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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Along the tow-path (where horses used to tow canal/river boats) - of the River Thames - looking towards Kingston-Upon-Thames bridge in the distance - on my way to feed Spanky and Smudge this morning - at around 5.45am - blue skies - looks like it'll be a nice day -
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Well-known member
View attachment 19007567
Along the tow-path (where horses used to tow canal/river boats) - of the River Thames - looking towards Kingston-Upon-Thames bridge in the distance - on my way to feed Spanky and Smudge this morning - at around 5.45am - blue skies - looks like it'll be a nice day -
It's the usual crap cloudy and cold weather up in the Midlands.. Hope you're recovering well fella.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Been taking it easy - these lasts days - with only one hospital visit a coupla days ago - and a current physical evaluation by a doctor - he checked my recent CT chest scan and didn't find anything of concern in the lungs - or around them - looks like I'm recovering well without extra things to worry about so far - managed to get St Thomas's outpatient pharmacy to give me more edoxaban 60mg - blood thinners - and the doctor said that I will probably be on this med for the rest of my life - which is kinds sad 😔 for me to accept - but if that's the way to prevent heart attacks - and live on - then that's the way I'll go - getting old sure is a medical magical mystery tour - lol
View attachment 19007564
"...and the doctor said that I will probably be on this med for the rest of my life - which is kinds sad 😔 for me to accept - but if that's the way to prevent heart attacks - and live on - then that's the way I'll go "
That gave me a quiet smile; BTDT, had that frame of mind... until MySonTheDoctor 'splained it to me thisaway:

"Your bod is no longer producing certain compounds that you need for continued health. On top of that, your body is no longer using certain things you must ingest for your continued health.

"So we came up with some substitutions to get these compounds in -- and used by -- your outdated, beat-up body."

In your 80's, you can forget about running -- unless it's your nose or your stockings while you are in drag. But you'll still find time to laugh, play, and just fuck around.

Take yer pills.
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Well-known member
Well I know more now than ever now 🤪 but they are still hard to identify I think even with two in front of me but especially with only one. Our crows are really big and bullies too. Last year I had to break up 3 of them pecking one on the ground on his back. I went out there clapping my hands saying leave him alone! They all flew away chasing him again…🙁 they didn’t want him around for some reason.
‘I wasn't questioning your avid bird watching skills fogey just didn’t know the difference till now…🙃
As Grey Wolf said, the ‘croak’ they make is key to ID’ing them. The Merlin app is from Cornell U and is free. It is kinda cool to start to recognize bird songs. The app even worked pretty well in Costa Rica(though their database isn’t as large as the US because it is kinda crowd sourced). I had assumed the large black birds were male crows and the smaller ones were female(because I thought ravens were only ‘out west’). Questioning everything is a good quality. 😁


Well-known member
The problems I see with that idea 💡 - are that unless you could manage to give EVERYONE ON THE PLANET - that sort of security - at the same time ⏲️ - and equally - you would have millions of people who feel shut out - and are still in poverty of some sort or another -

- so technically you would still have - THE HAVE'S and the HAVE NOT'S - and so the have's would have to then have the security - to protect themselves - from the have not's - which could lead to a whole lot of death and destruction - as the have not's will think that its unfair - and thru necessity - they will try to take what they need from the have's - so still we would have a battle for resources going on - Hmmmm - it does make you think -
A nivel de estados nacionales (a nivel planetario, es harina de otro costal), algunos ("económicamente avanzados") ya lo estan abordando, con algo llamado Renta Básica Universal. Es un pequeño sueldo que tiene cualquier ciudadano por nacer (solo te permite sobrevivir como adulto o tener una mínima calidad de vida asegurada si eres un menor).
Para mejorar la paz y cohesión social, no es necesario lo de lograr una igualdad total de un día para otro, a base de quitar a los ricos hasta igualar la riqueza de toda la población:
Garantiza a los más favorecidos "lo mínimo razonable y viable" para poder, como mínimo, sobrevivir sin perder la dignidad. Y si no puedes garantizarles el ascenso social a través del mercado laboral (no has logrado tener un 0% técnico de desempleo, por ejemplo), dales la garantía de tener para sus hijos un "ascensor social": oséa, un sistema de educación gratuita con la suficiente calidad como para que sus hijos pudieran aspirar hasta las posiciones más elevadas, según sus resultados académicos (acompañado de un sistema de salud y demás servicios sociales "mínimos").

Este modelo pretende una "igualdad técnica real", no utópica: no pretende que un niño millonario no pueda disfrutar de los "extras" que le facilite su familia (ya sea poder ampliar estudios en el extranjero, o pasearse en Ferrari), sino que todos los niños de la sociedad, aún los más pobres, partan con un "mínimo asegurado" y tengan la posibilidad en base a su único esfuerzo, de poder llegar al lugar social de donde parte, "con ventaja", el niño rico.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It's the usual crap cloudy and cold weather up in the Midlands.. Hope you're recovering well fella.
Yeah - so far - so good 👍 - and as @Unca Walt has so eloquently stated - its about acceptance - and keeping to a routine that doesn't exacerbate your condition - but helps rehabilitate - and recover to a physical condition that's acceptable to you - and you can live with - with perhaps a little joy and quality of life - to go with it 😀 -

- and I'm about 6 months from that now - just 6 weeks from that major operation - running on schedule (figure of speech) - but walking alot - getting plenty of rest - eating right - although 8-12 weeks was the proposed recovery time - it'll be another 3 months of regular/progressive training on top of that - before I'll consider that I've got my full faculties back - and be as strong as I can be - or need to be - at 64 -

<gazes into crystal ball - 👀 alot of gym/pool work + walking - takes his pills 💊 >


Well-known member
Yeah - so far - so good 👍 - and as @Unca Walt has so eloquently stated - its about acceptance - and keeping to a routine that doesn't exacerbate your condition - but helps rehabilitate - and recover to a physical condition that's acceptable to you - and you can live with - with perhaps a little joy and quality of life - to go with it 😀 -

- and I'm about 6 months from that now - just 6 weeks from that major operation - running on schedule (figure of speech) - but walking alot - getting plenty of rest - eating right - although 8-12 weeks was the proposed recovery time - it'll be another 3 months of regular/progressive training on top of that - before I'll consider that I've got my full faculties back - and be as strong as I can be - or need to be - at 64 -

<gazes into crystal ball - 👀 alot of gym/pool work + walking - takes his pills 💊 >
I would like to disagree with Walt (respectfully). 😉 You need those medications “NOW”, but you may not at some point in the future. I beleive the human body can rejuvenate itself if given the proper nutrients and time. Your body is healing now and there is no reason to think that it will stop short of a FULL recovery. Humans have existed for 100,000 years. Modern medicine has existed for about 100 years. The Universe is smarter. 😁 🌈


Well-known member
El modelo anterior tiene otra virtud intrínseca: aún si no consigues implicar a ciertos adultos que cobran Renta Básica Universal, a ingresar en el mercado laboral (ya sea porque ellos se "acomodan" con ese mínimo, o porque realmente no hay trabajo para ellos), sí tienes a sus hijos desde la más tierna infancia, por ley, "subidos al ascensor social de la educación"...

Por supuesto se pueden encontrar fallos en el modelo. Pero para que un modelo sea bueno, no es necesario que solucione total e instantaneamente un problema: basta con que lo mejore en márgenes de tiempo y en grado suficiente, para que se pueda llegar (o aproximarse muchísimo: eso significa "técnico" en este contexto) a la tan deseada solución, o hasta un grado en la que puedan aplicarse otras medidas (que antes resultarían nimias ante la mágnitud del problema) con cada vez menos recursos estatales implicados.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
El modelo anterior tiene otra virtud intrínseca: aún si no consigues implicar a ciertos adultos que cobran Renta Básica Universal, a ingresar en el mercado laboral (ya sea porque ellos se "acomodan" con ese mínimo, o porque realmente no hay trabajo para ellos), sí tienes a sus hijos desde la más tierna infancia, por ley, "subidos al ascensor social de la educación"...

Por supuesto se pueden encontrar fallos en el modelo. Pero para que un modelo sea bueno, no es necesario que solucione total e instantaneamente un problema: basta con que lo mejore en márgenes de tiempo y en grado suficiente, para que se pueda llegar (o aproximarse muchísimo: eso significa "técnico" en este contexto) a la tan deseada solución, o hasta un grado en la que puedan aplicarse otras medidas (que antes resultarían nimias ante la mágnitud del problema) con cada vez menos recursos estatales implicados.
Easy for you to say.................. Translation:

"The previous model has another intrinsic virtue: even if you don't manage to get certain adults who receive Universal Basic Income to enter the labor market (either because they "accommodate" themselves with that minimum, or because there really is no work for them), you do have their children from the earliest childhood, by law, "on the social elevator of education"...

Of course, flaws can be found in the model. But for a model to be good, it doesn't need to solve total and i"
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Well-known member
I just read an article tonight written by Elon Musk whereby he states that AI will take all of our jobs away, but that we will all be wealthy. I wonder what percent of the current worlds Western population is included in that category, and does that mean a decrease of say 70% of the population of today? Also makes me wonder how the War Freaks are going to take that. Are they going to sit on their hands while watching their purse strings get pulled back, smiling all the while this is taking place? Somehow I believe that his concept of the world is leaving out some critical equations. Mind you, I like the idea of a peaceful world where all of the Halliburton's are gone. Just not sure at all about AI.


Well-known member
Easy for you to say..................
Por supuesto, es imprescindible que ese sistema educativo gratuito incluya la Universidad, y sea de una calidad mínima suficiente; (un mínimo que podriamos fijar en como eran sistemas educativos públicos como el finés, el francés, el español,..., cuando obtenian sus mejores resultados; pero siempre mejorándolo).
Si no, seguiríamos igual que "en las mejores épocas" de la Europa "occidental" en estos temas, pero no mejoraríamos más.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good Frigg's Day morning brothers and sisters! All hail Frigg!

More rain today starting at 47F and predicted to reach 62F.

The new sprinkler heads are all installed and the sprinkler system operating optimally. Now on automagical and will hopefully take care of the lawn and gardens for this season.

No response yet from my retired former plumbing vendor, who is on vacation in Italy, so continuing to investigate the kitchen drain line break further myself. I ordered a transfer pump to pump out the hole and it is due today.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Por supuesto, es imprescindible que ese sistema educativo gratuito incluya la Universidad, y sea de una calidad mínima suficiente; (un mínimo que podriamos fijar en como eran sistemas educativos públicos como el finés, el francés, el español,..., cuando obtenian sus mejores resultados; pero siempre mejorándolo).
Si no, seguiríamos igual que "en las mejores épocas" de la Europa "occidental" en estos temas, pero no mejoraríamos más.

"Of course, it is essential that this free education system includes the University, and that it is of a sufficient minimum quality; (a minimum that we could look at in what public education systems such as Finnish, French, Spanish were like,..., when they obtained their best results; but always improving it).
Otherwise, we would remain the same as "in the best days" of "Western" Europe on these issues, but we would not improve any further."


Well-known member
Premium user
Well, I have had several days crammed packed with out of the house stuff. So it goes.
I now have time to catch up (maybe/hopefully) that y'all have typed in my short absence.
You guys ae prolific typers, lol! Me - I am okay. Okay for an ol fart. Gotta qualify that too.
It looks like everyone here is okay and have survived my being gone for a few days time.
LMOA. Long ago realized I am not too important. In fact, not very important. At all !! :D
seems we have a lot to say😊☝️


Well-known member
I just read an article tonight written by Elon Musk whereby he states that AI will take all of our jobs away, but that we will all be wealthy. I wonder what percent of the current worlds Western population is included in that category, and does that mean a decrease of say 70% of the population of today? Also makes me wonder how the War Freaks are going to take that. Are they going to sit on their hands while watching their purse strings get pulled back, smiling all the while this is taking place? Somehow I believe that his concept of the world is leaving out some critical equations. Mind you, I like the idea of a peaceful world where all of the Halliburton's are gone. Just not sure at all about AI.
The benefits of "non-human" labor must be sufficiently taxed.