up in the head IMO. I find this crazy rabid vigilante attitude quite common these days and it is sickening. Enjoy your blood sport and karma will bite you right back in the ass!

Red Fang

Active member
i was just hired by the said defendent.
as his lawyer i must inform you that we will be bringing damages towards you in court.
after your dog bit him, he fell down and now has a huge crack in his ass!
we will see you in civil court
your joke brings up a valid point, where I am from your dog would be put down and you would have a hell of a lawsuit on your hands!


sorry man,, where im from you take your licks (bite) but you learn from it..... be glad it wasn't a 12 GA. PITT BULL !!!

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