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Bluetooth x SFV Sour sounds tasty.. Those Bluetooths are lookin' happy as hell!

Look forward to seeing that KKSC x Sweet Tooth, how are your screens filling in with those 600's?


ICMag Donor
Wow, that BlueTooth is looking pretty sexy for sure!

I thought so too :)
Which one looks more Toofy to you Duke?

Looking real nice in here marlo bro :good:


Bluetooth x SFV Sour sounds tasty.. Those Bluetooths are lookin' happy as hell!

Look forward to seeing that KKSC x Sweet Tooth, how are your screens filling in with those 600's?

The walls are looking good, not great. A bit messy and untrimmed. I slacked off on the trimming and I'm paying for it now. I did about 30 mins of work in there a few days ago and came out a sticky mess :) SFV Sour #4 is completely kickin' ass in there and filling in very nicely. The DSD already has branches falling over at day 43. The left side is a floppy mess, lol.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
lookin goood maing,them youngins look happy as can be.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
:smoke out:

Those plants look healthy man seriously good structure going on there! :good:

Looking straight up WoW Marlo :respect:

I'd roll with that #2 lady she looks choice! But seriously they both look good which is no surprise with the quality parents used. :biggrin:

Would love to see that KKSC x SWT #4 also if you have a chance :tiphat:

Mucho frosty citrus paradisi love to you mang! :joint:


Active member
7-10 gallon pots Marlo...I think you'd be okay then. My 3g plants finish around 4ft give or take of course. These are certainly MUCH larger...hehehe. ;)


Definitely gonna upgrade to a larger airpot in the future.

Things are looking great so far Marlo...

I hope you guys don't mind if I chime in on the larger pots, cause I'm going to anyway... lol

How much weight are you trying to pull per a plant? b/c imo, upgrading to the larger air-pots is counter-productive. As you guys know the point behind them is to better aerate the root zone. If you upgrade to a larger pot, then it takes longer for the pot to dry out... which is, I'm assuming, the goal...

Instead of spending your money on bigger pots however... Why not automate your feed?

Larger root zones are harder to balance due to several factors... A smaller root zone is easier to balance, the trick is that you have to keep it fed several times a day. By constantly adding fresh nutrient solution, the plant nutes don't have time to separate before being used.

So, with that... what I practice is to feed my plants at lights on, and every 2hs after that until 2hs before lights off. Each feed lasts 1-2 minutes, depending on what the plant needs. I might have to cut out 1 or 2 feeds the first couple weeks, but you get the picture.

I know a few other growers are following a similar practice, and they're experiencing near "pure hydro" levels of growth. I know you're using dirt in your mix, so maybe watering every 2hs won't work for you Marlo... but I'm sure you can do 2-3x during lights on.

It would also free up your time to go occupy Wall Street or watch Reality TV... lol


How much weight are you trying to pull per a plant? b/c imo, upgrading to the larger air-pots is counter-productive. As you guys know the point behind them is to better aerate the root zone. If you upgrade to a larger pot, then it takes longer for the pot to dry out... which is, I'm assuming, the goal...

Lo BObble! Had to chime in:

Medium & Feed: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=4672446&postcount=21

He runs blumats with plain water. Also i've noticed that when you mix 50/50 you most def need a lot bigger pots compared to straight coco. Also he upgraded from 2x400w to 2x600w so that will add up too.


ICMag Donor
The air pots are not designed to aerate the medium better...they are designed to air prune root tips encouraging growth of more feeder roots as opposed to transport roots. In an organic living soil, I stand by the advice of larger pots...

What Bobble is saying is 100% accurate for his methods of production.



Active member
Lo BObble! Had to chime in:

Medium & Feed: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=4672446&postcount=21

He runs blumats with plain water. Also i've noticed that when you mix 50/50 you most def need a lot bigger pots compared to straight coco. Also he upgraded from 2x400w to 2x600w so that will add up too.

Oh man I missed the blumats... I thought they were still being hand watered. Nm... Sitting back down and shutting up. Lol

Keep killin it Marlo!
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Active member
The air pots are not designed to aerate the medium better...they are designed to air prune root tips encouraging growth of more feeder roots as opposed to transport roots. In an organic living soil, I stand by the advice of larger pots...

What Bobble is saying is 100% accurate for his methods of production.


I wasn't considering the living mix... Good point DF. In the case of a living mix, you would want the bigger pot. I'm not gonna argue the fine points of the fabric pots... Cause we're both right imo. Thanks for the tip. Ya learn something new every day.



ICMag Donor
I think many folks confuse plastic air pots vs. the fabric smart pots...

IME the air pots are far superior... The increase of feeder roots could be responsible for the faster nutrient depletion, in thinking about it.



ICMag Donor
lookin goood maing,them youngins look happy as can be.

Thanks T :wave:

I'd roll with that #2 lady she looks choice! But seriously they both look good which is no surprise with the quality parents used. :biggrin:

Would love to see that KKSC x SWT #4 also if you have a chance

I'm leaning toward #2 also but #1 has some time to win me over :)
I'll try and get a pic of the kksc x swt also. She just showed me her 1st pistil yesterday...so that one more to choose from.

I hope you guys don't mind if I chime in on the larger pots, cause I'm going to anyway... lol

Wssup Bobble! I'm running blumats which is about as automated as they come.....but I think Frank's reference to pot size was because this was originally supposd to be a water only mix too. It was working out great, but the ratio's I went with don't seem to work as well with plants this size.
So I'm currently doing constant water only from the blumats, and I'll soak the pots with a feed once or twice a week. I'm really impressed so far, and will probably stick with it for a few runs. The plants seem to love it


What Bobble is saying is 100% accurate for his methods of production.


IME the air pots are far superior...

Don't get me started on that one! The 1 smartpot i used last run doesn't look like it would last many more grows. Its already coming apart at the seams. No thanks.
I can't wait to see how the roots look after harvest. These big ass trees gotta have some impressive roots....at least I hope so.



ICMag Donor


I've had a rough week in the grow room, and it doesn't look like its gonna get any easier.
I already mentioned a couple times that the odor was considerably increased, and i was gonna need to upgrade my scrubber.... Well, a friend who doesn't smoke came by yesterday and instantly commented on the smell, before she even got to the front door. Good thing she did, because my nose is immune to it now.
Long story short, I got a new scrubber. A PROfilter 75. This bitch is big. HUGE. 3 times the size of the scrubber it is replacing. It reccomends this size for a Vortex 600, which is what I have.

The problem is gonna be getting this big odor eliminating bitch in the room. And judging by how much damage I did in there this morning taking out the old one, I'm positive its not gonna happen with all those plants in there.

Right now it looks like I'm gonna have to remove at least the 3 plants on the right side of the room, if not more to make this happen. I really don't want to. But this smell issue has to be fixed asap.



ICMag Donor
Hahaha! Best update YET! That's when you know it's dank!

I've got a Pro Filter, reversible, 50#'er on a 6" vortex....LOVE IT. Good choice.



ICMag Donor
Here are some pics to try and cheer me up while I figure out how the hell I'm gonna get this done.

SFV SOUR #1 44 days








ICMag Donor
Let's ask this...the end of the serrations of the fan leaves curling...why? Nute is tip, and different. Heat folds a leaf...or rolls it. Watering, is auto prefect, which means not a sign of thirst, my initial thought...

How low is your RH? Below 35% ever? Temps about 81° peak?

I ask because I see that at times and am leaning torwards too low humidity symptom at this point...



ICMag Donor
Let's ask this...the end of the serrations of the fan leaves curling...why? Nute is tip, and different. Heat folds a leaf...or rolls it. Watering, is auto prefect, which means not a sign of thirst, my initial thought...

Good observation my friend.
This is the plant that sits right in front of the door. It is never more than 6" away from a moving 600. The temps in the room are peaking in the mid to hi 80's now, so its a bit less than optimal, but manageable. SFS # 7 displays these same traits alot more than #1.
I'm happy to say my 3 keepers are all doing well in the new conditions and are not displaying any signs of stress. I guess thats why I kept em!



ICMag Donor
That would be my guess. There definitely is a heat issue where this plant sits, and not al the leaves on this pheno are displaying the same signs. The lower fans and fans near the back seem much happier.

I haven't checked rh in a while tho...maybe I should?


ICMag Donor
Okay. I now need a IR temp gun...hmmmm. Thanks!
Was thinking it was a transpiration issue...

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