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The Seedless System


:smokeit:The smoke is coming along great! It is very sticky the stickiest I have every had, after you pinch off a nug your fingers stick together :dance013:. It is still a little bit moist but I left out a nug accidentally last night and smoked it this morning and it was amazing. It is extremely smooth the smoke feels like it has gone through ice when it hasn't, and the after taste is very mellow with a hint of minty freshness like a pine forest/wintergreen mix.

I will take some pics of the Sour D its coming along ok but I think it needs some more nutes or something.....
They are growing slowly something is better then nothing I guess.

The Bubba X OG Kush seed is popping out its main tap root and the seed cap is still one, every day I tell "her" that she will be beautiful. (Hoping this turn's the seed into a girl)


Whats up : - ( yeah I am going to do another I have 90days from seed to chop because I will be going on vacation. Hope everything works out.

But currently the Sour D is still kicking I F#@%ed with it last night (after I smoked some Cheeze) and I LSTed it to much and it now doesnt fit all the way into the cab.

So I'm just going to wait to next watering to try and get it all snug in there.

The SD doesn't smell any where near as stanky as the Cheeze did.

Anyways all is well and may your grow's be green.:wave:


That was from the Cheeze I got as a clone form my local co op. I got 35g's from that one Cheeze I was amazed.

The Sour D I started from seed a while back is the one I just posted pics of, and the Bubba X OG Kush just popped out of the seed and has green. I am excited to see the growth because the Sour D I started from seed was done under an incandescent light for about a month, so the growth difference will be cool to watch.

Thanks :-( for stopping by.


I am putting the Sour D in the dark for 3days before chopping, so I set up the Bubba X OG kush in the center all by itself.
The leaves on the SD are falling off and is doing all the trimming for me, its pretty cool. The buds have fattened up nicly which I was conserend about.
Hopefully I can pull of another OZ.

Does any one think that it is a waste to have just one plant in my cab with the 150w on 24/0?

Should I grow another from seed just in case this Bog is a male?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
The more the merrier I always say!! Always good to have a backup Mr.GrowBox:).
if you are growing from seed, you should start another for sure
But if you make a scrog screen..1 plant turns into lots of buds...
You are well on your way now after your first grow..I made so many mistakes but its worth it..
Take care


Chop Chop

Chop Chop

I chopped the Sour D interested to see how much I get out of her it was sort of sad because I grew her out from seed and she was my first real baby.

:thank you:

I burnt the shit out of my seedling:comfort:

I asked BC about it and he said that I should put a 2litler over it to keep some moisture in there so I did that...
When it was under 12/12 it was doing just fine then when I chopped the SD I put it to 24/0 and then that shit happened.... : (

The strain is really bomb so I dont want to give up on it but I dont want to waste that energy for 2-3weeks if its just gonna die....

Any advice?

Thanks GB420:tiphat:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
hey!! there is still green leaves in the middle of the seedling so it should be okay..if you can find a small clear plastic cup, it will fit easier over your seedling too..a 2litre is pretty big....
it should'nt take more than a few days to spring back..
take care!!!


Sour D 44.4g's

Sour D 44.4g's

I got 44.4g's of some sweet sativa Sour D :dance013:

The smoke has gotten better as time passes I prefer it in a joint now since I broke my bong.

Does any one know anything about the strain "Heavy Duty Fruity"?


Back in action maybe ....

Back in action maybe ....

Well I started a clone from the local co-op a gift for being a loyal patient. Its a "purple gods gift" for now, i am having heat problems I went out for 3hours after I got my timer and fans in place as well as a new thermometer and when I came back the temps were at 113F. I sorta shit myself and rearranged the fans. I don't know if its gonna make it. The cab is in a hard place to reach so I can't check up on it much.

I have a total of five fans running right now, 3 are PC fans 2 of 3 are being used to move air under the 150wHPS and one is being used as intake. The other 2 are 4inche desk fans"caged" 1 is being used as intake and the other as out right by the ballest of the lamp.

I put the clone in a 5L plastic storage contanier with holes punched in the bottom.

Anyway super medicated and its been a minute since I have posted on this thread hope to hear from the fellow grower.:wave:


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.... anyways after rearranging shits still all fucked up looked in there today and the bitch was at 111F. So I sorta said fuck the stealth and opened the door. The clone is super strong so I thought I might as well give it a shot.

The girl said the cab lowered at 85 which I can take hopefully she was seeing an 8 and not an 9.

Any ideas would be great seems its hard to find help on here.

Hope BChronic is doing ok


Well I topped the fuck out of her today... almost all the shots I topped. I don't know if this is a good thing or not but we will see. I am trying to fill out the bottom because I will only have one plant in the cab not like last time where there were two. I am also thinking about getting a piece of glass to put under the 150HPS so I can cool down the temps.
If i don't keep the cab open the temps run in the 110F but if it stays open I can pull 85F so i thought if I can isolate the heat and suck it out then i might be able to make it stealth. I also want to invest/think about weather strips or trim that can make this bezzy light proof. My closet looks like Buddha is about to come out and tell me to get my shit together.

What goes around comes around .... fuck it just kicked me in the ass


The topped spots are looking good and I can now see roots at the bottom of the container which is 5L. I am trying to get the "bottom" of the plant to grow more because I want to pull the buds the other way to even out the cab. I wish I would not have centered the plant in its container and put it to the side so it could grow out laterally.

Anyway I really need help with temps and light proofing. If I dont keep the cab doors all the way open the temps go into the 110F and if I keep the cab open it can stay around 88-94F.

I was thinking about getting a piece of glass and mounting it under the 150w HPS and trying to suck out the warm air that way. Also my light proofing is ghetto and doesn't work.


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Was messing with her today to get her ready for watering and thought that I would rearrange one of the "main" shoots and I snapped it a little so I put some metal tape on it, hope she heals.
I have been mean to this girl I hope she doesn't hate me, seems like she sorta likes it though it is a crazy plant.


The snapped branch hasn't died so it must be doing alright:comfort:...? Last time I messed with a branch the sucker was dead within a couple of hours. I tried to super crop one of the branches and when I just went in now it looked like the stem had a huge bruise on it (all purple). Wondering what will happen with that branch. I also have been taking away some leaves so that some lower nodes get some of that wonderful light. I feel like I am learning alot even though I keep screwing a lot of stuff up.

I am really trying to figure out how to get this best cooled down, I am really thinking about putting glass under the light/ballast and having one of my 4" fans sucking out the air. I also have been looking at DELTA fans I have found some for around $20 that push 120cfm. Last grow I do not remember having such heat issues but it is summer time right now so that might make a difference. Also I want to light proof this little bizzy and am trying to figure out how I am going to manage that as well.

Any way wazup my peeps :wave: school is about to start and Im trippin but my garden helps me calm down after a long day. Almost everything about mary jane is therapeutic for me from seed to smoke.:ying:


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