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Sorcerer's Apprentice
I think the trick with just about anything, and this includes martial arts, is to get to a point where you have trained yourself to react automatically.

When a musical virtuoso is playing a difficult sounding piece, he is not FIGHTING the instrument. He is relaxing his mind and the music just kinda comes out.

When a skilled fighter is attacked he defends (or counterattacks) effortlessly. The guy who is thinking about moves to use and things to try is almost always the guy who loses.

Learning moves is great for practice and theory. In the fight there is only the moment. And the one who is more in the moment is likely to be the one who wins.


Active member
It is very sloppy looking in person(systema) but the guy I took lessons from could move me around like nothing, and hit me from no where with these weird ass looping strikes.

My MA experience is no where near yours, so I can't really differentiate between good and bad styles like you, I was just pretty impressed with what I saw In the lessons I took.

The guy taught Kali too, I didn't mess with that as much as it just hurt all the time.
We would square off, I'd have my hands up, and the guy would strike me right on my closed fist, I'd pull my hand back and he'd punch me in the arm, I'd move my arm he'd and take another shot somewhere I didn't expect, and this just kept going till I gave up, lol.

kali looks a bit brutal.
my background was in kempo i didnt care for it,then everything else is self tought through texts and reaserch,one thing ive learned is that this isnt a hobby this is life and it takes more than a lifetime to master so you are forever a student.


Active member
I think the trick with just about anything, and this includes martial arts, is to get to a point where you have trained yourself to react automatically.

When a musical virtuoso is playing a difficult sounding piece, he is not FIGHTING the instrument. He is relaxing his mind and the music just kinda comes out.

When a skilled fighter is attacked he defends (or counterattacks) effortlessly. The guy who is thinking about moves to use and things to try is almost always the guy who loses.

Learning moves is great for practice and theory. In the fight there is only the moment. And the one who is more in the moment is likely to be the one who wins.

thats a very daoist viewpoint,your onto somthing but you have only scratched the pitina its a limitless journey of self discovery.


Active member
ok im gonna post some pics,of the warm up routine in the book,now im not gonna get into theroy here,just to keep it simple. i will tell you what to do but if you want the meaning or the reasoning just buy the book it can give you a propper explination.

ok there are 4 parts to qigong 1)warm-ip 2) stretching 3)qigong 4)qigong massage we will be dicussing just number one here

requirments- clothing ; anythingcomfortable loose fitting and preferabley made from natural fibers

space; anywhere free from distraction, you can go to crowded places as your practice develops if you want,and you only need a space thats a little further than you can stretch in each direction,so a little further than arm length is all thats required

time;dosnt matter just make it a routine

secret; dont go around teling everyone you know its tempting but its also a distraction from your practice.

simple; keep attainable goals for yourself and incramentally advance.

now do not push youself to strech to low or bend to much do what you can do over time
it is a gradual proccess and if somthing is hurting your doing it wrong or you are injured(STOP).... so remember baby steps.

breathing; usually when we inhale ,our stomach expandand when we exhale itcontracts but in the breath of qi we do the oppisite.in qigong we use reverse abdominal breathing ,the breath connects the mind and body,this technique is used because its the technique used by babies in the womb,it is important to get this down right so it becomes second nature its only used for qigong not everyday activities.
begin by placing your left hand on your side just below your chest,and your right hand on your abdomin.
inhale ,at this time your diaphram will contract and so will your abdomin ,at the same time your chest is also expanding
exhale , your diaphram and stomach will expand
make sure your shoulders dont rise and fall and that your just not breathing shallowly in your chest


1)back stretch (labei)-open your feet hip width apart-drop your head onto your chest and fold foward vertabrae by vertabrae - stretch down to the middleof your body and place your left hand over your right,very gentley bounce 3 timesin the center to the left and right sides.(make sure the knees are straight and the neck and shoulders dropped and relaxed.your head should be like a rag doll .check forany tension in your jaw ).from this movment go straight into :



2)waist circle (shuan yao)
pics 1-6 ;open your arms and circle from right to left-continue to circle your body up to upper left -the center of the back-the upper right then the lower right.


shoulder stretch (gong bu la jian) - openyour feet slightly wider than your hips and take both arms out to your side .keep your arms straight- turn to the left and bend your left knee slightly keeping your right leg straight-stretch your right arm in front and your left armbehind you .-stretchyour arm foward 4 times then turn to the other side and repeat REPEAT 3X EACH SIDE (feel a stretch in your shoulder and keep your arms as straight as possable).


waist warm-up (qian hou fu yao)- open your feet hip width apart and bring your arms over your head -place your left hand over your right -bend your waist and place hands as far as possiblethrough your legs gentley bounce 3 times -bring your torso upright ,bend your legs slightly and stretch your back until your eyes look at the wall behind you-gently bounce 3 times -bend back down REPEAT 3X


neck circle - close your feet and close your teeth -drop your shoulders andslowly circle your neck to the left -let it follow your natural range of motion -inhaling as you beginmoving from the back to the right.REPEAT 3X (make sure you are only moving your neck for this excersize and not your shoulders or your upper body).


shoulder circle - stand straight- clentch your fist and make a circle with your shoulders in a clockwise direction REPEAT 3X change sides and circle your shoulders in a counterclockwise direction 3X.


elbow circle - clentch your fist bend your elbows and draw your fist into your waist until your elbows cant go back anymore -turn your fist back into your body and stretch your arms behind your back-feel a stretch in your arm - keep your arm straight and circle your arms tothe front of your body your knuckles should be facing inward-turn your fist so your knuckles are facing the ground-bring your fist back to your waist REPEAT 3X


wrist circle -clentch your fist and stretch both arms out in front of you with your elbows pointing outward -bend your fist inward until you feel a stretch in the wrist -take both arm out to the side so your shoulders and arms are in one line and your chest feels expanded- keep moving your arms until they are behind your body ,when they cant go back any more -bring your fist to your chest then pushyour fists straight out in front of you REPEAT 3X


knee circle - bend your knees making sure to keep your back straight .place your hands on your knees and move your knees in a circle from left to right then change direction REPEAT 3X IN EACH DIRECTION


ankle circle -balance on one leg ,circle your left ankle in a clockwise direction 3X then reverse the direction and circle your ankle counter clockwise 3X -bend your foot backwards and stretch your foot 3X -change sides and repeat .


Active member
almost forgot ,while being concious of breathing techniques also grip the floor with your feet and gentley keep your toung pressed against the roof of your mouth just above your front teeth.if your tense it should take from 7-10 minutes to complete, if not less time.


Active member
UP............,for a glorious morning ,lol
have a awsome day people dont forget to practice.

"Train harder ,more qi !!!!" - sifu shi yan ming


Sorcerer's Apprentice
after the recent flurry of discussion in the (now dead) bruce lee vs. martial arts thread I watched a bunch of videos on youtube of wing chun, krav maga, systema and others.

I think like anything, you should pick what is useful to YOU out of any system and learn it well enough to understand the concept behind that technique... and once you understand the technique to feel free to shape it to your own needs.

I remember watching some vids of guys who would meet up in public parks and have unsanctioned, amateur stick-fighting competitions. You'd see a lot of guys with really gorgeous, flowery flippy-twirly ninja-looking patterns with their sticks get laid to waste by a guy who only had one move - straight down from shoulder to elbow across the chest. Bam! Bam! Fight over.

A guy who has a good grasp of one technique (and experience in actual combat with it) will do much better than a guy with tons of katas under his belt.


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if theres anything, anyones intrested in ill do my best to answer if you want to know about a, style ,meditation, theroy,history ect ...just shoot.


Active member
any one wanna learn tai chi or practice allready ? im about in the middle of black belt magazines ultimate tai chi book,.and its decent ,its a culmination of all there best tai chi articles they've publlished in the past.its on the yang style 108 long form but takes other important points, from other styles of tai chi.

its awsome if you want to get a idea where to start off from.very intresting ideas on how tai chi fighting is like dancing,and from that perspective you think of fun and stay loose and limber,that way your ego to be number one or winning like sheen,wont get in your way,and when its time to put practice into function youll have fun toying with your opponent. grab your own books the same or different then compare and disscusss.

another concept/annalogey introduced was about how tai chi's forms take the path of least resistance and the redirection of energey.
they give this annalogy,its like driving to the store,if somone could drive while running along side there care it would be amazing,the timing of the shift,hopping in and out the foot work and co-ordination,would be all quite a sight,but the student driver whoe just getin and goes there is much more efficent.


Well-known member
Qi Gong book

Qi Gong book

Hi Bentom:

So I ordered the book and it left CA warehouse ok. It was supposed to arrive Tuesday but so far hasn't shown up. Oh well no Qi Gong for me. The stuff I found on the internet looks good.


Active member
no tracking number ? if it left from CA it may take awhile. ill PM (left visitor message)you a website wich i order from,they are spot on.
yeah the internet is one resource but there are subtle things your supposed to be aware of when you practice and it may not be mentioned,just a fore warning.


Slightly off-topic - but anyone here a fan / collector of martial arts cinema??

Over the last couple of years I've managed to start up a pretty decent collection of films but there are still way too many more I need to get.


I practise japanese black dragon combat jiu jitsu,and judo too.great fun always have a toke before lol


Active member
i dont collect but ive seen some very cool movies latley

i havnt seen ip man 2 cause it was only released in austrailia ,but lookin forward to it.
hero is good just a bit much with the wire work.
jet li's remake of bruces movie,jing wu men (fist of fury i beleive), wich is a continuation of the story of hou yinjia(fearless) ,and if you would like to know what he practice it was Hou familiy tai chi and mizong quan or (lost trace/track), wich is tough to learn but very awsome.