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Hi ,
I practise Bagua Zhang,Wing chun,tai chi as an autodidact and i interrested by Bokator(khmer martial art),Pençak silat, Da cheng quan and Systema (russian martial arts);
For internal arts the weed is a best instrument for sense energy an for work the Jing!
(sorry for my bad english)


Active member
no problem welcome. i was always intrested in bagua but i havnt gotten around to learning it yet. im just starting learning tai chi,xinyi chuan,and shaolin xinyiba chanwuyi.
for the people bagua zhang is called 8 trighram boxing and is based off of of the 8 symbols of the I-ching or book of changes and originated from wudang mountain.


i dont collect but ive seen some very cool movies latley

i havnt seen ip man 2 cause it was only released in austrailia ,but lookin forward to it.
hero is good just a bit much with the wire work.
jet li's remake of bruces movie,jing wu men (fist of fury i beleive), wich is a continuation of the story of hou yinjia(fearless) ,and if you would like to know what he practice it was Hou familiy tai chi and mizong quan or (lost trace/track), wich is tough to learn but very awsome.

If you ever get a chance you should check out some of the older films. You'd probably like alot of that stuff by the sounds of it. The 36th Chamber of Shaolin is always a good start for anyone. The Shaw Brothers productions in general are usually pretty good.


Well-known member
hey Bentom: The QiGong book just came (5 days late) and I have been reading but haven't had a chance to work out yet. Good stuff so far. I got your PM's but couldn't answer as I don't have enough posts yet since I am a new member. Oh well. Thanks for helping. I tried sending a PM and I have no idea where it went. I will probably get a bad boy message from the administrator.


Active member
ive been practicing for about 4 weeks straight,in fout weeks ive stopped drinking all together, but its tough as hell to be vegitarian
ive limited myself to romainnoodles andchicken and rice soup,potato's, and i think thats it,its starting to suck,but im gonna have to satart getting creative,fast. :ying:
i hope everyone else is healthy and doin good,keep us updated. :good:


Hi ,
My style of Bagua is a Xing yi bagua of the great master Zhang Zhao Dong (1858-1938) ,
There is much more fajing that in the other style of Bagua, the power of the Xing yi with displacements of Bagua ;
The Xing yi is very powerful but it is to base on the straight line, the fact of amalgamating both filled the defects of each art, because the Bagua it missed power;
If you are to interest you should read the book Bagua zhang of Wong tun ken, is a best book of this arts !



Active member
i think i undertand you.
your saying they replaced the patterns of xinyi with the circular movment of bagua ?


Yes , it's righ !
the powerful force from Xing Yi with fast walking and dodgings from Bagua;
In fact especially the explosions of force(fa jing) of the Xin yi were introduced into Bagua.



No Systema players here?

I've been training with Vlad, Konstantin, and Mikiel for 10yrs now
Systema is the root of all the fighting arts
I started training in 1978 with Okinawan Shuri Te Karate
then after receiving my Black Belt in 1986
In 1988 I started studying the Internal Arts
in 1990 I started training/playing in combat Tai Chi/Push Hands with David Block in Tucson AZ
after earning my Gold Eagle status in 1999 from the Yang family I found Systema
Systema is nothing like Tai Chi or any Martial art you'll ever encounter

Systema is the way


No practice systema but i like this arts !
It's a good fusion of the best of the traditional martial arts, and war fight, close combat etc... ...

And the experiment of conditioning and work to base on the search of Pavlof it's never see !!

great links for systema : http://www.systemaryabko.ru/en/

"Systema is the way, the other arts suck"....no man, is one way... all really martial Arts is the way.. not one is the best !

(sorry for my bad english)


Active member
Its a bit tough for me to learn, cause im doing so on my own,without a teacher.im still learning to do (san ti shi ( 3 body posture )and (pi'chuan(tearing/splitting) properley.


Active member
redoubbled my vegitarian efforts,the more i read the more resons i find for doing this,and the chanwuyi diet is even stricter, no onions,chives,mustard,garlic,or spicy foods period.
this will help with unblock stagnant chi and toxins from animal proteins, basicly flush your own internals,then its a whole lot easier to practice wushu.

how is everyone doing with their own practices?


Active member
sorry for lack of updates ive been busy. ive been following the diet with the exception of onions,feels good and i dont really have a sense that i couldnt fill up with vegis,so i dont miss meat at all.

im feeling pretty good so im going XC MTB tommorow for the forst time in at least 6 yrs.


Active member
im gonna get to the local YMCA this week to see if there're tai chi classes.... im keeping my fingers crossed cause the only places around me offer karate and mma classes and yoga.
anything TMA related is at least a 45 minute drive.

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