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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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"...and the doctor said that I will probably be on this med for the rest of my life - which is kinds sad 😔 for me to accept - but if that's the way to prevent heart attacks - and live on - then that's the way I'll go "
That gave me a quiet smile; BTDT, had that frame of mind... until MySonTheDoctor 'splained it to me thisaway:

"Your bod is no longer producing certain compounds that you need for continued health. On top of that, your body is no longer using certain things you must ingest for your continued health.

"So we came up with some substitutions to get these compounds in -- and used by -- your outdated, beat-up body."

In your 80's, you can forget about running -- unless it's your nose or your stockings while you are in drag. But you'll still find time to laugh, play, and just fuck around.

Take yer pills.
and not just the blue pills FFS!


Active member
Not the subject I wanted to discuss this late in the night but...

hmmm... trying to not get too deep into it atm so... I'll try to muster up a quick summation
of what I think given the information I have currently, due to many, many years of gathering.
as it is an area of interest.

Okay... :unsure:


There are neurodevelopemental (born) disorders and behavioral (learned) disorders.
There is crossover of the two of course.
What I currently think is that learned/ adapted behavior disorders is a direct
result of mal adaption to environmental conditions at a very young age.
Trauma incurs.
It is generational.
Mental help should be an integral part of health care.
Should begin early, to teach children how to manage their emotions.
Should not be shamed as we all are a little bit wonky and most likely
due to childhood trauma and mal adaption to those situations.

Not one of us escapes childhood unscathed yet, NO ONE
addresses that we all have emotions... what they are and
how to manage them in a healthy way.
Instead, we live in a reactive world.

I'll stop now, I'm high :)
You might be interested in the”ACES” study… its even a scoring system of trauma. Aces stands for adverse child experiences study… when i read up on it, it was the the longest running comprehensive study of resiliency building…

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I would like to disagree with Walt (respectfully). 😉 You need those medications “NOW”, but you may not at some point in the future. I beleive the human body can rejuvenate itself if given the proper nutrients and time. Your body is healing now and there is no reason to think that it will stop short of a FULL recovery. Humans have existed for 100,000 years. Modern medicine has existed for about 100 years. The Universe is smarter. 😁 🌈
Sure - I might well not need one or two of them - in time - but for now I reckon that I should go with what the Doctors are recommending - as far as meds go - and do what I can to lead a healthy lifestyle too - prevention then might help the cure - to whatever ails me - and if this surgery is the complete success - that I think it is - then I'll be fine - as I wait and try to avoid whatever is the next health crisis - hopefully not for a while -


Well-known member
Attention 4X4 owners. If your significant other CAN'T read the 4x4 low light on the dash. Don't let them dive the damn thing...... When a transfer case grenades. It WILL cause thousands of dollars of damage and will be Found On Road Dead.

Off to total up a HUGE bill...... after some paperwork 🚽


Well-known member
Well I would say they aren't paying that much attention to performance in office. When you draw up a score card of the successes Biden has had in trying to improve the economy he's actually done a pretty good job compared to a lot of past Presidents that were considered popular. Much of what makes Biden look bad or any other President for that matter isn't as much the President's fault as it is the fault of congress to legislatively support the President's agenda. To often the party that lost the White House or the majority in either branch of Congress, see's their role as reying to do their best to keep the President or congressional majority from scoring wins in the hopes they regain control because the public is disappointed in the results. Case in point, the foreign aide package from a few months back. The first round the Republicans blocked it refusing to sign it without it containing anything to try to fix the border issues. So it went back to congress and a bipartisan committee worked hard to add the most comprehensive immigration reform seen in this country for decades. The revised bill was looking so good that it was widely seen as being sure to pass. Then the leadership of the minority told the republicans in congress to block it, to not give Biden such a win so close to election and therby take awayone of their main campaign points against Biden. One of the more common complaints on both sides of the aisle about the state of our country is the immigration problem. Yet Biden and the Democrats get all the blame even though it was republicans who kept the most significant immigration reform in decades from passing. Not because it was a terrible package but because they were afraid it would be seen as a win for the Democrats in the upcoming election. So hear you have the Republicans blocking the thing so many in the country want dealt with not because it was bad but because they didn't want Biden and the Democrats to score a win. The republicans put their desire to take back control over serving the will of the people.

I'm not saying it's only the Republicans to do that either. They are just responsible for this more recent example. If you go back in history there are plenty of examples where Democrats have done similar things to Republican administrations and majorities. That's why the Congress has been seen largely as a do nothing Congress for years and why it has held a historic record of disapproval for years. If any election should be seen as a reflection of the will of the majority it should be the Presidential election since it's the President that sets the agenda. Instead of trying to cause the President to fail by blocking his agenda, members of Congress should all work towards supporting that agenda with to opposition party members in congress not trying to block the agenda but rath insure that it is done in a way that isacceptable to the constituents they represent. Too many times have we seen Republicans vote against the will of their constituents just for the sake of the appearence of party unity. Case in point, look at the recent issue of abortion bans. The public support for reproductive rights measures in the 70% range even in Republican led states. That's not just a majority but in any other situation is a super majority, hell it's almost enough to pass a constitutional amendment. Yet despite the super majority will of the people reproductive rights have been taken away and pretty much if not exclusively by the Republican party trying to force it's will over the people's will.Representatives should do their job and represent, not dictate, even if it's at the cost of the appearence of party unity.. I personally am not in favor of abortion accept in cases of rape, incest or preventing the threat of death to the mother. Personally I see it as a matter of personal responsibility, if you can't be bothered to do what is required to prevent pregnancy then it shouldn't be so easy to abort the pregnacy. Yet if the majority of the people see's things differently then niether I or anyone else should force my views on everyone else.
Biden has had zero success at everything except for fucking up this country.
Everytime a demorat gets in there they're always fuckin shit up.
Everything's up dam near 50% because of this milky licker


Well-known member
Biden has had zero success at everything except for fucking up this country.
Everytime a demorat gets in there they're always fuckin shit up.
Everything's up dam near 50% because of this milky licker
I've even come to the point that friends if they're demorats I'm disowning friends and family.
If you have the same values as these fruit cakes I don't want to be associated with them, period.
You're sick in the fuckin head to let this shit go on and thinking this is OK.
Makin shit up just to keep somebody out that We Need, dont want nothing to fuckin do with ya.

Ya shove me out the door, that's cool
No worries


Well-known member
Premium user
Biden has had zero success at everything except for fucking up this country.
Everytime a demorat gets in there they're always fuckin shit up.
Everything's up dam near 50% because of this milky licker
A large milk shake at carvel is 8.50
Every thing in my trade is up at least by 40%
Every one who doesn't live here gets everything and those that do get grief every step of the way.
Where my friend is in rehab there is a guy who had a accident and is paralyzed and you have to see the shit that guy and his family are going thru to get acute care.
If he had a different name he would get it all.


Well-known member
Premium user
I've even come to the point that friends if they're demorats I'm disowning friends and family.
If you have the same values as these fruit cakes I don't want to be associated with them, period.
You're sick in the fuckin head to let this shit go on and thinking this is OK.
Makin shit up just to keep somebody out that We Need, dont want nothing to fuckin do with ya.

Ya shove me out the door, that's cool
No worries
ditto and I yelp fire at them too


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
this little girl,is starting to grow on me



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