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Active member
The things that breaks down most conspiracy theories to nonsense are humans and politics . While many domestic and foreign groups have the motives an intreste to do so , I dont buy the inside job theory . I figured the towers would fall from the heat of jet fuel burning and the weakening the structure . 2 planes being diverted to military instulations ? I would at least like to hear from someone on one of the diverted planes . bombs being loaded in the early hours of the morning for a number of days while power was conveinetly out ? You cant scratch your ass 10 times without it being caught on camera 5 of the 10 times . People hearing and feeling blast on lower levels but not seeing any ? Black airplanes ? Not sure about that but i will watch video again . If firefighters thought this was and inside job im sure ther would be more uprise thats where it gets political . No one gets catered to more then Cops , Teachers and Firefighters . And thers no way u could keep firefighters silent after loosing so many . Were the people planting bombs in cordination with the people on the planes ? These videos only make u ask more questions not prove or disprove anything . Have to step back and take a broader objective look .

Negative ghost rider.

Watch Zeitgeist, keep an open mind, some of the info is incorrect for sure, but nothing an intellect cant sort through.. His perspective in the movie is worth a look, basically all the anecdotal evidence one would need to support this conspiracy..

Then I want you to research the resounding lack of "physical" proof and then make an educated decision for yourself before you spout rhetoric..

The kid on facebook recently picked up by the feds for saying that the US was behind 9/11 brings to light whats really going on.. The government doesnt want this info to get out, it could destroy our country, and still may.

Problem with your theory is not enough people in the right places have access to media, controlled by corporations to get their message out, and in an organized way so as to create a coalition.


Active member
Rhetoric ? closed mind ? Please point out either ? Didnt i say video doesnt disprove anything and i would take another look at the video ? Since when was asking questions considered closed minded ? I started the paragraph of my first response with LOL . But erased it cause i didnt wanna seem closed minded or provocative ........ LOL , LOL .


Active member
The kid on facebook recently picked up by the feds for saying that the US was behind 9/11 brings to light whats really going on.. The government doesnt want this info to get out, it could destroy our country, and still may.

Problem with your theory is not enough people in the right places have access to media, controlled by corporations to get their message out, and in an organized way so as to create a coalition.

Are you talking about the marine ?

Or is this someone else ? Any links ? Or his name, so I can look it up.


Active member
Are you talking about the marine ?

Or is this someone else ? Any links ? Or his name, so I can look it up.

Oh you are int for a treat.

Youtube Brandon Raub. Apparently calling out the US for 9/11 will get the feds coming to take your freedom of speech away.

Dont worry, Fox news wont cover that story, its more proof they are backing the wrong end of the government..


Active member
Rhetoric ? closed mind ? Please point out either ? Didnt i say video doesnt disprove anything and i would take another look at the video ? Since when was asking questions considered closed minded ? I started the paragraph of my first response with LOL . But erased it cause i didnt wanna seem closed minded or provocative ........ LOL , LOL .

Ok. I will.

The things that breaks down most conspiracy theories to nonsense are humans and politics.-Rhetoric While many domestic and foreign groups have the motives an intreste to do so , I dont buy the inside job theory . I figured the towers would fall from the heat of jet fuel burning and the weakening the structure.-Close Minded 2 planes being diverted to military instulations ? I would at least like to hear from someone on one of the diverted planes . bombs being loaded in the early hours of the morning for a number of days while power was conveinetly out ? You cant scratch your ass 10 times without it being caught on camera 5 of the 10 times . People hearing and feeling blast on lower levels but not seeing any ? Black airplanes ? Not sure about that but i will watch video again . If firefighters thought this was and inside job im sure ther would be more uprise thats where it gets political . No one gets catered to more then Cops , Teachers and Firefighters . And thers no way u could keep firefighters silent after loosing so many . Were the people planting bombs in cordination with the people on the planes ? These videos only make u ask more questions not prove or disprove anything . Have to step back and take a broader objective look. I implore you to take your own advice,


just don't molest my colas..
Anyone else believe the directed tesla energy weapon theory Jesse Ventura put out on conspiracy theory last week? Seems logical to me, paint the stairwells with nano-thermite, hit it with the death ray so it crumbles down and in, top 70 floors turn to dust.


Active member
So me sitting there . Smoking some bomb Kush watching the towers burn brainstorming telling myself , Damn ! They burn long enough there going to fall then expressing my opinion is Rhetoric ? Me compelling You to be more open minded...Rhetoric ? No need in beating a dead horse man . Sitting here watching crooked ass politicians try and defend crook ass Jessie jackson ! Peace .


Active member
So me sitting there . Smoking some bomb Kush watching the towers burn brainstorming telling myself , Damn ! They burn long enough there going to fall then expressing my opinion is Rhetoric ? Me compelling You to be more open minded...Rhetoric ? No need in beating a dead horse man . Sitting here watching crooked ass politicians try and defend crook ass Jessie jackson ! Peace .

I think I pointed out the rhetoric. That was an anecdotal remark, subjective if you can get someone to back you and objective if we all agree. I dont agree.

I thought the same thing when I was watching them burn, will the heat bring these puppies down? But then there are the engineers, and not just one or two, most of them saying this is not possible, so I am being open minded by entertaining logic..

If I just listen to the "man" he would say, they fell because of heat from the fire, which weakened the structure.. Ok, once, maybe, but 3 buildings? And one fell in perfect sync with every known demolition?

As for thinking outside the box and having an open mind, that is a very "average" remark made by those that admit there is a box, Im a thinker on a level Im doubting you can comprehend, there is no box in my world, so your open mind business means nothing to a guy like me..


Active member
LOL ..Your a joke man . Your one of those thinkers with to much time on your hands , Thinking instead of acting . Worried about how much control government has over you . I care to be aware of some of any and everything myself . And government has no control over me , I do as i will . i agree %100 about those who speak about the box remark you live in . As you will find none of that in my post only yours . But thats the difference between me and you JB . LOL ............... A guy like you ! You crack me up man im done .


Active member
LOL ..Your a joke man . Your one of those thinkers with to much time on your hands , Thinking instead of acting . Worried about how much control government has over you . I care to be aware of some of any and everything myself . And government has no control over me , I do as i will . i agree %100 about those who speak about the box remark you live in . As you will find none of that in my post only yours . But thats the difference between me and you JB . LOL ............... A guy like you ! You crack me up man im done .

I see you too bro.. had ya pegged on your first post..

Tho I will admit, you are correct, Ive far too much time on my hands.. Thinking instead of acting is called procrastination, of which I am extremely proficient at..

"open mind" is synonymous with "think outside the box"

I can pluck at you piece by piece.. Youve already caught feelings by resorting to name calling... Feelers arent my style homie.. Im a thinker.. open up to me..


Active member
I call it as i see it JB , Im sure you have been called worse . Now ima fall back im shiting on your thread man fucking up the flow of info with this cock fight . Peace


Active member
I call it as i see it JB , Im sure you have been called worse . Now ima fall back im shiting on your thread man fucking up the flow of info with this cock fight . Peace

I concede would have sufficed.

I can argue any side of a discussion, Ive no true bias, show me logic.


Active member
O its not your thread . Sorry trichrider for jamming things up it was not my intent to doubt the info here . I for one would love to catch the governments hand in the cookie jar .


Kiss My Ring
O its not your thread . Sorry trichrider for jamming things up it was not my intent to doubt the info here . I for one would love to catch the governments hand in the cookie jar .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RXPJmqkxmI :tiphat:

keep in mind this is a propaganda film...but has some revealing information.
the military-industrial complex owns govermnent...corporate control. money talks.

whoever gots the gold...and it's no longer the us of a.


Kiss My Ring
seems to be working...

seems to be working...


9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out (2012)

yep, that was convincing. good one.

Hey trichrider...great post!!!

Here is something that will blow your mind. it is eye opening to say the least.

Strategic Relocation: Where To Go When It Hits the Fan (Full Movie)

thanks Grasslands! for the post and the stroke...enjoyed them both.

So me sitting there . Smoking some bomb Kush watching the towers burn brainstorming telling myself , Damn ! They burn long enough there going to fall then expressing my opinion is Rhetoric ? Me compelling You to be more open minded...Rhetoric ? No need in beating a dead horse man . Sitting here watching crooked ass politicians try and defend crook ass Jessie jackson ! Peace .

man...that's exactly what i thought when i watched the network account. then i was bored and was surfing utube and discovered the truth. please don't go, there is something here for all of us, and you are one of us...

O its not your thread . Sorry trichrider for jamming things up it was not my intent to doubt the info here . I for one would love to catch the governments hand in the cookie jar .

i know, no worries...

Ahhh yes, much of world gold sits in central bank vaults.

Possession is 9/10ths of the law or sum thin right?

...and that begs the question...where did all the gold go that was in the wtc???
why were the remains of building 7 immediately hauled off and scrapped? wouldn't you think the cia, fbi, nsa, etc at least would want to dig through there and make sure nothing important was lost?

or maybe that was the point?


Active member
why were the remains of building 7 immediately hauled off and scrapped? wouldn't you think the cia, fbi, nsa, etc at least would want to dig through there and make sure nothing important was lost?

or maybe that was the point?

scraping forensic evidence to china is a criminal act. over 3000 people were murdered that day (by terrorists or whomever), and N.Y.C. sold the crime scene in less than two weeks! all the metal from ground zero was on a boat to china within two weeks. it is against the law to tamper with evidence. they just don't do that when a building collapses... other than a controlled demolition.


Active member
I will present a little logic.. Tho its open to interpretation..

If a man cheats on his wife, it takes one pissed off woman, and the entire fucking town knows..

Something as big as 9/11, if it were an inside job, would require a nearly impossible amount of discretion, which ok, thats possible.. But we are talking about hundreds of people that would have to have been briefed on this, if not one of those people have squeaked, then the human race has evolved before my eyes, would someone have come forward?