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The Perfect Vape

silver hawaiian

Active member

Very helpful! The problem with my Arizer whip end is that it's too skinny (far too skinny). I ought to give it a shot with the tape deal!

The other mental challenge I have with the whip is that it's tough to see the vapor coming through the whip as you're hitting it. It always makes me feel like I'm taking a halfassed drag.

I feel like I might like the ability to see the tube fill up, .. Which, like you said, is a more smokingish process.

It's weird - I swear I'm like Pavlov's Dog to smoking weed.


might get the vapir No2, anybody try, looks nice and reviews are great


FYI, as a reference for those of you with digital vapes, my vape temps for a solo session is below:

375 degrees: first hit
365 degrees: second hit
350 degrees: third hit
330 degrees: fourth hit
325 degrees: fifth hit until cashed

If you don't delay between hits, your vape will still continue to reheat to 380-400 degrees after each hit, although you continue to lower the temperature. If you left the temp set at 375, by the fifth hit, your vape will be reheating to around 425 which is much too hot for vapor-deprived weed.

Also, remember that digital readings reflect the temperature of the HEATING ELEMENT, not the temperature INSIDE THE BOWL.


might get the vapir No2, anybody try, looks nice and reviews are great

Here's the thing. If you don't find a way to generate big hits, like traditional bong hits, then you are just inhaling continuous hot air or burning weed when you aren't. That's why most people give up their vape. That's why mine was tucked away in my closet until I read a thread almost two years ago about a vapor bong. I pulled my vape out of my closet and have been hooked since.

The Volcano is not only expensive, but puffing out of a bag sucks and is not efficient.

Whip-styles normally suck, unless you run it through a water bong, like I do, which is the purpose of this thread.

My experience with portables is that they also suck unless you travel by car a lot and are paranoid about people smelling vaporized weed coming from your motel room. Which is interesting if you live in California, have a doctor's recommendation, and stay in a non-smoking room. You aren't smoking, you are vaporizing. There's no smoke, only vapor. The same goes for my apartment. My lease says no smoking and no illegal drugs. I'm legal under state law. My lease is enforceable in state court, not federal court, so my landlord can fuck off on that one. And like I just said, its not smoke, its vapor, so she can fuck off on that one, too. I'm just sayin'.


Captain Expando
Sand, seriously... are you getting a toke at 330?

dood, I donno man. generally it's cashed after 3 tokes anyway.

toke it up... we'll make more :D


Sand, seriously... are you getting a toke at 330?

dood, I donno man. generally it's cashed after 3 tokes anyway.

Yeah, my guess is you are vaping at too high a temp if you can cash a bowl in three tokes. I bet you pull a good, thick vapor, right? Three tokes? My third toke still tastes pristine as hell.

The reason I can get a toke at 330 is because by the fifth hit, my vape reheats about 50 degrees hotter than what its set at. So set at 330 by the fifth hit, its still reheating to around 380. Which is plenty hot considering that by the fifth hit, your weed is pretty damn dry.

The first toke at 375 is nothing but a perfume hit; no visible vapor. Then I reduce to 365 and may catch a little vapor. By the time I lower to 350, the vapor will begin to thicken. If its still pretty thin by this point, I'll just lower to 345, otherwise I go down to 330. All strains are different, some are drier than others, obviously.

Right now I have this really moist Green Crack. The first hit at 375 tastes so amazingly good but you don't see any vapor. You start seeing vapor around the third or fourth hit. Other strains I have will produce thick visible vapor on the first hit. I'll reduce the temps on drier strains at a faster pace. Three hits, though, man. You must be blowing through weed at that rate. Must be nice to grow. Still, if you slow it down, lower the temp, you will get a better high, I promise. The Sandawg don't lie.


Captain Expando
We are talking about vaporbong hits here, no? I'm afraid you're incorrect my friend. The third toke (casher) I do is pristine as well... I just do massive tokes, generally 3x larger than anyone in the room. My temp is a constant 380. Give me EXPANDO and I'm a happy camper. I just have more to pack and use the remains to make butter.


Good for you, I believe you. I actually realized I was vaping at too high a temp when my friend would vape out all the flavor by taking a huge monster first hit. The second hit tasted nasty and the third hit was spent. So yeah, I know what you're doing. You are vaping too hot, imo.

With each monster hit, he was bringing the temp down into the 150s. I wasn't taking hits that big. I was taking smaller hits and just fighting through the bad taste.

But then it became a contest, who could take the bigger hits, and we judged it by how low we could get the temp. I have the current record at 123, but that was before I instituted the "foul." Its a foul if you can't clear the bong. The penalty is your temp doesn't count. So now my record is 127.

I'm not sure how big of a bowl you are packing, but if you are the experimenting type, trying starting out at 375 and lowering as I suggested and then please come back and post your results. I'd be very curious.

One more thing: if there is THC left in your vape ash, then I have to suspect you are cashing way too early. I know how to bake too, bro, and you won't get high off MY vape ash. Know why? Because I'm vaping the shit out of the THC. People who tell me they get high off their vape ash brownies are basically admitting they aren't vaping properly. Think about it. When I'm done with my vape session, that shit comes out like fine sand, I said. I PROMISE you, dude, there ain't a drop of THC left in that ash. AND it tasted great the whole way down. That's the point of my thread. Everyone is pretty much doing what you are doing. If I didn't know that, I wouldn't have taken the time to say, whoa, hold on, I just figured something out, I'd like to share. Peace.


Well-known member
from the original post ...
As you inhale, the temperature decreases. After each hit, you should take the bowl off the heating element while it reheats (30 secs approx.).

the best vapes (imho) have a computer controlled heater with thermocouple on the heater -- for example, in my Bud Toaster:

-- then, there is no change in heater temperature regardless of the size of the toke.

The heater temperature setpoint i use is 385°F throughout the seven minute session.

I can pack a bowl and be done smoking before the vaporizer is heated, let alone the bag has been filled

power on to first toke is 90 seconds.


Active member
S.Hawaiian - As a fellow Extreme owner, let me help you...

If you bought the complete Extreme Q kit in the box, you should already be set for
vapor bonging if your bong has a 18.8 downstem.

The Extreme comes with a second elbow, to be used with the bag. all you have to do is stick the short piece of whip tube on the bag elbow onto your long whip's glass mouthpiece.

Then insert the bag elbow (at the draw end of long whip) into the bong's downstem to vaporbong... (18.8). At the other end of your long whip is the elbow that is packed and dropped into the Extreme's cyclone bowl.

I could take a pic to show ya, but dammit our harddrive died a couple wks ago and I lost a lot of stuff. (including my resizing program)...



Here's the thing. If you don't find a way to generate big hits, like traditional bong hits, then you are just inhaling continuous hot air or burning weed when you aren't. That's why most people give up their vape. That's why mine was tucked away in my closet until I read a thread almost two years ago about a vapor bong. I pulled my vape out of my closet and have been hooked since.

The Volcano is not only expensive, but puffing out of a bag sucks and is not efficient.

Whip-styles normally suck, unless you run it through a water bong, like I do, which is the purpose of this thread.

My experience with portables is that they also suck unless you travel by car a lot and are paranoid about people smelling vaporized weed coming from your motel room. Which is interesting if you live in California, have a doctor's recommendation, and stay in a non-smoking room. You aren't smoking, you are vaporizing. There's no smoke, only vapor. The same goes for my apartment. My lease says no smoking and no illegal drugs. I'm legal under state law. My lease is enforceable in state court, not federal court, so my landlord can fuck off on that one. And like I just said, its not smoke, its vapor, so she can fuck off on that one, too. I'm just sayin'.

Hey, thanks for the input. I actually used the heat gun vapor bong many many times over a decade ago back in high school. Yeah i really like those, but its hard to take that around everywhere, which the vapir no2 makes good on. The vapor bong though yeah is the best way to medicate i agree


from the original post ...

the best vapes (imho) have a computer controlled heater with thermocouple on the heater -- for example, in my Bud Toaster:

-- then, there is no change in heater temperature regardless of the size of the toke.

The heater temperature setpoint i use is 385°F throughout the seven minute session.

power on to first toke is 90 seconds.

That is awesome. I'm assuming this is an invention of yours? For those of us who can't build our own thermo-controlled vape, I suggest following my above tips to avoid overheating your vaporbong. Otherwise, I'd like one of those Bud Toaster things.


Captain Expando
I'm not sure how big of a bowl you are packing, but if you are the experimenting type, trying starting out at 375 and lowering as I suggested and then please come back and post your results. I'd be very curious.

It's about a medium doob worth. I am hip to what you are doing thanks for the rather detailed explanation :respect:

I have Wicked Roots (Blue Box) and it too holds a continuous temp via internal fan that I digitally dial up or down. About 90 secs to blast off too Toaster.

I am unable to reach an appropriate expansion level as I drop the digital down Sand. I can get a few more smaller hits out of the bowl. I'll flirt with the concept.

Lungs craving a buster :D
Last edited:


It's about a medium doob worth. I am hip to what you are doing thanks for the rather detailed explanation :respect:

I have Wicked Roots (Blue Box) and it too holds a continuous temp via internal fan that I digitally dial up or down. About 90 secs to blast off too Toaster.

I am unable to reach an appropriate expansion level as I drop the digital down Sand. I can get a few more smaller hits out of the bowl. I'll flirt with the concept.

Lungs craving a buster :D

Interesting. One huge assumption I've been making is that my vape reacts temp-wise like every other whip-style. If your vape holds a continuous temp, that is a huge difference right there. My deal is that my vape reheats hotter than what the temp is set at, so my post is aimed at those with cheap vapes, like mine. When I also realized that the weed was drying out as I was vaping it, requiring lower temps, I finally put two-and-two together.

I realized this when I put some moist weed in there one day and wasn't seeing any vapor at first. But I hung with it and after a few tokes, I started seeing vapor. The more the weed dried out, the thicker the vapor became and it started tasting bad. A little experimentation and now I believe I've found the sweet spot. But everyone's vape will behave a little differently.

P.S. What are you referring to when you say "expando" and "expansion level?" I'm a little behind on lingo.


If you try vaping a bud, the first couple hits will also be amazing as you rotate the sides closest to the heating element. Then as you lower the temp and snip the bud, you can maintain good flavor throughout the vaping process. I don't get that burnt popcorn taste anymore and I know when I'm finished when I can't see any more vapor. The weed is completely spent, there is nothing left to pull. When I empty it, it comes out like a fine sand.

This is a recent discovery, this temp-lowering, bud-snipping process. When I was overheating it, it was acceptable. But I thought this discovery was worth sharing with y'all.

What you are doing is extracting the essential oils at a slower rate then someone who is grinding their bud and that's why you keep getting flavor as you break the bud down. This isn't bad if you just want flavor and a mild high compared to what is the potential but if you're using a vaporizer where the temperature is unstable and not accurate like you are using then you might as well grind the bud and start low so you can get all the flavor plus the powerful high that higher temps give. It seems that you are vaping around the same temperature even though you are lowering due to temperature destabilization so I do think that is smart to do to prevent over heating but once you get a good vaporizer that gives and holds accurate temperatures you should grind and start low and slow for two reasons:

1-You get more taste because more air can touch more of the plant. Since you really like taste this is why inhaling slow is best because air stays in contact with the plant fibers and trichomes longer so the air-ratio will be lower. Just go REAL slow, to the point you barely feel air going into your mouth for around ten seconds then inhale as fast as you can to take the vapor deep into the lungs and hold for 5-10 seconds or longer if you can and slowly release the vapor through the nose if you can. Without a filter and some moisture the vapor can be irritating to the nose.

2-You don't burn the oils that release at really low temperatures(150f-374f) such as the essential oils that give flavor.

Once you get all the flavor you want from the herb you can raise the temperature to get the more potent cannabinoids(thc, cbd), which are odorless(can't taste them) and colorless, and if the flavor is a problem you can also do two things to prevent the bad flavor:

1-Mix the unflavored cannabis with some other tasty herb like peppermint, thyme,lavender or lemon balm.

2-Put some orange juice in your bong water to add some flavor to the vapor. Make sure you get rid of the water and mix some fresh water into the bong after draining it so no sugar is attached to the bongs walls and bacteria will can grow.


Interesting. One huge assumption I've been making is that my vape reacts temp-wise like every other whip-style. If your vape holds a continuous temp, that is a huge difference right there. My deal is that my vape reheats hotter than what the temp is set at, so my post is aimed at those with cheap vapes, like mine. When I also realized that the weed was drying out as I was vaping it, requiring lower temps, I finally put two-and-two together.

I realized this when I put some moist weed in there one day and wasn't seeing any vapor at first. But I hung with it and after a few tokes, I started seeing vapor. The more the weed dried out, the thicker the vapor became and it started tasting bad. A little experimentation and now I believe I've found the sweet spot. But everyone's vape will behave a little differently.

P.S. What are you referring to when you say "expando" and "expansion level?" I'm a little behind on lingo.

If the temperature goes up 50 degrees when reheating shouldn't it be smart to start low then raise it if you want as much flavor and high as possible due to not burning anything which degrades the substances?.

The challenge would be to find the temperature to start with and work from there. If you have bud that seems to work at 250f once you get a good amount of the water vapor out, which there will be unless it is bone dry and turns to powder from touching it, you know the temperature will be 300f so you up the temperature to 300f, inhale and now it's 350f when reheated, so you raise the display to325f so the temperature can be in the 370-375f range and keep continuing this process until you can get to around 410f-420f but if your vaporizer is that unstable I don't know if it can handle the high heat like that so maybe 400f is a good stopping point.

BTW, the Aromed is a whip style vape that is very accurate in it's temperature display and settings but it isn't cheap. Since you are a connoisseur of flavor and clean highs you should invest in it albeit you will have to maybe change your techniques.

When using smooth vaporizers that have no irritation to the lungs you should force yourself to cough so more blood can go to your lungs and pick up more vapor. This will help you get blazed faster than nomal.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You guys just have to try my coke can pipe it's the shit! :bigeye:

You take the coke can and fold the sides up with the mouth part turned down & facing you & the can is turned sideways so it's lengthwise solid bottom end away from you. Then you push down in the middle on top to make it like a little bowl impression and use a safety pin or similiar to poke little holes and that is where the herb goes. Then poke one larger hole in the back side that will be your rush hole for clearing it out and taking big massive coke can hits. Now put your little nug on top and blaze away!

If you leave a little coca cola in the can it gives it a nice syrupy cola taste which really helps cut down on the aluminum aftertaste. Use a big match for best results! :biggrin: :joint:

Totally fucking kidding just had a flashback to being 13 years old and getting high :smoke out:


Yo SOTF420-
all that complicated technology you are talking about just gets in the way of the experience and makes the high way too artificial.

All you need is an apple. Carve 2 channels at right angles with your housekey and load it up...
...now that's how nature intended it to be smoked!!

Sorry for trolling your thread guys- just poking fun...I'm vape-friendly too...