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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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well I`m growing out some f2`s made from sol`s sweet blue and some phenos actually make me gag almost. The most stinky pot I have ever encountered, theres also sweet lemony and blueberry phenos. Devastating potency too and the best high ever..


New member
Hey HuffandPuff,
how you doing ? I remember these old days here in Basel, they were about 80 „hempshops“ just in one town where they selled those little bags for aroma therapy  It was the nicest time in this town so far.
Myself, I’m looking foward to get my hand on RKS as well, trying different skunk versions on my next grow. I do know some peoples here in switzerland, old peoples, which still have some old seeds. Maybe one or the other remember themself to this skunky days.

Myself had the best stinkiest skunk up in A’dam, which was selled under Peppermint Skunk, but was the strongest smelling skunk I’ve ever smoked myself, not sweet, just pure skunk smell ( I do know how a skunk smells ) I was able to take some with me back to switzerland and as I came back, I rolled one up for myself, startet smoking and just within half a minute my neighbour was ringing my doorbell, worried that my kitchen is burning, because he said, he smells something like burnt rubber with spices.

Greetz GD


Active member
GD, wo wohnen sie? Basel stadt oder land? Ich habe in Arlesheim gewohnt. Es ist Schoen das ich habe ein andere basler finden! Ich habe zum Internationale Schule studiert. Kennen-sie leute von dieses gruppe? Enschuldigung fur meine schlechte Deutch. Ich habe fur funf jahre keine Deutsch gesprache.


Active member
translation? is this one of them things where they start talking in different languages to rip on us because we don't know what they are saying lol?


HuffAndPuff said:
Hey guys- I have been a longtime lurker over here and at OG. Started growing about 2 years ago with bagseed, and then like 8 months ago managed to get my hands on a cut of TW in Burlington, VT. (I saw someone mention in a TW post that they'd heard it had made it up there. Confirmed.) You'd think that I would have found some cause to post on here before now. Such is the power of the RKS.

I lived in Basel, Switzerland from 1998-2001. Never before or since had Switzerland been so tolerant of herb. When I moved there I was 15 and there was one store, hidden away, where you could buy 'aromatherapy' pillows filled with that half-hemp, half-dope swiss outdoor. By the time I was 17, there were more dope stores than bakeries. (literally.) The quality was much improved by then, too. Each store sold between 5 and 15 strains although 90% were indoors. (and to think I thought that indoor was the shit and outdo WAS shit. Silly children.) Black Domina, Black Ice (haven't seen this since? misnamed ice?) Durban, SS, Haze and Super Pink Skunk (is this called something else? Also haven't seen it since) were some of the standbys most stores stocked.

For about a month my shop stocked the most pungent, hit-a-skunk-a-month-ago-and-my-car-still-reeks, stonifying nuggets I'd ever seen before. I remember one lunch break I bought a 2g bag of it, rolled/smoked a fattie and then skateboarded back to school. Well, I musta been skating so fast I was upwind of the baggie in my pocket. As I get into the elevator of our building, this was no longer the case. The smell was just overpowering. Some girl who was in there with me was basically retching and going on about how shed 'never seen a skunk in Switzerland before.' I'm a little nervous now, but I figure I'll just quintuple bag it and I'll be fine. I do that, put the baggies in a hoodie, put the hoodie in a laptop bag and put that into an empty locker. About 10 mins later on a pissbreak, I walk out of my classroom at the OPPOSITE END OF A LONG-ASS HALLWAY and it smells like the fucking biology class is dissecting a whole village of skunks!!! I couldn't believe that this was a frigging gram making all this commotion. Suffice it to say, I grabbed that shit and hid it outside.

Now this beautiful girl was being sold as B-52. It was the first time I had seen marijuana that was so hyperbolic in expressing my favorite traits (at the time, at least). I had never heard of her before but knew that whoever created that shit came up with the perfect name for her. I was BOMBED! I was close to the owner and did a lot of trimming, bagging, counter tending, etc. The man created a new business model for the trade- He purchased a 3 story car garage, converted it to a grow show, and supplied himself. While a certain amount of re-branding went on in some shops for weed that wasn't moving, I'm positive that if Moz told me it was B-52 then he (at least) truly believed that it was.

Some months ago I was driving home when I smelled a fresh, dead skunk. You know how you can smell something and it will put you right back to a certain place/time? Well, I was 16 again, in that elevator, and praying it wouldn't stop to let a teacher on before we got to the third floor. I hit up the boards and the resources and found 2 different strains (lineage) of the same name. One from Almighty Seeds (where'd they go?) and the other is Nirvana's. So, this could corroborate what someone else just said about RKS phenos existing w/in his genes, or not.

As far as appearance, I remember the nugs were fluffier than most everything else. We put a fist sized nug (but tapered like a football) on the digi and it weighed 7g. A similar sized bud of almost anything else around at the time would have been like 10+. Im also thinking that there wasn't as much 'redhair' in the strain as some of the other strains around (which is typical of dutch strains?). The stone was 200% Indica obviously, but that fluffiness makes me wonder if something a little sativa wasn't in the mix. I know that there are Nirvana B-52 test grows on this site, anyone see anything like this?

A related question/issue I have relates to the accuracy of labeling performed by seed vendors. Now, it isn't my intention to start ANY trouble (I have seen how things sometimes get misunderstood, or escalate) but I think I remember reading somewhere that Nirvana is a little more than lax when it comes to this practice. I'm only bringing it up because it could throw yet another variable into the equation.

Damn, this is an absurdly long post from someone who has never had contributed before. Hope there is something useful in there for somone, and thank you all so much for all the help and lessons you've (perhaps unkowingly) taught me. I think I might be able to get behind this whole talking about growing weed with people thing. Its actually incredibly liberating to be able to talk with others who know the deal, but even posting this message kinda makes me feel like I'm breaking the first rule of Grow Club.

I guess now would be a good time to say goodnight (I know, 1000 words ago woulda been nice for all of us, too) and to clarify to all LEOs that I have never seen, grown, smoked or smelled the devil's weed.
The Greek

hey buddy...i got a b52 pheno from nirvana that is damn stanky man...i am a young cat, so I can't comment on the 'ol school skunk shit, but I will say i have smoked a shit load of chron, and this is "some" of the rawest skunk smell i have ever grown/smoked/smelt...even punks our bubblegum haze we get around here that is just devistating, and it IMO is skunkier than the ISS from federataion...


Active member
nice bro, thanks for breakin that post into paragraphs...i tried reading it last night all blazed and kept reading the same lines lol.

i'd believe b52 is skunkier then ISS, haven't grown either though.

redrider- his first post was in english.


Texas seems to be mentioned a lot ???? Hmm.

I grew up in Texas and the last RKS I had was in November 1988.
Lime-green buds with a taste thats can't be described.We used to get 1/4 pounds for $200 to $250 between 1983 to 1988.

I live in San Francisco now and a skunk(s) lives along the bay by my work.
One big fat one makes his way up to a patch of trees right outside our door and sprays from time to time,leaving our entire building reaking.

All my co workers are shocked when I say how much I love the smell!!

Miss the good old days.

Someone in Texas has this strain. I just wish I knew where to look :joint:


Time2Unite said:
nice bro, thanks for breakin that post into paragraphs...i tried reading it last night all blazed and kept reading the same lines lol.

i'd believe b52 is skunkier then ISS, haven't grown either though.

redrider- his first post was in english.

well, I have never grown the island out myself, but have smoked a shit ton of it,(currently growing it though)... i have grown the b52 and cured it and the smell is very very skunky... the island is more distinct in smell...if someone opened a jar of b52 people just be like damn that smells dank, open the island, and people say "daaaamn, is that the island?" nothing smells like it i've ever smoked...happy tokin guys!!


Active member
Hey T2U, I wanna be a member of the RKS club and i DO remember the old, real deal Road Kill Skunk from the early 80's (yeah im that old) Do we gat like a patch or somethin as part of bein' in the club? Man i can think of some cool lookin designs just poppin off the top of my head. Some are kinda graphic though.

Hey i will hopefully be poppin those beans i told ya about that a lady friend of mine had been savin for years, ya never know, even a male would kick ass. I wonder if a male RKS would smell that bad( good )




Active member
Love the Holiday avatar by the way!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Time2Unite said:
translation? is this one of them things where they start talking in different languages to rip on us because we don't know what they are saying lol?
redrider said:
Well it's HuffAndPuff's 2nd post, maybe he doesn't know this is an English form?
The purpose of the post is to communicate with Green_Duke about the good old times in Basel. To me it looks like PM stuff.
Last edited:


Active member
yea, its just askin about Basel, and sayin where he tried some good smoke or somthin, an wishin to find more, somthing bout studying abroad or a international school. do you know the people in this group? oh, and excusing for his bad german, he hasnt spoken it for years? i dunno, im bad at translations...

certainly could be pm stuff i guess... does it really matter tho?

Forget everything youve read...
RKS is all you can think of...
Remember nothing but RKS...
Nothing but RKS matters...
i will now count backwards from 3, when i reach 1 you will awaken, feeling nothing but happieness and smellin nothing but RKS...



Sign me up. I've been looking for this girl for along time now.

My Story

Well, when I was in high school. I had a uncle that was moving alot of weed and i do mean alot. He had truck loads coming out of Texas and boats picking up bails off the Florida keys and southern parts of Florida back in the 70-80's. All the Skunk he was getting at the time was the RKS everyone has been talking about. This was the stuff out of Texas back then. I sold alot of this stuff in high school and you had to be very carefull with this stuff. A dime bag in your pocket would reak to high heaven from a few car's away. This stuff was great and was great smoke. All i do know for a fact. It was coming out of Texas, but what i don't know. Is where it was coming from before Texas. Don't know if it was coming from down south or out of Cali. I do know, I haven't seen this stuff since the 80's. I sure do hope someone comes accross this plant some day and makes it availible again. I surely do miss it. Let's hope for the best.
Take care all,


Here's my 2 cents

I grew skunk #1 for many years 92- 2000 (maybe)
Things I loved - Hybrid vigor(fastest vegger ever), disease and pest resistent, great sog/scrog strain(lower scraggle bud would suck if you didnt trim back. pretty fast 56 or less. Smell mine smelled of roadkill.

I brought it out via plane from co to cali in 92 and back then it was around for many years. So eather early adam or cali/pacific northwest. I crotched the clone in rockwool and went thru the xray machine and then put it back in is cooler on the other side LOL. funny thing is my wife took a pic in the airport next to me and the cooler and I still have in a shoebox in my closet. Carried the bitch onto the plane LOL

My probs with the skunk was as new strains came out that pushed more resin, the so called BAG APPEAL dwindeled. And I has probs getting rid of it. I did not know many, and it was time for a new flavor. The funny thing is bag appeal has nothing to do with high. My friends in co still grow it and I can get if I go there (as well as pre 90's hp form pnw) but there are better strains know that people want. I also have grown the uk cheese and although it was very good it was not the same.(not sur if it was cheese 18?)

Maybe i willget it back for shits and giglgles.

there's my story


I used to live by Corralitos in the late 1970's! Grew Skunk #1 and Original Haze. As well as new variety development.


Active member
Willie Nillie said:
T2U, damn dude peps love that RKS!

they sure do, glad to see all of you that are making this thread great and sharing your stories and info.

i see alot of my good online buddies are poppin in...nice to see you guys!

not sure if we are gonna get a weekly news letters or any patches but if anyone wants to make one i'll sport it lol! maybe us die hard rks fans can sport something in our signature? any ideas?

whats up sam? make us some happy campers and get some of them skunk#2 beans poppin!

later guys


It is just Smoke and Mirrors, the post above is just made up shit.
It did not happen.
Skunk #1 was bred by me not some made up collective.
I was not busted, did not go back and save clones. Never served a day. Never lost a single seed or plant in the USA. All just made up lies.
NdF is full of shit.

NDF was writing a film script Sam. He told me.

Full of shit indeed. He was not there and did not know.

Peace, Flores
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