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The Perfect Vape


High Grade Specialist
i just bought me a cheap ass bong last night and hooked it up to my volcano.
its awesome! i cant understand why they have built in water filtering.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I just bout the Magic Launch Box off ebay, it also came with one of those free ebay cheap vaps with a whip. Should be able to try it tomorrow.

One question will I still smell like "weed" if I vape? I wanna use it at the fireworks but dont want everybody around smelling me/it.


High Grade Specialist
maybe "hooked it up" is too much, the chillum fits the mouthpiece of the volcano perfectly, so i simply suck the vape through the bong. cost me only 17 bucks!


Hi Truthman just wanted to say that I tried the temps you gave me on my vape and they worked an absolute treat. When I first bought the volcano digit I thought it would make my weed go further but it never really did until you gave me those new temps, now I understand when people say that vaping makes you weed go twice as far. Just out of curiosity Truthman how many bongs does it take you to feel high form vapor bonging. ? Thanks allot Clive.

It depends on how good the herb is but it really is about how much food I've eaten because herb just releases chemicals that are stored in the body which comes from food. If I've had a good workout and ate a good whole meal that is high in protein, low in carbs, and leafy green vegetables in the morning or before I've puffed I can get really high off of a 5 rips(this is when I'm in a rush an up the temps fast and inhale slow for a dense vapor using the aromed) as opposed to stone and if I ate a good meal low in protein, high in carb, leafy green vegetables in the evening I can get a nice stone so I can get a nice deep sleep. If I want to get ridiculously high, like on the weekend, using some hash will give too many hits to count which brings me to another point. If you use hash or any concentrate make sure you use very little, if it is good quality because it goes a LONG way and you don't want to put too much in the bowl and have the thc degrade to cbn over night if you don't use all of it because the hot air will degrade it. Also the concentrates have very little plant fibers in them so they heat up fast and hold the temperature better that bud because the oils love the hot air and don't diffuse it like the pant fibers do so you will get a lot of vapor and if you put too much in a lot of the vapor will be blown out and wasted. Just a pea size is enough and if it really good that is more than enough.

Another thing you want to do is make sure that you grind your weed really fine so the air can go trough as much as the herb as possible because if there are chunks the air will go around those pieces and it will take longer for that part of the bowl to heat up properly. This is true especially when use a fan assisted vaporizer because the fan has to force the air through whereas a whip requires your lung power allowing you to go real slow so that the hot air can stay into contact with the herb longer so the vapor to air ratio would be high due to the air being in contact with the herb for a longer time. Unfortunately there are no whip vaporizers that have a precise air temperature besides the Aromed 4.0.

If you get a grinder that grinds the herb real fine, like the volcano grinder does just grind the herb with a lot of twist for 10-30 seconds depending on how moist it is, make sure you put just enough to cover the screen with herb that isn't finely ground so the powdered herb won't clog the screen on the bowl. Also put some of the rough ground herb on top of the herb so it won't clog the screen but if you can get really fine screens for your bowl that would be better. If you have a party and use a lot of herb in the bowl it's good to stir it around to get more vapor out of the herb because if a lot of herb is in the bowl hot air might not get to all the parts of the herb at the right temperature because the herb will cool it down and allow less extraction.

Remember when you use right temperatures you don't need that much herb to get high because nothing is being burned up such as smoking and you aren't diluting the vapor with plant particles so you are getting way more substances, You only enough that covers the screen in the bowl.


Really only enough to cover the bowl ? Iv been doing this all wrong since i got my vape lol. Iv been filling the volcano chamber nearly all the way full on the easy valve. What do you think to using no water truthman in your bong as opposed to water for vapor bonging. And would you use the removable peices that you get with bongs that attach to the filling chamber thanks Clive.


Yeah you don't need a lot once you figure out the science of herb and the body. A good tip would be to drink some strong green or black tea around 15-30 before vaping and this can aid in the high. Don't add milk to the tea because it prevents the absorption of the compounds that do this and don't do it at night or it will be hard to go to sleep. Water is a good thing because it filters some of the particulate matter from the herb that can be extracted from the heat plus it adds some moisture to the vapor so your lungs won't be as affected from the dry vapor.

If we are talking about the same thing meaning ash catchers, I do think that is overkill when vapor bonging. Also you don't want a bong too big because it will dilute the vapor too much so you would need more hits to feel the same from a smaller bong or a bubbler. Just a nice medium sized bong is enough.

Also, don't be afraid to go high in the temperatures up to 440f as long as you start low because other compounds besides thc are still in the bud that are good for you and they vape at higher temperatures than thc such as beta-carophyllene which boils around 465f but getting even just a little from 440f is good plus there might be other substances we don't know about yet. As long as you don't go past 451f because that is when cellulose(plant fibers) start burning . I wouldn't advise you start that high because you will burn too much of the lighter oils and it will cause discomfort because it will become smoke.

If the taste is a problem when going that high use something like cranberry juice instead of water to take away the taste but make sure you empty the bong and wash it out with fresh water so no bacteria grow on the sugars stuck in the water chamber.


Thanks Truthman, I was really skeptical when i first tried those temps you gave me. I had never vaped that low before and had always associated thick vapor with high potency. The vapor at lower temps is allot thinner but gives me a more pleasant high. I was reading your posts and you were also saying not to make the bag to big and hold the vapor in your mouth for 30 seconds before inhaling. I had also never heard this before. Your full of tips lol.


Thanks Truthman, I was really skeptical when i first tried those temps you gave me. I had never vaped that low before and had always associated thick vapor with high potency. The vapor at lower temps is allot thinner but gives me a more pleasant high. I was reading your posts and you were also saying not to make the bag to big and hold the vapor in your mouth for 30 seconds before inhaling. I had also never heard this before. Your full of tips lol.

Truthman has a TON of tips in his last post here. I don't regret this OP at all, because while I learned that I didn't know SHIT about vaporbonging, if I didn't start this thread I wouldn't have walked away from it that much more knowledgeable.

I stand corrected on many of my former assumptions. I'm now starting at 390F and waiting until I get a nice, thick vapor and then just turn it down to 375. But I learned that these temps work for my shitty PoS vape only. Everyone's vape setup, tolerance, and preferences are going to vary. Happy 4th.


I just think of new things to try out and if it works I want others to enjoy themselves also. Have fun.

Sandwag, you are right different setups give different results and I DON'T recommend going into the 400f and up temperatures if your vaporizer isn't precise or you don't have a good idea on how it operates as far as temperature stability because you may end up burning your herb and have a cherry flame happening in the bowl which I've seen before with certain vaporizers. I only recommend those temperatures with the volcano digital/classic and Aromed 4.0 which have shown to have accurate temperatures or very close to it when inhaling hot air through the bowl although the volcano has been shown to cool the air in the bowl and catches up to heat after 90 seconds of continuous blowing of the hot air through the herb but this is why I stated to not overload the bowl and use a fine grind because this will lower the cooling affect much faster than a large roughly ground bud bowl would.


Clive, I just realized another technique you would like is to heat up the herb at the temperature you want for around 10-15 seconds or until you smell the herb and then put the bag on the valve. This keeps the bag from having a high air to vapor ratio and giving more dense vapor.

After the first time you do this only do it for up to 5 seconds as you up the temperature because the herb will hold some of the heat and start vaping faster than at the start of the session and you don't want any vapor going into the air and not into your lungs.

You can also use the leftover bud from the session and eat it with some food like a peanut butter or any nut(nutella) sandwhich. The bud has some amino acids in it that is good for you and the beta-carophyllene is good for your immune system but you need some fat for it to be affective hence the nut sandwhiches. You can also just eat around 2oz. of some type of seeds/nuts or avocado(guacamole dip) and after eating just down the bud with some orange juice and this will help you absorb the nutirents in the bud. If you do this all the time you will get more of an affect from your herb because the carophyllene will enhance your immune system by lowering pain enhancing chemicals in the immune system which means you will be able to feel more pleasure.


High Grade Specialist
Do you have a picture of this chillum?




Yes, because all cannabis, as well as any other psychoactive "drug", does is release stored substances in the body and this is what we called being high. The substances are made from food.

Also, some foods like cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables as well as certain herbs help the liver detoxify by activating certain enzymes and in the case of cannabis this is a good thing because if you can constantly rid the body of cannabinoid metabolites by turning them water soluble which means a quick release from the body you can keep your tolerance low which means getting a good high everyday that feels fresh because the metabolites affect how much receptors you will have and this affects how much tolerance or how high you can get..

Doing other things can aid in this maintaining of tolerance level other than diet such an infrared sauna because it helps you sweat out metabolites and the sweat is not just water but some fat which has some cannabinoids in it and exercising(resistance training before aerobics) because it helps your body become more efficient.


What about tolerance breaks do you take them ? Or do you just concentrate on diet and exercise. Thanks man CLive.

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