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The Search for Trip Weed


Well-known member

I smoked some Zamaldelica today. It reminded me a lot of Golden Tiger, which makes sense because it is half GT. It was a bit more introspective and disturbing, but when I am compelled to face my demons, it is always disturbing and why I generally avoid it.

Overall, I enjoyed the experience, but this individual is not what I'm looking for. My cross of ACE Purple Haze Thai x my SAGE cutting is stronger, and the one ACE Bangi Haze I grew was much cleaner and more of my definition of trippy.

Applesauce: :tiphat: Prophetic!

However, I can see where this Zamaldelica is going, and I think it is worth looking at some more individuals. In fact, the next one in the flowering cabinet is related to it, and I'm thrilled with how it is looking!

Being a hobby breeder with a small growing cabinet at a couple plants at a time is a long term engagement.

Disclaimer: It is entirely possible I screwed up the grow. It may be that I am only good at the kind of strains that my setup and techniques suit. I have been successful 5 to 10 times and grew some world class bud. Most times it is only about as good as the regular that I find in my area. I may just need to stumble on the one that likes me as a grower.

Keep on Keeping on,



Active member
I had 3 packs of Bangi stored from years back and recently acquired 3 more. I will be searching through them at once for a few different things and I will let you know how it goes.


Well-known member
Next Up

Next Up


Thanks Applesauce.

I have had Nanan-Bouclou and Zamaldelica x Malawi Gold in the flowering cabinet for about a week now. They have taken off as usual since the plants go into a stretch, they have much brighter light, and the substrate goes from getting manually watered once or twice a day to auto-watering about 12 times a day.

The Nanan-Bouclou had to have its main stem bent at a 45 degree angle to get some branching going and to prevent it from getting burned by the light. It is now exploding with all the branches competing for the dominant position. This thing is starting to scare me with its fast growth. Worst case, I may have to chop half its branches to allow room for the other plant.


Here is a close up of those wonderful leaves with 11 leaflets:


The Zamaldelica x Malawi Gold has quite a stretch going. It positively glows with a golden yellow green color. It is also super bushy. I wish I could capture the color with my cheap camera and awful photography skills:



I decided to save the Destroyer x Fire Fox Tail for the next flowering cycle. It got a late start and is a slow grower.

Happy Tripping,




Well-known member
Hi ThaiBliss,
nice thread!

I am crossing my "sumatra tripping weed" (original name of this old landrace/is not the same strain you get today, belive me) with some
top cut´s.
The Su lady produce pollen after colloidal silver showers.
My first 2 crosses are Amnesia Haze x Sumatra and
Deep Chunk x amnesia haze (core cut) x Sumatra
Amnesia core cut is a special super silver haze selection.

foto - amnesia haze x sumatra
I expectet very thin leafes, but the plant has a fat and vigor indica optic.
She is very strong and vital.

[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=51488&pictureid=1202051&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]
[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=51488&pictureid=1202050&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]


Sounds like a perfect project for this thread. The one time I had Sumatran was a very long time ago. I remember that it was the only bud that matched Thai Stick for potency and character. Which means it was probably the in the top 3 best of what I have smoked in almost 45 years. It did not come on a stick, and compared to Thai Stick, it had much better looking well formed golden brown buds. Trip weed for sure.

Good luck with your project, and please keep us informed regularly.




Great post ThaiBliss

Way to bring back the 70's!
July 4 1972. My pal and I smoked a large doob from a "Jamaican" nickel bag. We were on the edge of a small river valley and the day was sunny with large puffy clouds.
We noticed then that the clouds contained faces!
We were then immersed in a timeless parade of characters some familiar, some not each with their own story to tell. At some point the "faces" ended their "lesson?" and we watched as they departed to the East.
That euphoric joy I experienced was one of the most important moments of my life.

I cut my association with weed back in the '80's chasing career and family and have recently returned at the behest of a friend struggling with MS and its treatments. My friends venture is seeking the opposite than yours in looking for a palliative to ease the side effects from his chemo and as a sleep aide, indica style.
Reading your thread now makes me remember that unmatched experience and wonder if we are going about his venture the wrong way at least in considering the buoyancy sativa gives.

Thanks again and thanks to all the contributors, great read.


Active member
^^ great story. the new skool does not believe these stories even though lots of us geezers tell of similar experiences. the growers went indoors due to outdoor surveillance/prosecution. the indoor indica dom. highs do not provide the quality high effects that elite properly grown, properly cured landraces can offer. the grail landrace strains got polluted with adam genetics. this genetic pollution happened globally. the landrace enthusiasts are fighting to resurrect and preserve the best of the best landrace genetics.

on with the quest! :)


Well-known member
Buoyant Sativas

Buoyant Sativas


Thanks for the story of the clouds. It put a smile on my face knowing that you understand where I'm going with this. I think it is well worth the time to stop and smell the roses, or enjoy the beauty of the puffy clouds. As adults, we sometimes forget the joy of being a kid, and being amazed at the world.

Best of luck with easing the pain of the MS and its treatments. You might not want to be "tripping balls" while under mental duress, but I believe it is worth trying a variety of types of weed.

I have a medical card for my knee pain. I don't feel a difference in efficacy between sleepy Indica leaning versions over up Sativa highs. I've read that THC alone is 20 times more potent than cortisone in reducing swelling which is partially the source of my knee pain. I also need motivation to push through my arthritic pain, get off my ass, stretch my muscles, and lose weight, which is also a source of knee pain.

I'm not well versed about MS, but I believe it may be inflammation related also, but nervous system. I'm sure you have done more research because of your friend's situation. I think we tend to glob onto a single study, for instance about CBN or CBD and run with it. Remember, while Indica strains may be an effective analgesic, people are running with anything to remove the absurdity of Cannabis being illegal. Then again, sleep inducing effects can be valuable also.

Don't mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but I think it is worth experimenting.

All the Best,


Great post ThaiBliss

Way to bring back the 70's!
July 4 1972. My pal and I smoked a large doob from a "Jamaican" nickel bag. We were on the edge of a small river valley and the day was sunny with large puffy clouds.
We noticed then that the clouds contained faces!
We were then immersed in a timeless parade of characters some familiar, some not each with their own story to tell. At some point the "faces" ended their "lesson?" and we watched as they departed to the East.
That euphoric joy I experienced was one of the most important moments of my life.

I cut my association with weed back in the '80's chasing career and family and have recently returned at the behest of a friend struggling with MS and its treatments. My friends venture is seeking the opposite than yours in looking for a palliative to ease the side effects from his chemo and as a sleep aide, indica style.
Reading your thread now makes me remember that unmatched experience and wonder if we are going about his venture the wrong way at least in considering the buoyancy sativa gives.

Thanks again and thanks to all the contributors, great read.


Active member

Sounds like a perfect project for this thread. The one time I had Sumatran was a very long time ago. I remember that it was the only bud that matched Thai Stick for potency and character. Which means it was probably the in the top 3 best of what I have smoked in almost 45 years. It did not come on a stick, and compared to Thai Stick, it had much better looking well formed golden brown buds. Trip weed for sure.

Good luck with your project, and please keep us informed regularly.



Hi ThaiBliss,
you are an really expert:tiphat:,
what you say is fact!
I am happy to meet somebody who knows this old strains.


Thanks for the reply.
I am somewhat jealous of the fact that you were able to keep your passion going for the noble weed AND become a connoisseur and master grower. Good for you.
Acapulco Gold, Thai Sticks, Columbian Red, Alaskan Thunderfuck, these names all bring back some things I had forgotten.
For example, I actually designed and built a grow cabinet back when I was living at home with my parents.
Complete with light traps and fresh air exchange it might've been something but the fluoros of the day were crappy and the ballasts hummed loudly. My old man made me get rid of it.
What got me into (and out of conversely) growing my own was a how-to book on growing marihuana. It was 40 yrs ago and I don't recall the name but the authors claimed that there were 3 types of weed:
Type 3 was Hemp or roadside weed which can be found in Nebraska of all places (picture included)
Type 2 was your average run Mexican, headache weed we named it.
Type 1 was Jamaican, Thai Stick and the other primo buds.
The authors contention was, I am not making this up, that true quality weed could only be grown in close proximity to the equator or the polar regions as it was the Earths magnetic field that gave weed its magic. Weed grown for several generations outside of these regions would eventually revert back to Type 2 then later Type 3.
Upon returning to the scene after all these years it was strange (being a gullible kid I believed most of what I read) that no one was having issues with the books second contention.
After reading your thread and how difficult it has been for you to find that special weed I wonder if there is any credence to the books first contention, that the Earths magnetic field is a factor. Have you heard of anything remotely similar?
The rest of the book had solid advice an techniques and it introduced me to jiffy expandable peat plugs.

Thanks for the meds advice BTW. I'll show this thread to my friend soon.


Well-known member

Sota, Sarcclash - Kind words, but I am far from a master grower or expert. Take everything with a grain of salt because I simply have an opinion on everything. Usually, that just gets me in trouble. I'm just old, and have been lucky enough to have smoked a lot of weed from the early days.

That Sumatran just stood out because it was so good. It is easy to remember a bud, when it was one that knocks you into orbit.

I have heard about the old sweet spot theory. It keeps coming up, even from those that I respect. I'm not buying it yet. One of the best 5 or 10 strongest strains I have ever grown was the second earliest I ever grew. It was done the second week of September in my area. I doubt that plant was suited for, or came from the 20 degrees off the equator "sweet" spot. I could be wrong on this. But I have a theory... I am truly amazed by everyone's urge to cross one type of plant with an opposite type of plant, even my own behavior reflects this. I think that people are self sabotaging the recessive expressions and are more likely to want to blame something else but their own screw-up. Once again, I don't have enough experience with line breeding large numbers to verify my thoughts on this. My ignorance stems partly from the fact that it has been illegal for so long.

I remember reading from one of those old books that picking off the fan leaves was a good idea. I experimented with that idea, until I came to the conclusion that it was total bullshit. Some plants seem to drop the fan leaves on its own as long as you don't fertilize too much. I think somebody just observed that, and thought the growers did it. I have read a lot from those early books that for me, turned out to be bad advice. Some of it was good, so I'm glad someone had the balls to publish those.

Happy Growing,



Well endowed member
Great stories everyone, it's great to hear the old impressions left in peoples minds after they smoke some super good herb. Thank you for sharing them.
I'm envious of you guy's that got to smoke Sumatran or PNG. I've smoked a lot of different herb since the late 60's and never got to try those.
I found the source for the Nanan Bouclou and will find a way to give those a try. Are there seeds of Sumatran available anywhere?


Best of luck ThaiBliss, in your search.
I'll be watching this thread hoping for the best.
I only wish I had more to offer than stories of yesteryear.

One thing though.
Last summer was my friends first ever indoor grow and we did stretch his MML rules a bit by growing a single G-13 in the middle of an outdoor vegetable garden and THAT was so much better than its indoor sisters as to be almost a different plant.
Smelly bitch that G-13.


Well-known member
Hi TB, I just want to say how much I like your threads; this one and the one at Ace are among the few threads I look forward to reading. I particularly like your recollections of the 70s weed, and your honesty when it comes to reporting on your trials for that special plant. I definitely think you're looking in the right places, although I suspect you're maybe getting a little pessimistic after years without finding another champion, but you found it once, and I know the guy who bred that line, and he definitely thinks the commercial sativa genepool is as strong now, as it was 25 years ago.

Hey Randy, I don't know of any outlets that sell Indonesian, the laws of the place mean everything is well and truly underground, but this is mitigated by the fact that the presence of police in rural areas of Indonesia, is far less than what we are used to in developed countries. I believe the Sumatran tripping weed still exists in close to legendary state, because I know three separate individuals who have found it in the last decade/generation and all describe it as the most psychedelic weed they have encountered. One of them, an older guy said that one or two tokes was enough to put experienced smokers horizontal; the other said he was able to communicate telepathically with farm animals; and the last said he spent months searching around Thailand, but found nothing that could compare.

Unfortunately of the two who had seeds, one didn't think to reproduce them and is now kicking himself, and the other in Spain has never found a male...Interestingly they all sourced the strain from in or around the extinct super volcano Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra. The only way to get to Lake Toba is to fly to Medan on the north east coast, followed by a bumpy 6 hour bus ride with villagers and livestock. So it's not the sort of place that's overrun with Dutch and Italian salesmen disseminating multicolored skunk seeds.

I was in Indonesia last year, but while I collected some Sumatran bagseed, it wasn't the right circumstance for me to trek off and find the legend. I have yet to pop those seeds - hopefully next season - but I do plan to get to Lake Toba down the track, followed by a trip to the mountain range between Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the Western Ghats, where lies the fabled Keralan Gold.


Well endowed member
Hi TB, I just want to say how much I like your threads; this one and the one at Ace are among the few threads I look forward to reading. I particularly like your recollections of the 70s weed, and your honesty when it comes to reporting on your trials for that special plant. I definitely think you're looking in the right places, although I suspect you're maybe getting a little pessimistic after years without finding another champion, but you found it once, and I know the guy who bred that line, and he definitely thinks the commercial sativa genepool is as strong now, as it was 25 years ago.

Hey Randy, I don't know of any outlets that sell Indonesian, the laws of the place mean everything is well and truly underground, but this is mitigated by the fact that the presence of police in rural areas of Indonesia, is far less than what we are used to in developed countries. I believe the Sumatran tripping weed still exists in close to legendary state, because I know three separate individuals who have found it in the last decade/generation and all describe it as the most psychedelic weed they have encountered. One of them, an older guy said that one or two tokes was enough to put experienced smokers horizontal; the other said he was able to communicate telepathically with farm animals; and the last said he spent months searching around Thailand, but found nothing that could compare.

Unfortunately of the two who had seeds, one didn't think to reproduce them and is now kicking himself, and the other in Spain has never found a male...Interestingly they all sourced the strain from in or around the extinct super volcano Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra. The only way to get to Lake Toba is to fly to Medan on the north east coast, followed by a bumpy 6 hour bus ride with villagers and livestock. So it's not the sort of place that's overrun with Dutch and Italian salesmen disseminating multicolored skunk seeds.

I was in Indonesia last year, but while I collected some Sumatran bagseed, it wasn't the right circumstance for me to trek off and find the legend. I have yet to pop those seeds - hopefully next season - but I do plan to get to Lake Toba down the track, followed by a trip to the mountain range between Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the Western Ghats, where lies the fabled Keralan Gold.
View Image

Bushweed, what you say sounds like more evidence to me of the first "Thai Sticks" I smoked being Sumatran, not Thai. I have heard others stories of the first load of Thai Sticks brought into the SF Bay Area being from Sumatra instead of Thailand. And the first ones I smoked were the real thing, after that Thai Sticks were just good, not *Special* like those first ones. I remember a story of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love bringing in Sumatran "Thai Sticks". I always though why wouldn't they just call them what they actually are, but I'm sure that was to throw the narc's off their trail.
I agree with Bushweed, ThaiBliss, great thread, putting all our old and young heads together might just bring about actual trip weed again. I know up here in Humboldt a lot of the younger generation just laughs off the stories of weed that was that strong and that made such an impression on us older guy's. They say nothing could be as strong back then as the kush's we have now. I say, Jah, forgive them for they know not what they puff.


Well-known member
Hi Randy, there might be something in what you say, certainly I have heard from one source that the greatest concentration of "tripping weed" in Australia was 1969. However another old head who has been on various forums over the years and has a lot of experience growing out Thais and Indonesians from that era says this...

scrubdog said:
For anybody interested in a bit of history... back in the 70's the big drug cartels used to get Thai villages to grow their weed and the cartels would move it by fishing boat all over the world but usually via Australia. The cartels introduced Paki genetics to get two crops in a single season and that was when all the big sativas began to dissappear and get replaced with hybrids.

The big cartel in my part of the world in those days was Marty Johnstone and the Mr Asia syndicate. They were the prime movers of Thai "buddah stick" back in the day. There was recently a documentary on TV here about the syndicate and they interviewed one of the original traffickers who was still in an Aussie prison. He stated that it is nothing but an urban myth that the sticks were dipped in hash oil or opium.

Just really good Thai weed.... which is what I have personally always believed and I smoked a fair bit of Thai stick in the day. As I've always said on here and on other forums... Thai buddah stick was/is the most potent weed I have ever smoked without exception... closely followed by landrace Sumatran tripping weed which is probably originally a Thai strain.


Well endowed member
I certainly don't doubt his accounts. Where ever it came from, I'd sure like to see it around again. Or seeds of it, but really with what I've got to deal with already here looking for trip weed, I'd just as soon buy a big bag and just commence to smokin it up. :)


Well-known member
any time I smoke too much of any "potent" weed I'll start tripping. not an enjoyable trip though. especially haze, or what the online world knows as "NY haze", I've gotta put my head down for a while from the room spinning and than I start hearing things. The scent of the bud I always seem to detect some nutmeg along with the frankincense. Isn't there something in nutmeg that's psychoactive?


Well-known member
any time I smoke too much of any "potent" weed I'll start tripping. not an enjoyable trip though. especially haze, or what the online world knows as "NY haze", I've gotta put my head down for a while from the room spinning and than I start hearing things. The scent of the bud I always seem to detect some nutmeg along with the frankincense. Isn't there something in nutmeg that's psychoactive?


Funny you bring up the nutmeg. I'm detecting a bit of a nutty aroma in the Zamaldelica x Malawi Gold that I have blooming right now. It's looking like a wicked good Sativa should:


The Nanan-Bouclou is getting some buds going also:


The Nanan-Bouclou is finally finding some space between its leaflets like a good Sativa should:


All the Best,



Oooooooooooo, ThaiBliss, that's looking good! Sounds like such an interesting cross, can't wait to hear how it turns out.

I would like to contribute to ANOTHER great thread you've started hahaha.

From the beginning then... :)

I only smoked cannabis for the first time around 8 years ago. It was in Southern California, and I was at a friends house. I had been around people smoking pot for years, and on a whim, I decided to give it a go. My friend pulled out a black trash bag full of well trimmed branches of buds, and explained to me whom he got this enormous bag of weed from. Nowadays, knowing the person it came from leads me to suspect two things, 1. it was grown outdoors 2. it very possibly had Mexican genetics in it. I don't remember nor could I differentiate any specific smells coming out of the bag because it just seemed so pungent to me at the time. I didn't really know how much it would take to get me high, and didn't ask, so I only took about 6 large hits off the bong :biggrin: By the time we finished smoking, I was only feeling just a little lighter than I was before, and I was thinking, ok cool this is alright...We all stood up and went to go into the tv room and it hit me. I felt this incredible expansion in my head that made it feel like it was either beginning to float up into the air, or was expanding in size at an incredible rate. I froze, and everyone saw it happen lol. I started panicking thinking that I was going to die. My heart started racing, and for whatever reason, I wanted to vomit SOOOO BAD, but couldn't even come close to it. Any sense of time after this began was absent. I started moving my legs in a continuous swimming motion on the carpet, in an attempt to give my mind one thing to concentrate on, as it was just reeeeeeeeling with thoughts. Just jumping from thought to thought to thought. After the panicking subsided, I was introduced to the pure, raw beauty of cannabis. I immediately felt an intense empathy toward everyone in the house, and just began laughing for no reason at all. My laughter actually interrupted the group's conversation, and everyone else began laughing too. I had never felt so light and joyful before. Another friend showed up with a bag full of hamburgers. The interesting thing to me about the burgers wasn't the meat or the cheese or the bun, it was the tomatoes!! So complex and delicious, as if I never tasted a tomato in my life. We all ended up talking for a while, and when it was late, bed time came, which is actually when two very important things happened. I slept very very hard. I also only had one short dream. The dream was nothing but a black room with my girlfriend of the time sitting in a chair, turned away from me. I slowly walked up to her, struck a match, and started her on fire lol. It was such a direct, focused dream that was centered on my biggest personal issue of the time. The next day I had what I would consider an afterglow. The entire next day I felt centered, and at peace.

I began buying street bags every once in a while, just a gram or two at a time, and only smoked once a week, while my girlfriend worked (she didn't like me smoking). I began to wonder why I never had such profound experiences any more. I started to think that this was only because it was my first time that it must have been special. One of my friends decided to get a medical card for his back pain (car accident) and had heard me say how much it helped me sleep, so he told me he wanted to help me out and let me try some medical grade weed to see if it worked any better. He asked me if I wanted an indica or a sativa, and I stared blankly at him hahahaha. He told me he would get one of each so that I could try them out and see what worked better. The next day he came back with a gram of something called Rusty Screwdriver (ind) and Durban Poison (sat). The DP reeked of something SHARP but not like the pines or mints I had experienced to that point. It was so sticky, if I simply touched the 1 gram nug, it stuck to my finger. Every time I smoked that Durban, I would get this crazy visual change where everything looked like it was vibrating. Borders of objects looked like millions of tiny lines that Charles Schultz would draw in a peanuts cartoon to indicate something like Pig Pen's filth lol. The other great thing that came from the Durban was more introspection on the topic of the day: the girlfriend. I realized that every single time I smoked that Durban, I would begin to go over and over and over again in my head, the essence of that relationship--the Durban wouldn't let me ignore it. I eventually did get out of that awful relationship, and I honestly don't think I would have, or at the very least not as quickly, if it weren't for the soul baring of those great sativas :biggrin:

After the Durban, my search began. I got my medical card, and started scouring the internet and those around me for information. I tried absolutely everything that I could find in SoCal that had been described as trippy or psychedelic by somebody, but I kept coming back dissapointed in this NON soul moving aspect of the cannabis I was trying. I tried other Durbans (dutch most likely), most of the dutch haze crosses, Trainwrecks, different Mazars, Blue Dreams, ALL the kushes and OGs, I really did attempt to try everything, and was always on the lookout for other special strains I read about, but many of them never surfaced in SoCal. Finally, one dispensary had a strain they called Pure Thai. I asked the budtender what they knew about it, and the only thing he told me was that the person that grew it, was at that time in the fifth generation of selection of some Thai landrace strain he had acquired. The smell was mostly orange peel and earth--nothing too mouth watering, but very pleasant. This was the first weed I had where colors and sounds changed so drastically. Sure, colors and sounds are enhanced in quite a lot of weed, but not like this. Anything that contained either vivid colors, or complex sounds would grab my attention in a heart beat. This was also the first weed I had that would almost force me to be outside after smoking it. It was as if a giant red curtain had just been lifted, and mother nature was on the other side. It also had that magical conscience shift to it like those other good sativas, however I was in a good place of mind at this time in my life, so the shifts tended to go to only happy places.

A few years later I had a chance to buy some "Thai Sticks" which were hand crafted by a Lake Tahoe grower. The smell on these was not at all mild mannered like the Thai from before. The smell in this Thai was a strong, complex gasoline like smell with an undertone of citrus. The fuel smell made me think it was probably just another hybrid, but I purchased a stick anyway. When smoked, it was almost identical to that first Thai high, with maybe a bit more energy actually, it was not a hybrid at all!

Since then, I've been growing and searching on my own. I believe strongly in the mental health movement that is starting to pick up a little steam now. I think psychedelics, and psychedelic cannabis specifically, has a large amount of untapped potential in this field of human health. The right kind of cannabis certainly helps to keep my conscience clean and light :) I have a background in medicine and would love to research this subject some day.

Thank you, ThaiBliss, for linking my Zamaldelica experiences. Those plants have been some GREAT soul movers thus far. At almost 4 months of cure now, the keepers are right up there with everything I just described, and even more so in a couple areas. The pheno I consider Meao Thai leaning, really is more euphoric than anything else I've had the pleasure to try. I know 8 years isn't that long to be smoking herb, but I've tried a LOT of different types in that time. I absolutely love the passion here at IC with respect to sativas and really good weed in general, and I would love to add to that fire :hotbounce:


Well-known member

Another great post! You are lucky to have had such a great first experience and not to have fallen into the Indica trap. So many smokers grow up on Indica or Indica/Sativa crosses only, and just don't get the Sativa high. I really don't understand how they don't enjoy or even seem to experience it. I have proposed a theory that Indica has something in it that stops the high and only leaves you with the stone.

At first you were creeping me out with the setting your girlfriend on fire dream, but as I finished reading the whole story, it cracked me up. I know just what you mean about those introspective Sativas. The first part of the high is about facing your demons, then you get to the euphoric stage. It is a condensed lesson of life. Realize and resolve your conflicts, then you can enjoy being in the moment. Sativas are medicine for the mind.

Anyway, glad you found this thread, and look forward to all your future posts. I will continue looking through those Zamaldelicas. Please let us know if you come across any other great discoveries, or even the search for them. I see that you know what we are talking about here.

