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The slow death of Head Weed...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Shit, I love sativas, but most of the good ones are a waste of time to grow indoors. Bag appeal is often zero, big fluffy packs of airy weird looking buds. Nobody will buy it, especially considering it should go for a premium given the flowering time.

IMHO Sativas are for outdoor growing and headstash only these days, sad eh?

I agree dude. Kush and Purps in Cali kind of reminds me of Bud Light and Miller Lite. Or at least it sounds that way on here.

Sativas will probably end up being a snob niche market. I don't think this will be settled until we have full legalization/decriminalization, many years of market stabilization, and as a byproduct of that, education on good weed. I'm excited, but have anxiety about it at the same time.


Wine has always been my favorite analogy to Cannabis. Maybe fine Cheese compares as well.

Don't forget beer! It even has hops, cannabis' closest cousin, and i've had a few Double IPAs that smelled like some fresh ground lemon kush or pineapple og. In fact, sometimes early in flower when i am with my ladies i feel like i can smell only hops...And craft brewers and home brewers are a lot like "pro" and "homegrown" weed growers. An artisananal product crafted with love for true connoisseurs or a large scale, industrial schwag/lager operation, it's all there in both, and everything in between. Plus, nothing is better than a beer and a joint!


Sativas will probably end up being a snob niche market.

I think it will be a highly lucrative one at some point. As people become more sophisticated in their usage they will refine what they do and don't like. There will be a strong demand for quality sativa's as people become more sophisticated IMHO.

also, what is a quality sativa that can be grown indoors?


Feeling good is good enough.
While living in the PNW (Oly, WA) I extensively indulged in local Micro Breweries' offerings.

Bitter India Pale, Black Stout, Strong Barley Wine, Sweet Apple Cider, Aromatic Pear Cider... Pilsner anyone?

Loved every fluid oz. that went down hatch!

And yes... Beer is also a darn good one.


Feeling good is good enough.
I think it will be a highly lucrative one at some point. As people become more sophisticated in their usage they will refine what they do and don't like. There will be a strong demand for quality sativa's as people become more sophisticated IMHO.

also, what is a quality sativa that can be grown indoors?

Mango Haze

or can start with C-99


I use weed medically...it's how I get through every day.

I am currently smoking SkunkMix buds...they weren't fully finished or flushed, unfortunately, but I needed 'em NOW, so I'm making do. I have a clone of the SM in 3rd wk of flower now. I have enough buds to last me until this SM is harvested and cured. I have discovered I do not like skunk...just a preference thing...but Indica does help with many of the physical needs I have.

I also have some brain damage from a couple of previous strokes, PTSD and some memory probs...@times I just cannot think straight...

Sativa helps with this tremendously...but I have had less than 4 grams of Sativa in the last 8 years....no one grows it here... :( .

I have a Haze in 3rd week of flower now also...when the SM is harvested she goes into the cabinet.

I am looking forward to the Haze harvest. I like meds th@ help with my pain and muscle spasticity, but I also need to FUNCTION!

I need something th@ will help me think and th@ is Sativa!

I have found, when I can get multiple deals from multiple strains, th@ mixing them together in different proportions can sometimes tweak the dosage to a more suitable inclination {wrong descriptor, I know...but I'm having trouble with things like this of late :( .} so th@ I might function and get done all the things I need to do [shopping, cooking, cleaning, acting as primary caregiver for a schitzophrenic etc...].

So Sativa's are most useful to me...and enjoyable....and I need some joy in my life...if I want to get physically bombed I can drink wild turkey or take some pills...but I don't want, don't need th@!

As I don't sell commercially {1 oz in 1 g deals to a friend as needed} I have no 'customers' to please. So I will grow wh@ I need.

I am going to get a good Indica for my meds...Deep Chunk or Medicine Man or Black Widow....but I am going to get myself some Sat genetics too, 'cause Sativa IS king.

I have some Amnesia beans, so they might be struck next...but I can understand the Indica dominance...if only on the flowering times alone!...

I will not go quietly into th@ dark night!
I will sing loudly, off key, with incorrect lyrics, all the while puffin on a Sativa Stogy!

Long Live Sativa!...pun intended! :)



donut engineer
I think it will be a highly lucrative one at some point. As people become more sophisticated in their usage they will refine what they do and don't like. There will be a strong demand for quality sativa's as people become more sophisticated IMHO.

also, what is a quality sativa that can be grown indoors?

You can get lots of sativa crosses good for indoors. That's kind of the idea behind Jack Herrer. C99 is another notable sativa-dominant cross. Power Plant has african genetics and is also sativa dominant, reportedly with huge yields. MRN SSH is another one - as close as you'll get to Neville's without the wait.

There's lots.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think it will be a highly lucrative one at some point. As people become more sophisticated in their usage they will refine what they do and don't like. There will be a strong demand for quality sativa's as people become more sophisticated IMHO.

also, what is a quality sativa that can be grown indoors?

I agree bro! The "snob" wine market is unheard of amongst most people, but still demands a lucrative market. I believe once the pot market stabilizes, it will be no different.

As do you. We are reading the same book.



Feeling good is good enough.
Go sativas!!! More unique highs, better flavors and more exotic smells.

A lot of these indicas and kushs are so popular and have gained so much hype cuz you can fuck their health up and they still usually put out frosty nugs that look decent in appearance.

Gotta keep that money flowing....or somethin like that.

Hands down sativas are trickier to grow and maximize in indoor setups and when their health isn't spot on they LOOK LIKE SHIT.

I think mr dank put it best...."judging a strain not dialed in is worse than judging a book by its cover".

Jacks Cleaner day 79

Poorly finished sativas look like dry hay and smell accordingly!

Sativas are Divas...

They are picky with fertz, humidity, pot size, temps, lights cycles...

Usually require longer curing to bring up taste and refine/intensify high.

They clearly separate men from boys.

(Blueberry can be a pain too)


Now, Medi-useA brings the case of blending...

I also considered that in the past. Grind 1/4 oz. of several different strains in order to prepare a "blend prescription" that can be rolled or sprinkled over food.

Like those: Cabernet / Shiraz wines.

The point is that most folks will not trust pre-grounded bud unless at a discount.

Like ground beef you know???


Indicas definitely dominate the Socal scene. Kinda pisses me off because I like Sativas way more than Indicas and I can't find any good ones really. I guess it's time to start popping Sativa beans. :joint:


...the case of blending...

I also considered that in the past. Grind 1/4 oz. of several different strains in order to prepare a "blend prescription" that can be rolled or sprinkled over food.

Like those: Cabernet / Shiraz wines.

The point is that most folks will not trust pre-grounded bud unless at a discount.

Like ground beef you know???

Using th@ analogy...they sell BBQ packs and mix packs....what about 4G-4Variety packs?...with a sideline of Herb Grinders?{@reasonable$}



Feeling good is good enough.
While at it I wish to ask all you fine people the following:

Dutch Dragon (Paradise)

Why SO few reports?

SURE reads and looks sweet on the website.


Im not sure ive ever smoked anything really sativa. :(

In the uk, i doubt the average smoker would know what one was, you just dont hear talk of indica or sativa, all you get is 'good' or 'shite' :(


when did you start smoking weed? serious question

Honestly, I hit it at first 16 years ago. I smoked daily for at least 12 of those years, around 3 grams a day if possible. Favorite strains, blueberry, chemdawg D.

Chemd and sourd get my heart going sometimes, but they never, ever have given me muscle cramps or racing thoughts, definitely some of my favorite weed.

A strong blueberry has a muscle relaxant effect imo.

EDIT: some sativas are not racy, yet have a wonderful clear high... all about those! A nice durban I smoked recently seemed like it was not getting me high sometimes. Finally I got some killer hits, I just felt kinda confused, hazy.... beautiful and relaxing, definitely nothing to do with racy.
Last edited:


Feeling good is good enough.
If people had access to FINE sativas...

I assure you that the consumption of Cocaine and Speed would decrease drastically...

The word SOARING comes to mind as to describe the high.

Pristine, clear as a bell... Such organic sweet high!

Coke and Meth turns you into a vampire/reptile being.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Shit, I love sativas, but most of the good ones are a waste of time to grow indoors. Bag appeal is often zero, big fluffy packs of airy weird looking buds. Nobody will buy it, especially considering it should go for a premium given the flowering time.

IMHO Sativas are for outdoor growing and headstash only these days, sad eh?

I disagree completely mate (in the nicest way) and here's why....

Chocolope - 90% chocolate thai (sativa)

Can go 9-10 but is best at 8-8.5 weeks) finished in the same time as a kush - yield up to (and over) 100g per plant indoors... my mate did 600g on 5 of these bad girls with a 4 week veg.

Bag appeal? man it look amazing .. straight 10's

Heres some just dried - and some still growing


Amnesia Haze - SSH (from clone)

Finishing in 8 weeks mershal and 9-10 weeks head stash Yield around 85g per plant indoor with 2 week veg

Only have growing pic, but she's no lightweight - those nugs dry like golfballs and could smash widows :)

Power Plant (ello Indi ;)) - "mostly Sativa" worked African line

Flower time 8-9 weeks, yield up to and over 100g per plant indoors (mine do about 80-90g per) not as ferocious on the senses as the 2 above, but a "nice safe daytime up high"

Here she is growing and finished



Theres the photos, I hope I can convince you of their bag appeal too brother... who knows maybe it just needs for someone to point some of these strains out to some US growers and maybe they'll fall back into favour...

right.. wheres me bubbler :)


The Hopeful Protagonist
It is nice to have a choice. It would nice to have a big spice rack on the wall with sativas and indicas so you can smoke what you feel like. I prefer good sativas, but the indicas they are producing now days are potent stuff.

I'm all about that option RD :joint:

Personally, I tend to lean Indy for the body effect/pain relief....

I wouldn't turn down a nice, cured Sat EVER tho :D


Feeling good is good enough.
Honestly, I hit it at first 16 years ago. I smoked daily for at least 12 of those years, around 3 grams a day if possible. Favorite strains, blueberry, chemdawg D.

Chemd and sourd get my heart going sometimes, but they never, ever have given me muscle cramps or racing thoughts, definitely some of my favorite weed.

A strong blueberry has a muscle relaxant effect imo.

EDIT: some sativas are not racy, yet have a wonderful clear high... all about those! A nice durban I smoked recently seemed like it was not getting me high sometimes. Finally I got some killer hits, I just felt kinda confused, hazy.... beautiful and relaxing, definitely nothing to do with racy.

Hello Movado!

Blueberry is such a classy and fine gal! I've found that when crossed with NL#5 results are outstanding.

As a matter of fact I have two moms of a sweet pheno obtained from PeakSeeds.

Dark wide leaf and purple stems. She sends waves of pleasure through my body (literally). Closes thing to Opiates in my garden.

For IBS, Anxiety, PSTD and Chronic pain... I am happy... She is my Scheherazade... telling me stories at night until I fall sleep.


And about cramps... Some colombian sativas send me to the bathroom right away... LOL... like good yeyo from the past.

So I feel ya!