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The smallest outdoor grow ever....

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
The title isn't a joke...(ok, it kinda is...or a bad attempt at being witty...anyway...). I see what some of you guys are doing and I'm nowhere near able to do what you do. Much respect to the growers I've seen here on IC mag who do it right year after year. You guys are truly talented.

Anyway, despite the limitations on what I can do, I can't help but try to grow out what I can every year. This year, I have 4 Nevil's Haze from Shanti, 2 Apple Pie from Reeferman, 1 OGR White Fire Alien, and a small clone of some seed I made last year (Love Potion #1 x Nev's Haze). Most of those are in 20 gallon smart pots filled with a mixture of Vermifire and EWC.

I started the above seeds indoors, transplanted then moved them outside around the first week of June. The Apple Pies got beat to shit and sunburned, but more on that later...

I had some Reeferman Cherry Bomb Indica from seed that I bought a while back and decided to toss some just to see what I got. The last time I tried to grow it out, I got some plants that looked totally different from each other....so I didn't know wtf to expect.

It grew short and squat with really long leaf stems...healthy, but kinda weird looking. I was going to try to finish it inside, but I needed the space. Thought about culling it, but figured what the heck, stuck her in a 3 gallon smart pot with straight coco, and put her outside in the sunshine.

Here she is a week or so before going outside....


Here she is about a month later...


Here she is today...




Some leaf tip burn, but not too bad. Trich coverage is so-so, but the buds are very dense with a very pronounced sweet smell. Recently, due to the increased day length, she's been trying to reveg and I wasn't sure how I was going to set up a light dep for one plant. I knew this was going to be an issue, but I figured I'd come up with a solution eventually.

That type of behavior is called Serial Procrastination. Not a good character trait, lol....

Can't put it in the house...stinks too bad. Indoor space is occupied anyway and I'm not going to be moving a plant every day.

I helped my buddy move recently and I remembered he had one of those big ass cardboard wardrobe boxes leftover...which got me to thinking.

I basically light proofed the box and I stick it on top of the plant every day around 4pm. I take it off around 7am the next day. There are some flaps on the box and I put bricks on those to keep them in place if it's windy. Since it's on a flat surface and the plant only gets morning and mid day sun, I think it might just work.

I got more pics and info to share on the other plants I'm growing which I will try to post later today.

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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Time for an update....Plants are all vegging nicely, aside from one nev's haze that has some weird leaf twist. I've been foliar feeding with molasses, liquid fish emulsion, and earth juice catalyst. I got some sea crop on the way (Thanks, BackyardFarmer!!), as well as some other stuff that I can't think of right now which should help with the foliar program. I'm going to go big on foliars this year to see what I get.

The RM apple pies are the two in the back, and there are two nev's hazes in the front. All are in 20 gallon smart pots filled with vermifire and ewc.


The two apple pies got sunburned the worst out of everything, but they're coming back nicely. I had to strip off a lot of the leaves, making a lanky plant look even lankier...also the top on this AP got knocked over by the wind. Now the top has a big knuckle and I managed to turn it around towards the sun so it almost looks like I topped this plant even though I didn't.



This is the other side now. The love potion #1 x nev haze from clone is in the small pot, the OGRaskal Wifi Alien is next to it in a 20 gal smartie, then I have two more Nev's Hazes over on the right. I'm growing 4 Nev's Hazes total.


I have some closeup pics of that nev's haze on the far far right that I'd like some opinions on, but I think I can only post 5 pics per post.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Reeferman cherry bomb comes down this weekend!!

This thing has been stinking up my yard, so I'm more than happy to harvest it...




Apple Pie coming along nicely. The foliar feeding is paying off.


OGRaskal WiFi alien...getting taller...also loving the foliar feeds!


I got more pics of the other plants which I'll try to throw up here later.



Active member
hey i think you can wait another month on the cherry...she is still putting out white hairs and she will double in weight when she swells...i may be wrong but i think its to early...DJ

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Yeah, it might be a bit early, but I've been finding pm on it and I keep having to cut off buds to keep it from spreading.

The sample nugs I tried are good enough...I'm just getting tired of finding mold\pm on it, so I think that's why I want to chop it now before it gets worse.

Meh...maybe I'll give it another week...



Well-known member
Hemphrey Bogart

I love the lineup brother ,they are lookin sweet

IM hopin you find some fire in those Apple pies an im sure there will be some magic in the LP x NH

That CB is sexy ,but if you can stick it out abit longer

Keep us posted on the progress


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Ok, got more shots of the garden...

Here's a group shot of one side...apple pies in the back, LP#1 x Nev's Hze in the left front, Nev's haze from seed on the right. That LP got transplanted last week, so it's still catching up.


My gut says she's gonna have a growth spurt pretty soon here...the dirt is charged and we're just waiting for her to start to feeling her legs....all we need is some real nice weather to coax her out and then it's GO time!


Two Nev's Hz sisters....the one on the left is almost 6' from the base...both are looking nice and healthy right now. Even the lower growth looks nice and green. I may have fucked up and put them too close together, but I plan on starting to train these girls soon anyway. If worse comes to worse, I'll cut the hydrangea way back to make some room.


Another Nev's Hz, transplanted into a 20 gallon pot maybe 3 weeks ago??? Can't remember.


Here's a closer pic of that Nev's Hz from the first photo in this post...a bit bigger than her sister on her left...


Thanks for stopping by, bigH. Who doesn't love sativas, eh? Have you seen those latest photos Bushy put up? Man, my jaw hit the floor when I saw those plants! Just amazing the work that guy does.

I've decided to go with the consensus and try to keep the cherry bomb going for as long as I can. I think I may be able to squeeze some more time out of her, just got to start feeding her a weee bit more for another three weeks or so...I'm cutting it close though...This thing wants to die, lol.

Tomato cages on the nev's plants have been pretty useless...they don't seem to need them even though the winds have been whipping up lately. I may decide to wrap them instead with some of that coated green wire I used to dog proof most of my girls. I'm thinking it might make more sense in the long run.

Thanks for stopping by everyone and I hope all of you have a great season.

I'll try to keep the thread as updated as I can, purely for learning purposes...nothing tells the story like photos.


Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Update time.

To recap quickly....The back plants (my main focus) are all in 20 gallon smart pots...filled with about 2/3 vermifire and 1/3 ewc.

Been feeding them mostly water with alternating pepzyme/sea crop/calcium foliars and soil drenches. I've also been foliar feeding them a bit of liquid fish emulsion along with my weekly azamax foliars. I'm using a few drops per gallon of dr bonner's lavender castile soap for a surfactant in all my foliar sprays and the plants seem fine so far.

About a week ago, I gave the plants a top dress of Down to Earth Bio Live 5-4-2 and a bit of bat guano and I've been giving them only water ever since.

Weather has been humid and cloudy/misty in the morning with warm sun and wind in the afternoon when my plants get the most light. They seem to enjoy the humidity and moisture and it allows me to ease up on the watering.

Still waiting on a growth spurt from this LP#1 x NH...I went and saw a clone from the same mother planted in another garden, and that plant was doing much better than this one. The grower transplanted right away to a huge pot and I waited too long. Her clone looks way better than mine at this point.

Had my chosen clone in a 3 gallon pot for a good while before transplanting to 20 gallons and I think I let her get too rootbound. On the bright side, the color looks better and it's growing faster than before.

This is the only plant from clone I got outside and it's showing flowers already...my friend's cut is vegging with a few pistols here and there, big green leaves, and overall looking like it's going to be a monster...I didn't tell her that, but her clone plant is going to be pretty large if she keeps taking care of it.

I'll try to get some pics up of the other clone for comparison's sake. I still got the mom plant (she's huge) and I'm going to cut a bunch of clones to start indoors very soon.

LP1 x NH:


Reeferman Apple Pies in the back....


I think this Apple Pie is my favorite plant so far....


Raskal Wifi Alien growing nicely. The tomato cage is doing nothing except helping me gauge how fast this one is growing.


Nevil's Haze sisters...from seeds bought in 2009/10, I think? Those fence boards in the back are 6' and the NH on the left is almost at the top of the fence.


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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Here's the other Apple Pie I got going...shit is going to be top heavy, but I got a plan to help keep things more spacious. Definitely a candidate for tying down/pruning back those branches.

It's going to be plant wrastling time soon. My thinking is, the earlier I get started on training this one, the better.


Pruning is going to be a must. I want all the energy going to the tops.


Anyone else thinking about next year? Was going through my collection last night and this is what I'm tentatively going with....




my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
tagging along, I hope you find something neat in those apple pies!

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Thanks for tagging along everyone. I wish I had better pics to share, but things aren't looking so good.

I think I may need to go back to basics here. I'm not liking the looks of some of my plants. The foliars and extras I've been adding are throwing the vibe off in the garden. I just don't like the way my plants are looking atm....

Apple Pies, still going strong. Need to tie down this top heavy one and do some pruning....


My favorite AP...staring to flower already...also needs tying down and pruning. Thankfully, I'm not working this weekend, so I should have to time to sort these out.


Look at that light green foliage...that's not good...


Nev's Hazes in front...looking healthier than the other NHs in buried 20 gallon pots in the back. Nice and green, decent growth...these might save me if all this goes to shit.


Raskal Wifi Alien...hanging in there and starting to stretch like the other plants. I put this plant here just to see if it would try to catch up to the plants next to it, height-wise. So far, so good.


I'm just not happy with the state of the herb garden overall...my fruit trees are loving the foliars and additives...the growth on them has been nice to watch...but the weed plants? Not so much.

Lots of small, tip burnt yellowing leaves on the insides of some of my girls and just overall light green looking foliage for that bushier apple pie and my biggest NH plants.

A simpler plan may be better for my grow situation. Going to hit them with plain water over the next week with very light foliars....I want to see if I can get them back to where I want without anything fancy before they start stacking flowers.

The season ain't over yet. I still got time to fix this mess.

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Well-known member

I Think it all is lookin great ,dont be to hard on yourself an dont over think what your doin or plan to do .

Im of the belief that a great mix is key an the additives are just (extra) that .

IME Nevilles haze is more of a lighter green especially compared to Lumbo . The side by side THH an CG was a big difference in green

From what i can see your ladies look happy . I like the one in the back she seem to be abit more sativa than the one in front . Have fun LSTin , get on it cause everyday makes a difference with these Sativa Doms

Best wishes


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