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First Grow WW Scrog Cabinet


My two plants just keep amazing me on their growth each day.

Plant #1 Day 19 in DWC

Both plants Day 19 in DWC

When I ordered the White Widow I knew the the strain was a cross between the Sativa and Indica, But I was under the impression that the strain was heavy on the Sativa side.
That is I thought the plant would be not so compact but with more space between the nodes.
These here are more on the compact bush style of the Indica plant.
So here is my problem when I designed my scrog cabinet I was thinking more of a taller plant than what I have growing now, So I made the scrog so that it would be sitting 12" above the pot which would place the screen ~9" below the light

I can only lower the screen about 3" which would place the light about 12" above the screen.
If I do lower it and with the current rate of growth I would need to put the screen into place in the next couple of days.
So what I'm looking for here is input from anyone here that has grown this variety of WW (short Indica bush).
Should I keep the current screen height of lower it?
How tall do the buds get?
Will 9" enough height for the buds or go with 12"?

My next problem is a leaf problem

The leaf in back is a lighter shade than the others and it has a few spots and it fells crisper not as payable as the other leaves.
Could this be burnt from the light?
The leave is about 4-5" from the light
I'm using a cooltube
using floranova grow 8ml/gal
PPM: 1240
PH 5.86
Cab temp: 76 f
reservoir temp: 68 f
room temp (incoming air) 65 f.

This is from my grow Journal


Thanks #1
I put a lot of time, research and money into the cab and its seems to be paying off.


I was just out admiring my girls and I noticed moisture on a few of the leaves.
Is it normal for the leaves to produce their own moisture?
I had the fan off for a while so I turned it back on, But I first noticed it yesterday and I had the fan on.

Should I be concerned about it or not?
Should I increase the ventilation in the cabinet?

Right now I have the ventilation fan set to low and it's keeping the cabinet at 10 to 12 degrees above room temp.

This is my first grow so I might seem overly protective of my girls, But I worry about them:hide:
So please comment and set my mind at ease.

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