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Active member
i just wanted to say thanks Marlo for sharing your work and to let you see how well it is working for me and you can plainly see i've shamelessly adopted your tech right down to the fuzzy pipe-cleaners, lol, ...no light yoyo though as my space is square and all i have is a single 600HPS.

...i'm also running coco-hempy's KISS style so that's different too but it was your Wall of Weed tech that really helped me simplify my op, ...in large part because of you my op is MUCH more productive AND way easier to manage, ...so thanks man.






...thanks again man and if you want me to pull the pics let me know, ...i just thought you might like seeing how your work has spread.

peace, bozo

btw, these pics were taken this am and today is day 37 from the flip and they have been fed nothing but Jack's Pro.


Grinding extra.
Your Sour style is off the wall.
On the wall.
You get it.

Love to see different hustles.
Wall mounted trussels!...

And you know its real when you're emulated.

Good job Marlo!



ICMag Donor
Thanks for the thread, Marlo, I'm impressed.

Wsup bro. Thanks for comin thru!

i just wanted to say thanks Marlo for sharing your work and to let you see how well it is working for me ....

That looks great bozo! I'm glad its working for you bro. Looks like you veg'd em just enuff.
Have you had a harvest like this yet? Or is it your 1st time running the walls? Mono Crop or multi strain?

Your Sour style is off the wall.

:thank you:
talk about being late for class, Marlo much respect man!
I too love the Airpots.
Do you have a bulb name brand that you prefer?


Active member
So this morning I made a big pot of coffee and read this entire thread.... :bow:

SO GOOD. Thank you Marlo! Can't wait to see what else is coming :wave:


ICMag Donor
Been a long time since I updated this grow.

Things are moving along. I think this is about day 28 or so. I have just recently started being aggressive with the trimming. Taking it little by little until about day 40. These are definitely my largest plants to date. I think I'll have a good amount of larf because of this, but I still expect to see a nice amount of bud as well. Lots of sucker branches will be cut in the next 10 days. I need to take clones anyway.....

The left side is showing a bit of claw.....other than that, things are going well. Gnats are flying around...gonna grab some dunks and see if they work.

As expected, things are getting crazy in there. I've been training branches daily....and it's a still zoo in there, lol. These pics actually help me see the empty spaces and let me know where branches can be spread out to.






Over lapping is an issue in the back corners. Harder to get back there regularly. I just spent about 30 mins in there today cleaning things up.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Looks great. For the nats I put no pest strips on the fans with dunks and turn off the exhaust fans for a couple nights. I wouldn't turn the fans off till you get it trimmed a little more though to prevent mold. Little bastards hate seeing them come out in flower.

I am fighting the overlap now and just touched the light trimming. Feel your pain.


Damn gnats. In flower too. Ive used azamax to spray the surface of the medium early in flower, and was able to keep em down to a min. But wanted to try the dunks. You just gonna break em up on top...

How's your success rate cloning the sucker branches in flower? I just cut some clones and waiting on em to root before I flower the moms. If I can be two week down the road, I'm all about it. I'm in no real hurry on the cuts, as they will be new moms after I find the keepers.

Garden looks stellar!
Lots of sucker branches will be cut in the next 10 days. I need to take clones anyway.....

One word... EPIC! this thread is epic and looks to be changing the grow game just one more time. I've seen vertical, so i thought, Now i've seen vertical. Amazing designs and structure dude. any specific reason you are cutting suckers?and this late into flower? I have only been cleaning undergrowth (larf) right at switch. I was told not to cut on the plant ,during flower especially after bud formation. I think i read it in kodiak's thread but cant remember. Was just wondering if I've been doing something wrong by only removing old leaves during flower?
awesome work man, subscribed fo sho'!


you wanna clear out anything that is not substantial anything that is going to choke out any of the larger bud sites. you can do this till way into flower. I do it to see if certain branches will perform and If not they get the snip.

Marlo your W.O.W. is what inspired me to go in the direction that I have a lot of peeps in the vert thread have inspired me but you were the first, and most memorable enough to make me switch from horizontal, and I have never looked back not even for a second.

Thanks bro your grow looks wonderful as usual keep up the great work man.


ICMag Donor
Looks great. For the nats I put no pest strips on the fans with dunks and turn off the exhaust fans for a couple nights. I wouldn't turn the fans off till you get it trimmed a little more though to prevent mold. Little bastards hate seeing them come out in flower.

I am fighting the overlap now and just touched the light trimming. Feel your pain.

Just got me some dunks today. The gnats aren't too bad yet...tryna wipe em out early.
As big as our plants are, there's no 'light trimming', lol. Its alot of trimming! That's why I like to spread it out over a couple weeks too.

Damn gnats. In flower too. Ive used azamax to spray the surface of the medium early in flower, and was able to keep em down to a min. But wanted to try the dunks. You just gonna break em up on top...

How's your success rate cloning the sucker branches in flower? I just cut some clones and waiting on em to root before I flower the moms. If I can be two week down the road, I'm all about it. I'm in no real hurry on the cuts, as they will be new moms after I find the keepers.

Garden looks stellar!

I've seen alot of growers just break em up on top of the soil and have success. I think that's what I'll try 1st.

As far as the cloning goes.... The sucker branches work great. I've had no problems getting them to root. Even well into flower. They take a while to revert back to veg.... but when they do, they explode into lil bushes right from the start.
When the cloner is nice and clean, 90%+ success rate

One word... EPIC! this thread is epic and looks to be changing the grow game just one more time. I've seen vertical, so i thought, Now i've seen vertical. Amazing designs and structure dude. any specific reason you are cutting suckers?and this late into flower? I have only been cleaning undergrowth (larf) right at switch. I was told not to cut on the plant ,during flower especially after bud formation. I think i read it in kodiak's thread but cant remember. Was just wondering if I've been doing something wrong by only removing old leaves during flower?
awesome work man, subscribed fo sho'!

Hey mattkilla420. Thanks for the kind words bro. Vertical is the way to go!
I do quite a bit of cleaning of small branches that won't yield shit before flower. Once flower gets going, I see which branches left will turn into larf. If they cant be trained into a well lit area, they will get the snip. These are usually way on the inside of the plant creating shade for other good budsites.

If you plan on growing plants this big in a space this small, it is absolutely necessary to trim thru flower.

Marlo your W.O.W. is what inspired me to go in the direction that I have a lot of peeps in the vert thread have inspired me but you were the first, and most memorable enough to make me switch from horizontal, and I have never looked back not even for a second.

Thanks bro your grow looks wonderful as usual keep up the great work man.

Thats great hotboxes. I was inspired by a bunch of growers years ago....I'm glad to pass it on bro! The Vert forum has helped alot of us


Active member
Just got me some dunks today. The gnats aren't too bad yet...tryna wipe em out early.
As big as our plants are, there's no 'light trimming', lol. Its alot of trimming! That's why I like to spread it out over a couple weeks too.

I've seen alot of growers just break em up on top of the soil and have success. I think that's what I'll try 1st.

As far as the cloning goes.... The sucker branches work great. I've had no problems getting them to root. Even well into flower. They take a while to revert back to veg.... but when they do, they explode into lil bushes right from the start.
When the cloner is nice and clean, 90%+ success rate

Hey mattkilla420. Thanks for the kind words bro. Vertical is the way to go!
I do quite a bit of cleaning of small branches that won't yield shit before flower. Once flower gets going, I see which branches left will turn into larf. If they cant be trained into a well lit area, they will get the snip. These are usually way on the inside of the plant creating shade for other good budsites.

If you plan on growing plants this big in a space this small, it is absolutely necessary to trim thru flower.

Thats great hotboxes. I was inspired by a bunch of growers years ago....I'm glad to pass it on bro! The Vert forum has helped alot of us

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.......

My last room before the orange netting was done. This system is great for tall plants, narrow spaces, which is exactly what this space was. 9 feet long, only 5 feet wide, 10 foot ceilings. Critical Jack, a tall strain all along the walls and two giant SLH in the center between the vert lights. Super high yield in a relatively small space.
This system is really good for Critical Jack, or other strains that like to grow tall, and not so bushy. Stack the verticals for full coverage of tall plants. Smallest yielding plant: 8 oz. Biggest: 14 oz.
Hempy buckets in coco. :tiphat:
Forgot to add, almost 12 Lbs out of 22 plants, not counting popcorn, which I tossed.
Last edited:


Active member
your light moving idea, is stolen.......

i like to vert grow also and using all of that expensive HPS, not wasting anything...


HO HO!!?!



Ho ho ho!!...

ho ho ho ho... [Echo...]

Is it just me... or is this thread feeling a bit empty? ;o
Comeon Marlo, please give us something to look at!

To get you started; how high is the net on the wall? WOW; (With other words); How high is your canopy?


Active member
Hell yeah,Marlo's back with pics :woohoo:

Looking f'ing beautiful in there Marlo...what strain is that you got goin' on in there?