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The traitor within?

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Active member
I side with the aliens on this one. Humans are entirely to stupid to have anything nuclear. Period. We barely deserve forks.

I would have to disagree with you there. Nuclear is very safe, and provides a massive source of energy. Like with all energy sources their is risk involved, but it's quite manageable.


Well-known member
I would have to disagree with you there. Nuclear is very safe, and provides a massive source of energy. Like with all energy sources their is risk involved, but it's quite manageable.

I totally disagree. Maybe the risk is managable. I guess do it in your yard. If you can 1000% percent gaurantee I can never find one drop of evidence it exists in my yard.

With things like that managable is not good enough. Totally 100% fail safe or nothing.


Active member
Most conversations about Nuclear energy are incomplete if they don't mention Thorium.

Thorium works great for nuclear reactors - and you can't build bombs with it.

Maybe that's why it wasn't used in the US.

What I don't understand is why conversations about keeping nuclear tech away from Iran ... they never talk about Thorium reactors.

If thorium was that amazing everyone would be using it. The big problem with thorium is how corrosive a molten salt reactor is. If you can develop materials that can operate for any serious length of time under such conditions you'll quickly end up the richest man on Earth(unless the oil people have you killed lol)


some years back i read about a huge experimental cooperative program to make a type of nuclear power that uses material that can be recharged somehow, i remember them saying there was something in salt water that is the only resource thats used up and it's was supposedly fully clean with no need for storing tons of waste every year it's used. it was a cooperative experimental program between the US, Russia, Germany and others. anyone know what came of it. they sounded like they were on the brink of success. is that the thorium thing?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I would have to disagree with you there. Nuclear is very safe, and provides a massive source of energy. Like with all energy sources their is risk involved, but it's quite manageable.

Right up until it isn't. The Russians and Americans have poisoned large swathes of their territory, only to be upstaged by the Japanese poisoning the Pacific.

The Germans embraced nuclear power and are slowly making an about face.

Leave the twentieth century in the past where it belongs.


Well-known member
Some days I get the impression half these people have another planet waiting for them after this ones is wrecked. Or maybe the "economy" they love so much will easily wash away the radiation and fix that twitchy eye their grandkid has growing off their 3rd arm.

I have no issue watching anyone not concerned with my home (earth) just up and escorting themselves off of it. Now. As in. Already! Chop chop fuckers we have a utopia to start working on.


Well-known member
We live in society that can't mange coal ash responsibly...

Nuclear is neither clean nor safe.
Superfund sites and the nuclear industry
go hand in hand.


Active member
some years back i read about a huge experimental cooperative program to make a type of nuclear power that uses material that can be recharged somehow, i remember them saying there was something in salt water that is the only resource thats used up and it's was supposedly fully clean with no need for storing tons of waste every year it's used. it was a cooperative experimental program between the US, Russia, Germany and others. anyone know what came of it. they sounded like they were on the brink of success. is that the thorium thing?

There's lots of efforts to turn nuclear wastes into a source of power. Thorium is sort of one of them, but currently there's no clear path to taking fissile material and splitting it enough to make non-radioactive materials. There's a few techniques that involve turning nuclear waste into ceramic compounds to contain their toxicity. Unfortunately these require too much power to be practical.

This is the big reason why fusion is so vital to figure out. Right now fusion processes like the tokamak create a bit of radioactive materials because of neutron bombardment of the chassis. What we really don't know yet is how long those byproducts will stay radioactive. A zero waste process still remains to be discovered...


the most impressive method to create personal power i heard about, seems to be the method that uses a car battery to turn water into hydrogen, as it's needed it gets made and used up in the normal petrol engine, no waste what so ever, just steam comes out the exhaust. no dangerous tank of hydrogen in your car, just a water tank and the electronics needed to extract hydrogen gas from h2o. to be honest it sounds too good to be true, anyone know the chemistry and reality of such claims


Active member
I totally disagree. Maybe the risk is managable. I guess do it in your yard. If you can 1000% percent gaurantee I can never find one drop of evidence it exists in my yard.

With things like that managable is not good enough. Totally 100% fail safe or nothing.

No source of power is 100% safe. The greatest source of power in this universe is the sun. The sun will one day destroy everything in the universe. So solar power is without question the most dangerous power source. As technology advances we will find new solutions, but they will still have risk.


Well-known member
No source of power is 100% safe. The greatest source of power in this universe is the sun. The sun will one day destroy everything in the universe. So solar power is without question the most dangerous power source. As technology advances we will find new solutions, but they will still have risk.

Lol.... Really shined with that one smarty pants


Well-known member
If we can just figure out how to get the other kids to leave him alone,
I'm sure he'll grow up to be a perfectly normal and healthy young corporation one day.
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Well-known member
Yup. I type on phone and fail where fucks given. My point stays the same as does your desire to grasp reality. Little doubt who you voted for.


No source of power is 100% safe. The greatest source of power in this universe is the sun. The sun will one day destroy everything in the universe. So solar power is without question the most dangerous power source. As technology advances we will find new solutions, but they will still have risk.

:biglaugh: :comfort:

Sorry.... this was too much.


Well-known member
nuclear could have been the big salvation, or at least the better versions of it
the water reactors that popped in ukraine and japan, that's version 1 technology
ww2 stuff, but that's the perception in people's minds so no nuclear for you
fusion is nuclear of course, but making it an economical source? long tough road still there
IFR - Integral Fast Reactor was developed back Clinton's time for god sake
no water, tested in complete fail mode, i.e. they ran through a lost control test
didn't even burp

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So our sun is going to destroy our entire universe?

Let's assume you meant solar system.

Hydrogen power is far more favorable than nuclear simply due to pollution.

We have no idea what to do with irradiated waste. It's a big bag of worms that embarrasses our very nature.

We act as soon as we know we can without considering the implications.

Now let's think about clean fuel.

Solar is clean to operate.

Hydrogen is clean to produce and use.

Nuclear power creates horribly toxic permanently fucked up material.

I'm not calling anybody stupid... It's just time for a reality check.


Active member
So our sun is going to destroy our entire universe?

Let's assume you meant solar system.

Hydrogen power is far more favorable than nuclear simply due to pollution.

We have no idea what to do with irradiated waste. It's a big bag of worms that embarrasses our very nature.

We act as soon as we know we can without considering the implications.

Now let's think about clean fuel.

Solar is clean to operate.

Hydrogen is clean to produce and use.

Nuclear power creates horribly toxic permanently fucked up material.

I'm not calling anybody stupid... It's just time for a reality check.

The reality is their are externalities in all forms of energy. Other than nuclear, possibly hydrogen, oil creates the most energy for the price. At least here in the states where the taxes are relatively low.


Well-known member
Price? Lol. Again. Please tell the economy to fuck itself. If you can afford bombs and politicos you can afford to do all the good in the world. Dont pretend to be a fool.
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