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The smallest outdoor grow ever....

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
BH, thanks for dropping by with the positive vibes...much appreciated, mon ami. I know I'm blessed just to have these plants at this stage. Growing is truly one of those things in life that make it all worthwhile.

I think I'm just kicking myself for being so impulsive and trying to swing for the fences without doing the proper preparation ahead of time. Lesson learned.

Anyway, here's some more shots of the rest of the garden as it stands.

Love Potion #1 x Nevs Haze...nice shimmer on the leaves that doesn't really come out in the photo. The growth spurt I was hoping for is on it's way if I can keep myself from making this plant worse. Got some of the bottom branches starting to reach out and up...that's a good sign.


Here's some of what I'm seeing on the innards of some of my plants to varying degrees...the wifi and apple pies aren't as affected....the outer foliage in that pic above looks ok, right? Well, if you pull back the curtains, so to speak, you'll see signs of possible overfeeding or some other fuck up by yours truly.


Nev's Haze sisters...not looking so hot. Still, they're gaining height....with the one on the left reaching the top of the fence...which puts her damn near 8' from the base....in late July...Something tells me a small greenhouse/shelter may be in order soon, but I got some time to figure that out.


Here's a closer pic of big sis...I'm thinking I've overfed her and all of the others, so everyone is going on time out! Nothing but straight up water until I get a chance to check my soil ph and profile.


Here's a close up of little sis...she's got some purple veins running through her stems and I'm wondering if it's not some sort of deficiency. This plant will have it's soil tested as well.


Well, that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and any comments/advice are always welcomed.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Here we are ending the first week of August and things are chugging right along. Since the last update, I've been giving them ewc tea with a couple of PPD soil drenches in between. I stopped the foliar feeds and tried to clean up the insides a bit. I'm going to start the foliars again at reduced strength...like way reduced. I'm focusing on the soil and keeping things as simple as possible for the duration.

RM Apple Pie (Acapulco Gold x Highland Nepalese)....not too much change. Both are flowering already, which is surprising since these were from seed. The darker one I've called "Flat Top" because the tops are all....well....flat. Should be an interesting plant once it really starts budding...


My favorite AP starting to gain a bit more color. We need more sun here...the weather lately has been pretty humid with lots of wind most days. The leaves on this one look like circular saw blades. They're also skinnier than the other AP and obviously a lighter green. No matter...I still like the shape, smell and growth on both plants.




Raskal Wifi-Alien...starting to flower a bit and the stretch has started for this one...looking pretty healthy overall. I'm pleased so far and I actually took a clone of it just in case. I had a real nice Wifi-A last year and I didn't clone it...I'm not making the same mistake twice.


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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Here's one of the Nevil's Haze I'm growing from seed. She's thirsty here, but I fed her right before I took the pic. She should perk up later if the sun ever decides to come out.


Here's her sister...looking better than she did a week ago. Leaves are starting to get bigger and she's still stretching. Gonna be a nice plant if I can finish her.


Love Potion x Nev's Haze from clone....not sure what to make of this one. Three leaved plant all over, starting to flower...doesn't look anything like the other clone I gave to a friend to grow. I'll see if I can't get pics up of that one so I can look back and compare the two. Picked a bunch of leaves off of this one and my fingers came away smelling like lemon pledge.



Nev's haze sisters from seed....I'm trying to be delicate with these two and it seems to be paying off. I started them on an Earth Juice diet the other day, so I'm hoping to see some improvement over the next few weeks.


Well, that's it for now. I'll try to throw up an update in the next two weeks or so.

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my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
what latitude are you at?

I'm really wondering if I should go for it and grab a couple packs of apple pie or not.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Thanks for stopping by, infinitesimal. I'm at 37 Lat.

Not sure if you should buy any AP seeds right now. It's not like they're flying off the shelves or anything, lol. I've grown some of Reef's gear in the past, but this is one of those offerings I've never tried before.

I know I've gotten more good plants than bad with Reef's gear in the past, but your mileage may vary.

I will try my best to keep the thread updated so you can follow along....might help you make up your mind, especially if you are able to grow them outside in a better climate than I have. Assuming I get these to finish, I will be posting dried bud pics as well as a smoke report right here in this thread.

Not sure if you plan on running these indoors or out, but one trait that carried through all 4 APs I had...these things like to stretch in early veg...not as bad as the Nev's haze, but I probably could have started them indoors later than I did and still got them outside before they stretched too much.

I wish more people were growing this out so we could stare/compare and share info, but alas...I seem to be one of the very few giving these a go atm.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Time for an update. Not too much going on, plants are bulking up a bit more. Been giving them frequent (but light) feedings and very light foliars every 3-5 days depending on the weather. Gave them all some Regalia mixed in with the soil drench this morning, so we'll see how that stuff works.

Starting off with the Apple Pie...Flat Top is starting to bulk up a bit. Lots of leaf, but the buds are getting very dense. I've cut way back on the N for this one and started in with the bloom formula as of last week.


The other Apple Pie...still light green but healthy and growing. I got these seeds from Reeferman, so I was prepared to get two totally different looking plants and that's what I got in the AP. Oh well. Maybe growing these two different looking APs will give me some idea of what to look for in the future. Pretty sure they'll both be good smokes, but I'm hoping one really stands out over the other.



OG Raskal Wifi Alien looking stellar....one of the smallest plants, but also one of the healthiest atm...I love the wispy hairs of this strain and the frost coverage ain't too shabby for this stage of growth. Still got about another month/month and a half or so before this lady will be ready.



I'll get some shots of the Nev's Haze sisters and the LP#1 x NH plant up here later. Thanks for stopping by!

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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Thanks for stopping by everyone. Things are clicking along here, so let's start with a weather update.

We're at the end of August and the weather has been more humid than normal all summer. I look at my plants daily and I noticed some signs of mites trying to get a foothold on everything but the wifi alien plant. Nothing bad yet, but I'm not ready to take this lying down. I've been spraying with azamax and I'm going for the knockout punch with some Mighty Wash. Gonna hit them in the early early morning tomorrow and see what we got a few days later.

I never ever get mites outdoors or indoors...maybe mold/pm, but never mites. The weather is kinda sucky for me this year, but at least my neighbor isn't chopping down a huge tree and spreading tiny wood chips all over my nugs....man, that sucked....lolz

Anyway...I had to post up a couple shots of the OGR Wifi-Alien...this plant has been bomb proof so far and is only getting better as the weeks go by.



Nevs Haze...just starting to flower.


Another NH, also just starting to flower....


LP#xNH...I pull dead/dying leaves off of this plant regularly and my hand comes away smelling like musky lemon pledge. Flowering started on this one early since she's from clone, so it should finish a little bit later than the Apple Pies, but sooner than the Nev Hazes. I'm hoping for spears of lemony goodness from this one.


More in the next post....


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Another shot of the LPxNH....Hairs are thick on this one. Not sure if it's because it's from clone or what, but it's not reminding me of either plant that the seed came from.


Here's the plant I'm calling 'big sis'....She's at least 10' from the base and about a week behind her sisters in flowering, but the tips are starting to tighten up on her and it looks like she's nearly done stretching....


Well, that's it for now. I'll update again in a couple weeks or so.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Update time. I'm about two weeks out from harvest on some of these. The apple pie plants are going to go first as the denser of the two plants has been getting some fungus pressure recently. Had to cut out some bad bits, but I'm still hoping to harvest a decent amount of personal smoke.

Nev's hazes are in the front with the lp#1 x nh on the right side:


Nev's haze #2:


Nev's haze #3:


Apple Pie, flat top:


The buds are dense and some of the tip tops have undergone fungal attacks, but it's nothing crazy and the cats and mites aren't going to get a foothold before I pull this one. I thought I wiped out all the mites, but they're trying to make a comeback on this one (see that stippling? I do)....I'm cutting the mold out as I see it, but I still think I can let this plant go another couple weeks with some light pest control...early tester nugs are promising....


More pics in the next post....

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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Here's the other AP I grew from the same seed pack as the other AP....I want to pull this one down so bad, but I'm waiting another week or maybe two. I'm getting fruit/sweet smells with this one. This plant went through some mold and mite pressure, but nothing too bad. I'll probably pull this one down right after I pull down the other AP....



OGR White Fire Alien....found and killed a small worm on her tonight, but I don't think they can penetrate the trichomes enough to do much damage. I watch this plant like a hawk and that worm I found today was the only thing I could find....no damage at all, no mold...easily the best plant I'm growing this year. I wish I had 10 of these....



Finally, Big Sis....I figure she'll be done around the end of October or maybe even so far as mid November....assuming the weather holds...


That's all for now. I'll update in a couple more weeks. Thanks for stopping by.



Active member
Looking good over there, not so small of a garden. I thought from the title it was going to be an actual contest for the smallest flowering plant or something along those lines.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Looking good over there, not so small of a garden. I thought from the title it was going to be an actual contest for the smallest flowering plant or something along those lines.

I was really really high when I made up the title and it sounded funny at the time....

I know, I know...don't worry....I won't quit my day job and hit the standup comedy circuit anytime soon...

Mother Nature can be a cruel bitch sometimes and this year is no exception. Humidity here has been crazy high, which is great for the Nev's hazes (at this stage, at least), but I've had to pull my apple pie plants because I was starting to see more mold than I was comfortable with. Sometimes its better to pull a bit early and cut your losses instead of continuously having my yield cut down by mold spreading.

I'm starting to see mold on some of the tops of the White Fire Alien. Weather forecast is sucky again for the week as well...which means I'm probably going to chop that WFA very soon....maybe even today. Sucks, but I'd rather chop it down early than lose more to mold. The tester nugs I pulled off while removing the moldy parts are extremely trich infested. I put some of the bud in a small glass bowl and they're sticking to the bottom of the bowl like they were glued there.

Should be some nice smoke once it dries and cures a bit. I'm glad I took a clone of it.

When I was trimming flat top, I found 3 small brown worms had burrowed their way into some of the colas. They're easy to find...just follow the mold and shit trail they leave. Fuckers.

Anyway...here's some pre harvest pics....

Apple Pie....way done. Pulled off a decent amount and into the drying tent (DR150, in this case) they went. Got a carbon scrubber in there sucking the smelly air out (the whole block smelled like weed while I was trimming, lol). The vacuum effect is keeping the air in there constantly flowing. I also have a dehuey inside the tent set for 60%.

Pics....Apple Pie (Acapulco Gold x Highland Nepalese)



The other AP plant aka "Flat Top"....moths loved this one, which lead to worms, which lead to mold, etc. Kinda sad, but at least I got some of it in and drying....


OGR Wifi-Alien....See that hole in the top cola? That was a mold spot that I cleared out the other day...and when I looked this morning, the mold had started again inside the hole, lol. Amazing that such a healthy plant can succumb so quickly to mold, but that's how it goes. Probably going to pull this one today as I still have room in the drying tent.


Big Sis with a overcast background...showing you guys/gals the weather I've been dealing with here in the mornings and evenings. To their credit, the Nev's Hazes are looking as good as ever. I'm keeping my eye out for mite damage or anything else that could scuttle these plants. So far, so good. This is the tallest plant I've ever grown...she's at least 10' tall if not taller.


Well, that's it for now. I've still got to finish the Nev's plants and the LP#1xNH is still going strong, so I've got at least another month (or two) of updates before this whole thing is wrapped up.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck to all my fellow growers on the rest of the season. Finish line is right up ahead....just gotta stay the course.



Active member
Nice selection of genetics there HB. I got a few of the AG x HN beans (before it got the name Apple Pie) so interested to hear how they smoke. Hope you got the "HF" pheno :D

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
And then there were 5....Another Nevil Haze (aka "lil sis") is hiding in the corner on the right of the pic. Couldn't fit them all in the shot, sorry!


So....Pulled the two Apple Pies and the OGR Wifi Alien a bit ago. I'll get some dried shots up soon. Tried both the light green apple pie and the darker one and the light green is my early favorite. Some of the early wifi buds are very nice as well, but everything needs a proper cure before I can make an honest judgement.

Weather should be ideal for the next week or so. Everyone is getting just water except for Big Sis. I'm going to give her a couple more light feedings before I just give her water. I'm not planning on pulling Big Sis until at least early/mid November, and that's gonna be interesting. I'm really curious to see if the weather holds and allows me to finish her properly or not. Fingers crossed.

So... one of the Nevil's Haze...Her sister next to her looks similar.



LP#1 x Nev Haze needs a couple more weeks or so...This plant got hit with a bit of mold, but it's nothing crazy. The smell is very sharp....like lemon pledge and incense and wood and black pepper....all mixed up together.


Here's Big Sis...forming lots of small buds on her many branches...I love this plant.


I'll get some dried shots up of the stuff I pulled soon.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Nice selection of genetics there HB. I got a few of the AG x HN beans (before it got the name Apple Pie) so interested to hear how they smoke. Hope you got the "HF" pheno :D

Hey neongreen! I got two different phenos of that AP. One is more "spicy" in smell and the other is more on the sweet/mango side. I don't know what the "HF" pheno is, but the light green one is definitely more of a cerebral smoke at this point. It's easy to lose track of time and just sit there talking and/or working on something. It's got equal parts of motivation and introspection without crashing later. Great day time smoke so far.
