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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


hi hempy,ive just switched from soil,was going to go DWC until i joined icmag n came across your awesome method,can i ask..i use perlite n vermic is it ok to re-use over n over or better wih a new mix?ive placed clones rooted in jiffys straight into 10l buckets,got me some GHnutes so im good to go,been running an awesome strain too,cant wait to see how she finishes in these buckets..thanks man..


in the thick of it
bad-I reuse my mix over & over...the way I see it, when you're flushing your ladies at the end, the mix is getting clean. I've been doing this for a good amount of time and have not had any issues because of it. If you can get to an AG store, you can usually get both the perlite and the vermiculite at a MUCH cheaper rate then a lowes or home depot...or the grow shop for that. Good luck


thanks dubwise..so flushing is enough to clean..this method just gets better,i have shopped around for the perl n verm,the hydro shops have your pants down,i can get a huge sack of it in my local gardening store yet its the same price for a pathetic little bag in the hydro shop,anyways thanks again dubwise...
I've been in and out of this thread about 9000 times in the last couple months. Very helpful all around.

I just started my first grow with the hempy style a bit ago (link in my sig).

Thanks Hempy, and everyone in here that's been helpful.
:thank you:


New member
Hey everyone. I'm a new grower and gonna start with hempy buckets. I have a couple questions. I'm going to do it just as the first post states. 3:1 perlite/verm. With the recommended nuits. I'm using RO water. Do i use cal-mag throughout the whole grow? Do I mix it in with the nuits in the same gallon? This is such a awesome thread. I was gonna do DWC but when I stumbled upon this I knew I found what I was looking for. The info here is great but I trust 100% in hempy and the way he lays it out. As he said pictures don't lie. When I become more knowledgeable on growing i would live to tinker. Thanks each and everyone of you for your time and effort you have gone though to replay this info most of all thanks hempy. I believe your method is going to change my life. Best cannabis forum on the web. Thank again


I;ve never used perlite & vermiculite in hempys....so I'm not sure...but I doubt you would need the cal/mag unless you saw an issue. The people that run coco in their hempy like to have cal/mag around cause coco tends to bind up calcium which can lead to sortas of issues.

A well rounded nute should be all you need.


in the thick of it
I used Magi-Cal when I first started running the setup, but once I began using liquid karma along with the GH 3 part, I had no need for the magi-cal at all.
I seem to have run into a little trouble, seemingly out of the blue. I attempted to diagnose via the The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! thread, but the pictures wont load for me for some reason.

Everything was going pretty well as far as my untrained eye can tell. I was feeding once a day at full strength and then I believe the roots hit the res, so I didnt feed for two days. Then yesterday, I gave them a full strength large quantity feed to flush the res'es out and get fresh food in their.

Everything looks good except there are a few brown spots here and there and one leaf in particular looks pretty haggard.

100% perlite, BC nutes.


Any and all help will be mass appreciated.
Did you splash any nutes on the leaves?

Ah yeah. Totally. I forgot about that. Dangit. I used some paper towel to dab it up. Damn.

If that is indeed the culprit, any advice on how to fix it? Spray em with some PH'ed water maybe? Just let them grow through it?

I need a better watering method me thinks. :/


Active member
They will grow through it, used to happen to me all the time , now i use a long funnel so its nowhere near the leaves


Dalai, not sure if this was asked already but...

Say I have 3 hempy buckets going. Is it ok to water the first one, then take the fluid out from the drip tray and use that to water the next one, and do the same to the third? LIke recycle the drained out fluid? is that ok?
Ah yeah. Totally. I forgot about that. Dangit. I used some paper towel to dab it up. Damn.

If that is indeed the culprit, any advice on how to fix it? Spray em with some PH'ed water maybe? Just let them grow through it?

I need a better watering method me thinks. :/

Yea man, if you hurt them at all when they are just tiny little leaves, they will grow out like that ... I agree with superbowlan 100%.

Otherwise they look damn healthy man.

Peace, sg
Yea man, if you hurt them at all when they are just tiny little leaves, they will grow out like that ... I agree with superbowlan 100%.

Otherwise they look damn healthy man.

Peace, sg

Thanks man. I appreciate it. Its been less than 48 hours and these buggers have moved on from this hiccup with out a fuss. I added a couple new shots to the grow journal in my sig if you wanna check it out.

Thanks again to all my hempy brothers and sisters. I'm still totes hella new, but I've learned a lot here and I appreciate you all. :wave:


in the thick of it
filo-I bet if you had a pen or a meter, you could tell what was left over in the runoff water. That would be the only way to really know what you had left. You could just poor less and have less runoff. It's a lot neater that way....but I bet Hempy's got some wisdom to drop pretty soon.
Filo- I've tried it and do not recommend it, as one of the nice things with hempy's is each plant is quarantined in its own container which can be huge if you get any root-borne pathogen. In my case, I not only had to treat and see the stunting from the first bucket's illness, I got to re experience it with the two buckets down the line.



Filo- I've tried it and do not recommend it, as one of the nice things with hempy's is each plant is quarantined in its own container which can be huge if you get any root-borne pathogen. In my case, I not only had to treat and see the stunting from the first bucket's illness, I got to re experience it with the two buckets down the line.


Excellent Point! Too bad it was learned the hard way but thank you for sharing and helping the rest of us avoid the same problem!