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The Origen of my numbness. What's yours?



If that's PTSD I have it. I have every one of those. Seriously, my heart started racing as I was reading them.
I guess my flashbacks are what numbed me. The usual thing girls go through. Don't even want to type them out. But, you know what many little girls go through and never tell. That went on for a few years. I started drinking when I was 8. Was blacking out by 10. Found pot at 12 and never drank to forget again. I think pot saved me in that way.
Then, of course 9-11. I was in Queens at the time, but had a lot of family and friends that work down there. It didn't really affect me too bad when it first happened, of course I was devastated but not as bad as other people I knew. But my anxiety over it has gotten worse. Whenever I hear a plane that's just a little too loud it makes me irrationally nervous. And then of course the media. But despite all that I was still able to fall in love and give all my heart and trust to one person. But, circumstances have changed that for almost a year now. I've been getting a lot of flashbacks. I feel my emotions slipping away. I'd rather feel depressed than to feel this nothingness.
I feel you with the nick berg thing...... I didn't flinch at all.

I got something for you though........

3 guys 1 hammer........ I haven't watched it but I watched the youtube reaction videos and thus gathered what happens throughout ensuring me that I will NEVER watch it.

Its the only true Snuff Film EVER MADE. google it and/or google uncoverreality.com they got it plus other nasty shhh

It was one killing they filmed over a series of like 30 or something brutal murders that happened within a few days in Ukraine( NOT RUSSIA). They caught them and the 3 are serving life as of now


Active member
I can't believe you guys watch that shit LOL

I saw one arab movie where they cut off a guy's dick

and another where they kill (maybe chop off head) a guy with an axe I think

but I was young, and my mind quickly erased those images


anyone see that 3 minute+ long video of nothing but dick chopping and mutilation?


Active member

there's also that guy who died getting penetrated by a horse

man, if that would happen to me my parents would have been ashamed
shit happens I guess

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