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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user

"Of course, it is essential that this free education system includes the University, and that it is of a sufficient minimum quality; (a minimum that we could look at in what public education systems such as Finnish, French, Spanish were like,..., when they obtained their best results; but always improving it).
Otherwise, we would remain the same as "in the best days" of "Western" Europe on these issues, but we would not improve any further."
Thanks for the translation...no habla


Well-known member
Now this is a good example of the problem currently and for the past few years the US has pecome the world's number one producer of oil. If our oil/gas industry was nationalized there would be no reason we couldn't be paying $1.10 (USD) like they currently do in Iran. There is no valid reason other then profit motive for any oil being imported into the US. The reason we have to import oil is part to keep the oil market stable where it's at and two because we would rather sell our oil to other countries were the oil companies can make more money then to provide cheap, reliable gas here in the US. The only reason gas is $3 - $5 a gallon isn't because we HAVE to import oill and are at the mercy of our suppliers, it's because after the pandemic the oil companies have opted to not bring back online the refineries they shut down during the pandemic. They are still operating with the refineries that were mandate to stay open because it was deemed essential (I'm not sure but IIRC the number of open refineries is 3). They are operating at max capacity as they have been since the end of the pandemic. This creates the current price for gas because the demand is greater then the supply the maxed out refineries can produce. Even if we could suddenly produce sll the oil we could ever posssibly need prices wouldn't get cheaper because the refineries in operation are running at max capacity already. So wwhen you hear people say "Drill baby drill" they're just chanting a catch phrase for a false narrative that we need to produce more oil then we already do. Until they open more refineries so that the supply can grow greater then demand, then the prices will remain pretty much where they are only fluctuating slightly until the next available excuse for jacking the prices higher.

The best thing I ever did to a house with clay pipes was replace them with PVC.

Not sure if cast iron pipe comes in sections like clay, but the joints is where tree roots like to invade.
most cast iron is 10'ft sections if it was done right those joints will be leaded in!


Well-known member
Feeding my crew tonight. Kids and grandkids. Having Hungarian food and of course chicken nuggets and pizza cause I know the grands are picky and don’t like to try new things…

for the big kids Pork Schnitzel and kielbasa spätzle with fruit and veggie sides.

Hope everyone is have a good day😊✌️

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
This is the beach I did some major necking in as a youth❤️

I snaped the nose wheel off a Cessna 150 doing a soft field landing and stood it on it's nose like that. I'm guessing they lost their nose wheel.
Thanks for the translation...no habla
You're welcome! I don't habla Spanish either, so used the Google translator.


Cabana’s bitch
Feeding my crew tonight. Kids and grandkids. Having Hungarian food and of course chicken nuggets and pizza cause I know the grands are picky and don’t like to try new things…

for the big kids Pork Schnitzel and kielbasa spätzle with fruit and veggie sides.

Hope everyone is have a good day😊✌️
Had I known you were going to have such a tasty spread on the table for dinner I would’ve headed out last night to be there to enjoy the yummy fair…

I need to stop going to doctors. I went to the infectious disease doctor yesterday and got more bad news on top of the bad news. I was going in there to talk to him about. I guess this is what happens when you live a fast life and never slow down.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Had I known you were going to have such a tasty spread on the table for dinner I would’ve headed out last night to be there to enjoy the yummy fair…

I need to stop going to doctors. I went to the infectious disease doctor yesterday and got more bad news on top of the bad news. I was going in there to talk to him about. I guess this is what happens when you live a fast life and never slow down.
Yup you have rode hard and put yourself away wet!!!


Well-known member
I like Terrence and it was interesting.
If you enjoyed terrence, I think you'll find the other vid I put up extremely interesting.
I'd never heard of him, didn't know what to expect.....and boy was I blown away. I've watched plenty of podcasts, but this one was easily the best I've seen to date.
Quick summary: hes a classicist, he translates the original Greek manuscripts that to this day remain untranslated. And he tells you what they say..its an eye opener.. and one of the most intelligent interesting person I've heard.