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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Thing is, it's going to hurt him a _hell_ of a lot more when he coughs than it did you. 🫁🪠

And I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but you are one _lucky_ motherfucker!!! A silly millimeter here or there, and you're on a "breathing machine" and can only communicate via blinking an eye... for the _rest_ of your life.

Gotta tell you, looking in the eyes of those fuckers can rattle your soul to the core.

In his best ZZ top voice, you certainly are sharp dressed man. ;)

the doc Told me that one more millimeter and I would have dead , c3 has something to do with breathing…

but yeah , all the ligaments and tendons the doc said were shredded…

no opiates either , gf made full spectrum decarbed oil pain patches to the back of my neck…

luckey mofo indeed.…….say , did I tell you about the time a laborer pulled the scaffolding out from underneath me and I fell from the 9th floor to the 6 th floor down the open elevator,shaft?…

how about the time I got shot in the face from 10’ feet away with a .380?….

or driving two metal stakes through an 880 volt buried line?…

got a few more but I won’t bore everyone…


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
the doc Told me that one more millimeter and I would have dead , c3 has something to do with breathing…

but yeah , all the ligaments and tendons the doc said were shredded…

no opiates either , gf made full spectrum decarbed oil pain patches to the back of my neck…

luckey mofo indeed.…….say , did I tell you about the time a laborer pulled the scaffolding out from underneath me and I fell from the 9th floor to the 6 th floor down the open elevator,shaft?…

how about the time I got shot in the face from 10’ feet away with a .380?….

or driving two metal stakes through an 880 volt buried line?…

got a few more but I won’t bore everyone…

View attachment 18985386

Sounds like if you were a cat, you're already on number eight. o_O

Now I can tell you a story about having to intubate (insert breathing tube in mouth and put in lungs, not stomach) a patient who jumped from a sixth floor window, down to the third floor roof of the adjacent building.

Laying flat on my stomach, on a hot ass tar and gravel Florida roof, trying to visualize the vocal cords with no way to suction out all the blood, while somebody's compressing on his chest making his whole body flop around like a fish, and _hoping_ I got the tube in the lungs and not the stomach, 'cause my stethoscope fell out of my pocket and then off the roof, so I had no way of knowing if the ET tube was in the right place or not. :cautious:

Those three story falls can really get to you, can't they? ;)

Like you, a few more stories but I don't want to bore anybody either.😂


Well-known member
Bolo was a real nice guy - but didn't really speak much if any English - so I say that with only his vibe to go on - He spoke Catonese Chinese mostly - and at the time - I knew very little -

* and now for something completely different - the key is to know that 'Goolies = Nads/testicles' -

Please let me know when you publish your book about your life. You are a very interesting person. 🌈

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
We aint going nowhere till the big guy in the sky says so it would seem.
The older I get the more I wonder about that.
I got my answer:



Well-known member
I got my answer:

You’re not alone we are all working it out 🥰

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