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The Seedless System

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey looking great!! Nice work on the scrubber!!
Is there 2 inches of carbon? If so, you might need a stronger fan...
Try feeling if alot of air is moving through your scrubber and that should tell you for sure..
Is that the only exhaust fan?
Plants look awesome bro!!!
You are doing fantastic so keep up what you are doing!!
Take care



Havent checked up in here for a while, the babies are looking fantastic dog!

What are temps like?


I dont have a thermometer in there but it isnt bad at all. The scrubber helps as an exhaust and the cosmo material is just one giant intake mesh, but there is negative pressure present and the stank isnt leaving the flower room which is great. Thanks for stoping.
There is two inches of carbon and I can feel a little air coming out but definatly not alot. Should I maybe get another same specs and just put it on top of the other one what would this do? Would it just double the cfms?


You should space out the fans. using an empty shell of one should be fine..

Delta fans come in a model that is almost 200cfm too..


I do have a major question for anyone that wants to help.....
On my Sour D plant there are only 4 main coals forming and a shit load of popcorn(barly showing hairs) should I cut off all the popcorn nugs and let the energy go to the main or what?
Also on that same plant some of the leaves are in the soil and makes it a pain in the ass to water do I cut them off or leave them? (They are the big sun leaves)
One more question if I dont have any nutes, but I have some molasses in the fridge could I use this and what would it be good for?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey!! If you stack fans together, it makes them usless but just try to find a higher cfm fan..
Does your hydro store sell axial fans?? if so, get one of those..
you should keep the buds and remove leaves(carefully) instead...I'd cut those leaves because they can rot touching the soil..
mollasses has iron, magnesium and carbs but no nitrogen etc...
good luck and much karma your way!!


HELP ... I raised my plants last night after they got a hair cut and told they were beautiful... then when I got u this morning one nug from each plant was burned. Will these nugs recover or is it just best to cut them and let the plant differ the energy to making other buds?




One of the star nugs...:dance013:

Two nuggies side by side so nice:jump:

The hairs are getting orange... dont know if its cause I burnt the poor ladies or if they are mature...


Doing alright so far...

Doing alright so far...

:dance013:The Cheeze:dance013:

The Sour D....its doing way better then I thought it would!!!:jump:

I have been using this molasses in water a tablespoon to one liter and it seems to being doing pretty good.
I was thinking about adding some coffee grounds for some N but on a grow a long time ago the grounds molded but the light was really weak so I dont know if that is why it molded....
My temps has been getting really hot so I put a huge ass fan on low just for the mean time while its on at night tell I can get a new PC fan.

Happy Holidays Everyone:wave:... Take care and be safe :tiphat:




I went out to OB yesterday and got me some new goodies.
The dude at the hydro shop was telling me that I was lucky that my "tomatoes" has done so well since I haven't been giving her nutes. Well now I get to hook her up with some goodness.:comfort:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro!! very nice plants GrowBox420!! many reps!!
You can't go wrong with Fox Farm nutes!! cheese is finicky with nutes if you don't already know..
My friend grows cheese medically so if you need anymore info, let me know..
take care


Thanks BC I haven't even given them any nutes yet so im suprised its gone this good this far along hopefully she will get nice and fat. I might want to talk to your friend in the near future. Thanks again BC for all the help.
Hey green.is.good Thanks for stoping by, some times I think am just talking to myself here lol.

Happy new year


A little update...

A little update...

The Cheeze...

Some of the leaves are yellow I dont know if its because they are dieing of or lack of nutes?
The Sour D...
Gotta love all of the bud sites

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro!!
How far along are your plants again??
You said you have'nt fed them yet?
If you have'nt, then they need food...cheese is picky with food and I don't know about the Sour D..
Just give them a very light dose at first and then go from there...
Happy New Year!!!!!
take care


Well-known member
Hey bro!!
How far along are your plants again??
You said you have'nt fed them yet?
If you have'nt, then they need food...cheese is picky with food and I don't know about the Sour D..
Just give them a very light dose at first and then go from there...
Happy New Year!!!!!
take care

Yah what he said.

but they do look nice and cristaly anyway.
and that looks so good thst it cheese reminds me of when I use to grow the cheese buds.


Thanks BC and Cheesebuds for stopping by
The Sour D is a little over 2 months old and still has at least another month or two
The Cheeze is almost 2 months old since Ive had her it was a clone from my local co op. It looked about a month or so old when I got her.
I got some meds today and my caregiver brought over his microscope and said that it would probably be a little longer, he told me that I really should wait it out which I completely agree with. I always hear horror stories about people wishing that they would of waited.

And the guy was pretty amazed at the LST training/ micro setup/DIY. I thought I was pretty cool lol