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The Origen of my numbness. What's yours?


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
it also doesn't mean you have to live an empty, numb life.

No that is true, but what you suggested is almost as bad.

You don't fix a problem by ignoring, and trying to cover the feelings with something good. It doesn't work.

I also find it important to remind young men to quit labelling another as "emo", because they're capable of feeling and expressing. of course this only prepetuates the machismo myth.


Active member
i didn't say to cover the feelings with something good. i said to do something good. i would never counsel somebody to cover their feelings with anything. That's your own spin, fella.

I advised doing a certain thing and deriving a good feeling from it. Period. LOL. Instead you add your own editorializing (stuff you're saying to yourself in own head?!) and all of a sudden I have said (or suggested) a bunch of shit that I most certainly did not.

please re-read what I wrote- all of it. Not one mention of the words "move on" or talk about being a bigger man... never mentioned boot laces. none of the above.

I talked about learning new skills and helping people. any good works make your life l;ess shitty in the balance. not a word more...cept when I jokingly called you miserable sons of bitches. totally a joke. same tone as when I was admiring the shiny poo lump.

the mommy issue thing was a direct reference to the hate-speak against "bitches"... just cuz you (whoever posted that) have been hurt by women does not make them all hoes and bitches. Have a little respect... if not for your wife or mother or daughter, then for mine. I stand by that shit.


Active member
I know people who have had shit lives who don't moan about it... most of em spent a minute pissing and moaning... feeling sorry for themselves... hiding in booze or junk or meth or jesus...

but a little inspiration goes a long way. seriously... find yourself somebody with a shittier life than you and help em out somehow. your life will instantly seem less shitty.

I am not trying to insult you miserable sunzabitchez :) I thought I offered a serious way to not feel so numb, that;s all. I said clearly that I wasn't judging. Just offered a strategy to ameliorate the misery.

By the way... that image of shit is really effective. I can literally smell and taste the smell of turd when I look at it. Bravo.

there is a reason for this thread

and like other dude said, some wounds take quite a while to heal
some people never get better
I appreciate this thread, because it reminds me of who I am, and what I had to go through

I appreciate your advice on working on skills and stuff,
but if only it would be so simple :)

in time we shall rise again (or die)

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This is the money you could be saving if you grow

While delivering a pizza in the hood I was arrested after running a stop sign at low speed. The police car had once been modified with a 4x8 piece of plywood in the back seat as if it was made to carry dogs. Anything but people. While arguing my case myself the judge dismissed the claim along with the claim that changing a diaper in jail was a violation of my right not the be forced into violating someones right to proper medical treatment. Once a lawyer took over, he explained that the police had falsified the information on an affidavit so they could hold me on an old warrant. A warrant for someone else. We just had the same name.

I was eventually awarded $40,000.00. That's when everything stopped being a joke and became a complaint.


wow man..always intresting to see someone who actually beat the system and got awarded money by the city..any other details..was the lawyer a good one..or did they appoint you one??you hired him??!!


Listen to me jerky
Nomaad-I think I just misunderstood you and tried to use something going on currently in my life as an example of how even helping could "numb" an individual. Came out way wrong. It doesn't matter.


my first ticket was for runnning a stop sign to, it was 3am, no cars on the streets, i was turning right and could see the lane for a long ways, and i just coasted pasted it no faster than a few mph.

could i sue for being arrested and jailed for a day because they said i didnt have a drivers license? i had one, but no id and they said it didnt show up on the computers i think they was lieing because it gave them a excuse to search my car, because they knew my cousin and didnt like him, and they reason they pulled me over was no seatbelt. and the cops had to nerve to be act like he was doing me a favor for not charging me with a concealed weapons when i had my gun in my truck.

Now i dont even got a drivers license because of another unpaid ticket for "uncased hunting firearm" after getting pulled over for no seatbelt and going 5mph over, no bullshit, fuck these assholes with their laws, i do what i want now so long as im not effecting out people, and now i drive with my seatbelt , dont speed(not even 1mph over), and havnt been pulled over since they took away my license


"there is a reason for this thread
I appreciate this thread, because it reminds me of who I am, and what I had to go through"


i liked watching crazy shit so i know what i didnt go thru and i appreciate for not going thru it


9-11 and seeing the people jumping out of the burning World Trade Center did it for me.............................................I will never forget that.