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The Royal Wedding


Well-known member
It's about time these Germans left the English throne...fooking fascists.

Fuck the lot of them, interbred twats.

These fuckwits are so far removed from the majority of English people, its filthy.


It's about time these Germans left the English throne...fooking fascists.

Fuck the lot of them, interbred twats.

These fuckwits are so far removed from the majority of English people, its filthy.

Don't hold back, how do you really feel?


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
hes not wrong about the interbreeding but im pretty sure every1 knows that, even the bush family is like 5th cousins once removed or some shit.


Well look at that one prince you have, his ears look like glider wings.

But damn, you are talking about divine choice here, god's will, the chosen king etc. You can rot in hell for this kind of talk. It's like posting pics of Diana with the wind blowing her skirt up.


Well-known member
^^^^You serious, rot in hell? You don't contribute to their upkeep...Parasites.

Diana was just breeding stock to them.
Well look at that one prince you have, his ears look like glider wings.

But damn, you are talking about divine choice here, god's will, the chosen king etc. You can rot in hell for this kind of talk. It's like posting pics of Diana with the wind blowing her skirt up.

Did she have a camel-toe?


^^^^You serious, rot in hell? You don't contribute to their upkeep...Parasites.

Diana was just breeding stock to them.

Yeah I was kidding. I don't believe in anything.

She was a commoner in the beginning. Only way to get any new blood in I suppose.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
and then they had her killed when all was done with her.
why did they have to do it in new zealand :(.


WELL this BLOWS I didn't get my invite to the Wedding.
I guess I'll have to put on my best PJ's and watch it on the Telly like the little people I'm.


Well-known member
i shall be at the party,,,me & Harry are going to spike the wedding cake with some off his grandmothers homegrown :moon:
keep it green

H was out planting at 6am this morning,did a nice plot of ROYAL mazar before he had to rush off,i do hope he makes the church on time :tiphat::biggrin:

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Well-known member
You daft fucker :moon::moon::moon:
I was standing there at the wedding and 'arry recognised me,megan said is that the lad you were planting out with earlier harry?H said yeah and waved at me,i went to take the pic and that copper woman stepped across and my camera auto-zoomed on her instead or H and megan and they ended up blurred true story (that last bit anyway) my old woman wasnt happy :biggrin:

Lost in a SOG

The royals are just so politically divisive.. especially while they still pretend, badly, to be "British" and vaguely connected to the common man.

The truth is imo the Plantagenets shouldn't be trusted. Nor should their crown corporation that is taxing us all to death, but they are plastered all over our money, their cousins sit on the board of directors for military companies that get billions in contracts, various members of their family own vast swathes of land and the queen herself as the current head of the crown council is practically the worlds largest land owner but no one says anything, if you imply that means they own the ground you walk on people think you're being conspiratorial.

It's just all old history. Like the fact that the robber barons and crown pirates of the colonialist period financed the industrial revolution, big oil etc all with corporate money gained through slave driving both white and black people for hundreds of years, and stealing from Indians, because these people aren't prejudice against anyone in particular they fuck people over and use propaganda to keep them taking it over and over for a living. They're Normans.

I find it funny when people talk about the zuckerbergs or even Bill gates of the world.. these guys are chump change.. they are owned by their bank manager, how else did Bill get a monopoly within the entire western world?? or in zuckerbergs case a bit more the CIA as they put 40% in at the beginning but still.. but the old world guys that own the land, the resources and invested big in the start, these are the 1% guys in the west and they aren't a random bunch of entrepreneurs and shit they're all in the family or more like suckerberg.. smoke and mirrors to make people think anyone can make it big. The illusion of freedom.

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