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The CBD Crew?


ICMag Donor
actualy,,,Hemp`s botanical name is Cannabis Sativa,,,all the hybris we smoke allso come under the headding Cannabis sativa,,,we are litraly smoking an improved hemp plant,,,

or am i wrong?:)


a few breeders collabrated on a project known as the CBD crew...they have a strain coming out soon in both regular and feminized version in which Cannatonic is crossed with AfxSk...now I know that the AfxSk male comes from Shantibaba so he is involved in the project, also whoever developed Cannatonic would be involved...suppose to be a strain that is high in both THC and CBD at around equal levels (tho i'm sure it varies a bit) so a plant may now be possible to be grown from seed and result in a 1:1 ratio...i've heard maybe 2 months and information will be released


actualy,,,Hemp`s botanical name is Cannabis Sativa,,,all the hybris we smoke allso come under the headding Cannabis sativa,,,we are litraly smoking an improved hemp plant,,,

or am i wrong?:)

You're speculating.

No-one can say with any certainty whether drug cannabis was developed from hemp or not. The Chinese mummy discovered with a stash of drug cannabis recently shows that people possessed potent ganja long before recorded history as we know it begins.

Maybe high THC drug cannabis was bred by humans from wild hemp, taking advantage of a mutation in the same way Maize was bred from wild Teosinte grass, maybe not. We'll never know because both drug cannabis and hemp have been around so long they predate human civilisation and the hunter gatherer societies that existed at the time didn't have any form of writing and archaeological evidence is thin on the ground.


ICMag Donor
what are you trying to say funky,,,that Hemp populations donot contain the building blocks for drug-types like the ones people smoke,,?

its impossible to avoid the family connections,,


headband 707

Plant whisperer
There are supposed to be three catagories Indica.Sativa, and Ruderalis the last is hemp and has no THC whatsoever lol peace out Headband707


Well-known member
you can find thc in hemp grown for fiber, not likely in western cultivars but chinese fiber hemp has some thc individuals I am sure


ICMag Donor
a guy i saw on the here [icmag] once grew a load of hempseeds from his local fishingshop in the uk,,, some of the seeds grew looked like drug plants,,,we all agreed they must be from china,,very interesting stuff
I thought it was found to be the other way around from genetic analysis that hemp was actually a non psychoactive version of what we would call indicas.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
a guy i saw on the here [icmag] once grew a load of hempseeds from his local fishingshop in the uk,,, some of the seeds grew looked like drug plants,,,we all agreed they must be from china,,very interesting stuff

Hemp does look exactly like cannabis.. Cannabis farmers are pissed when the pollen from hemp fields contaminate their crops degrading it peace out Headband707:dance013:


Active member
Have tried the Cannatonic(MK-Ultra x G13/Haze), and its the real deal. looks,tastes and smells amazing and the even THC/CBD high is as strong as it is unique. A must have,imo...


There are supposed to be three catagories Indica.Sativa, and Ruderalis the last is hemp and has no THC whatsoever lol peace out Headband707

I live in a place where ruderalis is indiginous.Though it's not really good for smoking we make cannamilk with it and this is some REALLY POTENT drink.I have no doubt there is some THC in rudies.:blowbubbles:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I live in a place where ruderalis is indiginous.Though it's not really good for smoking we make cannamilk with it and this is some REALLY POTENT drink.I have no doubt there is some THC in rudies.:blowbubbles:

Main article: Hemp
Hemp is the natural, durable soft fiber from the stalk of Cannabis sativa plants that grow upwards of 20 feet tall. Cannabis plants used for hemp production are not valued for recreational uses as the plants that are cultivated for hemp produce minimal levels of THC, analogous to attempting to get drunk from low-alcohol beer. Cannabis plants intended for any drug cultivation cannot be hidden in a hemp field either, as the size and height of each are significantly different.[76]
Hemp producers sell hemp seeds as a health food, as they are rich in heart-healthy, essential fatty acids, amino acids (both essential and nonessential), vitamins and minerals. Hemp "milk" is a milk substitute also made from hemp seeds that is both dairy and gluten-free.[77]
Hemp is fairly easy to grow and matures very fast compared to many crops, most notably trees used for paper. Compared to cotton for clothing, hemp cloth is known to be of superior strength and longer-lasting. The fibers may also be used to form cordage for industrial-strength ropes. Hemp plants also require little pesticides and herbicides due to its height, density and foliage. This also makes the hemp plant environmentally very friendly.
Hemp can be utilized for 25,000 very durable textile products,[76] ranging from paper and clothing to biofuels (from the oils found in the seeds), medicines and construction material. Hemp has been used by many civilizations, from China to Europe (and later North America) for the last 12,000 years of history.[76][78]

I suppose it depends on what you think is potent lol.. peace out Headband707


Dr. Narrowleaf
Ruderalis is not hemp, the ancestors were cultivated for drug use, historical fact. Like the guy said above indicas or 'afganicas' are probably closer to hemp than rudy is.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Indica, Sativa, THC
Indica, Sativa and THC are words that you will find everywhere in a cannabis seeds shop. But what ido these words mean? We have created this page with the purpose of informing you about cannabis, so you can select the strain that is 100% satisfying for you. Let's start with order. Indica and Sativa are the names that are mostly related to this plant. Nowadays many of the scientists agree that there is only one kind of cannabis, the Cannabis Sativa L. However, in an important part of the literature and in the common use you can find the classification of cannabis in 3 species: Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis.


An indica plant is usually not too tall (about 1,5 mt max) with the typical shape of a Christmas tree. These plants are originated on high hills or mountain areas (ex. Nepal, North India etc).They are robust and easy to grow. They develop big buds that are really dense, with the calyxes pressed together. They tolerate a low level of stress pretty will. The effect of an indica plant is so called "stoned" or "corporal", with a strong body and mind relaxation. If we compare it with a wine, and Indica is a heavy red selection.


A sativa plant is usually tall (1,5 mt or taller) with short branches. These plants originate in tropical areas (ex. Caribbean, Thailand islands, etc). There are more buds sites than on an indica, but the buds tend to be less dense. The effect of a sativa plant is a so called "cerebral" or "high", that is milder than an indica on the body but with a more pronounced effect on the brain. It goes from a creative feeling to a trippy feeling according to the strength. If we compare it with a wine, a sativa is the champagne of cannabis.


Cannabis Ruderalis is not typically meant for marijuana production. The Ruderalis is a specie of cannabis originally from Russia, with a height around a half meter, no side branches and little or no buds. It is used in the production of hybrids to make them more resistant, or to let them flower according to their age (rather than the number of hours of dark that they receive, like every other cannabis plant).

THC and other cannabinoids

THC is the acronym of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and is is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant. For the plant itself, the THC is a natural method of protecting itself from pathogenic agents or herbivores animals. It also offers a really good protection against the sun's UVB rays. Men have grown cannabis for thousands of years to extract the THC out of it. As you may have noticed, we show the THC level for most of the strains in our catalog. We need to specify something about this information. Every strain, every single seed have a potential. It's up to the grower then, if the potential will be fully released or not. If you read that a strain have 10% of THC, rating it doesn't mean that every plant of that strain will have 10% of THC. It mean instead that that strain have a potential of producing about 10% in THC. In the hands of an expert, in the right conditions, these seeds will produce 10% or even more. In a less favorable environment, the same seeds will produce for example 8%. All these words are a reminder that a seed is not a computer, where the values are only 0 and 1. It's a live creature and the final result will be the combination of thousands of little variables. We proudly say that we can offer you the best potential there is, but we can never guarantee (and nobody can) that you will always achieve the values in the description.

Further, you should consider that THC is the main psychoactive substance found in the cannabis plant but not the only one. A cannabis bud contains more than 400 different substances which 61 of them are cannabinoids. The effect of the marijuana is determined by the combination and interactions of all these elements. Beside the THC, a major role is played by cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN). These substances have deep relaxation effects themselves, and they are heavily involved in the THC absorption. So the final effect is given by a subtle combination of different cannabinoids.

We won't go in this topic further because we don't want anyone to get bored, but always remember the conclusion: we can never say that a strain is more "strong" than another just because it has a higher


I can't say that this Parvati plant has short branches.:blowbubbles:


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

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