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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Active member
some other guy (SOG). you are a fcukin legend mate! coz of you I risk getting sacked from my shitty boring punk ass job due to the MAGNIFICENT reading of leaf trimming.

@warped. another fcukin legend indeed! this is what its about. helping each other out in a polite and positive way. soo glad i joined icmag now. cheers fellas.

now i gotta lotta reading to do thanks to SOG. peace ;]
You're welcome man, it wasn't that long ago when I was the one with the homework, lol.

...and in the spirit of sharing that I agree is the best of the canna community I give you a couple more links that will potentially blow your mind, lol, ...that is if you haven't already found them.

The K.I.S.S. Method by Ioni Botani

The Benefits of Vertical Growing by Hundred Gram Ounce

...and that should be enough to keep you busy for a while grasshopper, lol.

Don't be daunted by the volume of info or you'll become discouraged, if something goes wrong it isn't a failure, it's a learning experience.

Anyway, these few threads might just change your world.

Peace, SOG


^Hempy plucks and have you seen his plants? I just wanna know how and when and what's the best time(s) to trim them stupid fan leaves. I'll get it dialled in within my next coupla runs I reckon. Anyway, after reading the 1st 20 pages of the link that SOG posted up, I seen another guy k33ftr33s, who specializes in leaf trimming and his plants are the shizz.


Active member
Hempys, Kiss, and vert are an excellent and easy way to crank out the herbs for sure and my personal favorite!

Im going to the hydro shop today for my MB & ProTekt.

I cant rep yet so heres a thumbs up instead! :good:

I'm happy to share what was shared with me by others, ...and maybe a bit of the fruits of my own searchs for answers, ...if I can help simplify things and maybe give a headstart all i'd ask in return is for you to pass it on when your turn comes.

Happy growing, SOG


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Simple sounds good to me..hempy's and KISS....and here I sit in dirt waiting for my maxibloom lol.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
some other guy (SOG). you are a fcukin legend mate! coz of you I risk getting sacked from my shitty boring punk ass job due to the MAGNIFICENT reading of leaf trimming.

@warped. another fcukin legend indeed! this is what its about. helping each other out in a polite and positive way. soo glad i joined icmag now. cheers fellas.

now i gotta lotta reading to do thanks to SOG. peace ;]
Awwww hey I'm far from being a legend, I'm just here to learn from the good folks around here. There are some really cool people about and a ton of info, it makes for a nice place to hang out. :ying:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Has anybody found a way to automate the feedings on a hempy bucket with either blumats or drippers ? I love using hempys but just can't be here every day & in flower with coco hempys ...I HAVE to feed every day .

was wondering also about changing my mix in the buckets to hold more water. right now i'm using 2 gallon buckets with the rez hole 2 " up ... chunky perilite on the bottom up to the runoff hole then straight canna coco to the top .
any ideas ? was thinking about vermiculite ... but where ? in the perilite or the coco ?


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Either would work I would imagine dans, I don't have any experience with them, but I'm sure you can get something to work for you. Some of the blumats are adjustable right..so they work like a dripper?


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
The blumats work so that they sense the moisture level in the medium . so i'm thinkin that unless i set them to drip constantly at a slow rate the coco might dry out to much & cause salts to build up . prolly just gonna have to hook them up & try it i think . i had them workin great with promix buckets that drained out the bottom . so if worse comes to worse ... i can ditch the hempys for bottom draining buckets for a dtw system .


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Are those things plastic or what? I was just looking at them but I still don't know lol. They sort of look like those ceramic thingys people use, but I'd think those would plug up with salts.


Active member
High dansbuds, i'm almost absolutely certain I saw some top guys in the K.I.S.S. thread, most of whom grow in coco, who are currently using Blumats, ...i sadly don't have any personal experience as Blumats are still on the wish-list, lol.

Frankly though I think i've read enough to believe the Blumats will work as per usual.

...and i'm really surprised to hear you're needing to water that often, myself i'm growing in the 35oz Folgers coffee can hempys with the drainage hole 1.5 inchs up, they actually hold 3 quart sized measuring cups of liquid and when I water they each get approx. 1liter of MaxiBloom and I only need to water about every third day, ...i wait until they start to feel lite.

I'm even using some 2liter coke bottle hempys that only get watered every other day, lol.

...and I wouldn't add any vermiculite, that canna coco is sopposed to be the shit! ...i actually use coco bricks and they seem to hold lots of moisture, just stay away from the cheaper generic bricks or rather, if that is all thats available, be sure to rinse them well, too often the cheaper coco is loaded with salts.

Peace, SOG

Graham Purwatt

anyone tried diatomaceous earth in the bottom of their hempys? i'm thinking about doing it in coco hempys, the napa oil dry,8 bucks for a 25lb bag.just wondering if it will be counterproductive as it is very absorbent as opposed to shedding water. seems like it might work though plus the added benefit of the extra silica. maybe it'd be better suited as a medium than filler for the res?


Has anybody found a way to automate the feedings on a hempy bucket with either blumats or drippers ? I love using hempys but just can't be here every day & in flower with coco hempys ...I HAVE to feed every day .

was wondering also about changing my mix in the buckets to hold more water. right now i'm using 2 gallon buckets with the rez hole 2 " up ... chunky perilite on the bottom up to the runoff hole then straight canna coco to the top .
any ideas ? was thinking about vermiculite ... but where ? in the perilite or the coco ?

I ran into the same problem awhile back cause I started growing bigger plants to stay within the numbers set by state law. his in turn made 2G hempys a bad choice. I now use 3.5 - 4G buckets with the hole drilled 3" up instead of two. I can go two days now without any issues. Sometimes three.


anyone tried diatomaceous earth in the bottom of their hempys? i'm thinking about doing it in coco hempys, the napa oil dry,8 bucks for a 25lb bag.just wondering if it will be counterproductive as it is very absorbent as opposed to shedding water. seems like it might work though plus the added benefit of the extra silica. maybe it'd be better suited as a medium than filler for the res?

Works fine. I use the powdered Diatomaceous earth mixed in to the coco before planting now. But I used to mix the napa shit into the coco before. I just like the results of nothing chunky in my coco now.

Graham Purwatt

thanks lowman,i'm doing straight coco hempys (w/powdered de mixed in)right now like you said,just wondering if the chunky in the res would do any better


i figured out my problem if anyone cares. i ran out of room in my cab and i had to make some cuts. literally. i got rid of the smaller hempy and the dirt one i was nursing back to health. but anyway i cut the pot apart so i could get the whole rootball out without tearing it up.

i pull out the rootball and what do i find?
well first, this one is perlite on the bottom and coco on top, i thought it was perlite/coco/perlite thats another plant and i can show that later. anyway the root grew all over the top later of coco, and down into the perlite but then they stop. they grew lots of roots, but they never went down some grew down the insides of the bottle to the bottom but the majority just pooled up in the middle above where the hole is/was.

i dunno why it did this but, you guys were ALL wrong, especially the guy telling me i was overwatering, the roots never even made it that far down and i told your dumbass in the first place it couldnt be overwatering and it seems a hell of a lot like UNDERWATERING, which is what it was, i water, the water goes down and overflows the hole, but there's nothing down there.

now i gotta figure out why the roots grew like that, i wont find out till i examine the all perlite pot which is still going strong. ill be back at the end of the grow and let you know what i found out.

for all of you telling me i wasn't trying to listen to your advice, i was, you were just giving me dumb advice for things i already ruled out which is what i was trying to tell you.

In my experience, and I know I am in the minority, hempy's like a more of a wet dry cycle especially when you transplant up. I have pulled my share of 2-3 foot plants with a rootball the size of a softball. I grow in straight perlite hempy's and I generally go 7-10 days after my first feeding before giving them more. For the first few weeks after a transplant I pick the pots up to see who is drinking fast and who is a slow drinker. If they are a slow drinker I let them go real dry a couple of times and I find they catch up fast. I used to go from a 32oz hempy cup to a 3 gallon bucket but now I go from a 32oz hempy cup to a 1 gallon nursery pot. It is a bit messier but the the growth rates are the same and the growth is more uniform and provides a good base before going into the 3 or 5 gallon buckets.


^ I would have thought that using the 1 gal pots before the buckets would save on watering/nutes too. And they're easier to water. My veg girls are in 1 gal pots atm, buit they'll be xplanted into their buckets tonight or tomorrow, if I can be ass'd lol. Does anyone here defoliate too? I just gave it a try to see how it turns out.


i just tried it on a few. not sure if i liked it or not and I was not religious about keeping up with it but i did take off a lot for a month or so. they looked like yours. it seemed to slow down veg too much. i like to super crop and the combination seemed a bit much. right now i am just taking off big fan leaves that get in the way when I super crop. In flower I always try to shave there legs but to be honest I see no real difference in yield or size of buds. Anything not getting proper light just dies. But it is a help if you have any pests. I have been battling white flies forever and if i keep my plants neat they are easier to control.

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