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Registered Cannabis User
haha endo, if you watch the replay..you'll know how I felt when the pens pwnd the flyers 6 zip. that game sucked for pens fans. my friend actually teared up hahaha


Active member
well i hate to say it but i think well be lucky to even score a goal this series.. detroit is a fuckin machine!! still rootin for my team tho, goo pens!!!


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
man i go away for a few days and look what happens!!!! :badday: well guess what bitches im back in town and pittsburghs coming back! 7 games, most exciting comeback of the decade! :rant: :headbange



Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
if they take one at the igloo ill be worried..but those shut outs are pretty impressive....gotta give it up to detroit..playing seamlessly! well see whats up game three!! osgood is playin incredible!


Active member
yeah their whole team is flawless right now ill hand it to ya.. hopefully the pens will pull something out their sleeve


lol, not unless Detroit totally breaks down.... they've been playing like this all year! they're definitely goin to win 2 out of the next 5....no doubt about it

this is classic WESTERN CONFERENCE hockey, Pittsburgh was all confident and big headed thinkin that they were the shit breezin through the East like that, but they dont even know what hit them! its called the Detroit Red Wings!

and to think that Detroit would totally demoralize them like that!!! its sooo great watching these Pittsburgh assholes getting
when was the last time thats happened!!?! not in a long fucking time im goin to guess, cuz Pittsburgh was too busy playin in the sand with the East to realize what a manly team Detroit is

The best part is watching the press conference after the games,, Michael Terrian looks like hes about to cry!!!! hahahaha, and Sidney Crosby needs to go to Walmart and buy some pampers for the next game cuz hes gonna shit his pants for the third game in a row!!!!

Evgeni Malkins Line = 0 shots on goal in game 2!!!!

you know.... watching the Red Wings kick ass all year, I havent been able to watch really any other games, but i kept hearing how amazing Sidney Crosby was and Malkin Staal Hossa, all them fools, but they SUCK!!!!
Malkin hasnt done one smart thing with the puck and the only thing Crosby does is look like hes about to cry and get frusterated...

ahhhhhhhh,,,, its so nice whooping Pittsburghs sorry ass team so cleanly, i mean...we scored 2 goals last night before they even got 1...repeat 1 shot on goal, we couldnt even do that to Nashville...but sorry ass Pittsburgh is a different story...


~Resident Puck Bunny~
smokedoja said:
but i kept hearing how amazing Sidney Crosby was and Malkin Staal Hossa, all them fools, but they SUCK!!!!

Now, that's false. Right now they aren't doing well, but if you look at their stats, anyone who says any of those players "suck" is just being ignorant. Credit where credit is due. And I don't even like Crosby. The Red Wings are twice Makin and Crosbys age, size and have quadruple the experience. Easy to see why they're winning. It's Pittsburgh's top line first "go around" in the big game but far from Detriots first. Experience over enthusiasm.


gets some
KharmaGirl said:
Now, that's false. Right now they aren't doing well, but if you look at their stats, anyone who says any of those players "suck" is just being ignorant. Credit where credit is due. And I don't even like Crosby. The Red Wings are twice Makin and Crosbys age, size and have quadruple the experience. Easy to see why they're winning. It's Pittsburgh's top line first "go around" in the big game but far from Detriots first. Experience over enthusiasm.

Agreed. *ALL* good, up and coming teams take a really painful loss before crossing the threshold into becoming a Cup winning team. Its a lesson that will be learned from. The Pens haven't lost the series yet (they will though) but watch out next season. They are going to be a tough team to beat and more experienced. I predict a lot of Wings/Pens finals in the next 10 years.


oh i know they dont suck overall, that comment may have sounded ignorant but i really meant they sucked "this series" ....I know they are good...
I just think Sidney Crosby gets way too much media attention

and unless all the players leave Pittsburgh like they left Buffalo, they're due a cup in the next 5 years


ok this is a must win game for Pittsburgh....lets see how Detroit holds up in Mellon Arena....the pens record there is really fucking good, and to tell you the truth... im nervous
Smokedoja you should be nervous....Pens have not lost at the igloo since Feburary
Even though Detroit has been VERY impressive for the series. The fans at the Igloo are goin for another WHITE out...and being back on home ice...hopefully it gives us a little confidence boost.
Malkin has really vanished from the offense.....and for GODS Sake can anyone tell FLUREY to stop trying to puck handle espically in in Detroit where the boards are lively as hell. If he wants to play the puck...make him a forward and take his ass out of goal. His puck fuck ups cost us 2 goals. Yeah I love Flur...but stop trying to play the damn puck bro


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High ALL! Pens rocked tonight boys...! If only they could play every game at home...lol! Might still be a torning point so dont count them out yet!!
Peace all, bugout

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