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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


New member
thanx for the input guys

my temp is right around 80 degrees but the humidity flexes between 30 and 60 %
ive had them under 24/7 light since they sprouted which was about 2 weeks ago. today i got a timer and will run 18/6 now to see what happens. i really hope to save the last one but i am sad to say i dont think its gonna happen but ill wait it out and see cuz its still green and the 2nd set of real leaves are lookin like they are growing a little.

I have 4 good buddies who have been growing for some time and all can produce good quality so ive been talkin to them also but like here i ask one question and get all different ansdwers which is cool cuz i WILL find what works for me.

today i actually did take some seeds from a bag of so/so brick weed just to give it a try cuz i dont wanna waste what seeds i got even though i got em free and have more on the way i still dont wanna waste em.

i got 8 more started at a buddies house who has extra room for me to invade his space and theres 5 out of 8 that have sprouted and the taproots are already through the bottom of 2 inch rockwool cubes after 5 days and they all have 3 sets of leaves and are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch tall. hes a soil grower and ive talked him into trying the hempy buckets so were gonna do a side by side with these if they turn out

as far as water goes im using store bought distilled water and havent checked ph cuz i was under the impression i didnt have to with that ?? the only thing ive added to it is 1/4 strength seaweed

i dont have a camera right now so pics are out but what i have is the first set of leaves yellow and falling down with the first set of real leaves green and wilting and a 2nd set of leaves that just popped and started to grow

what i noticed was fast growth the first week with one of the lights and straight distilled water then after a week i got another light and my nutes which i only added the 1/4 seaweed so far. a couple days later the wilting and dying started but the first and best one of the bunch is still wanting to hang in there i think so today i got the timer and turned one light off to see if that helps if not ill just wait on the micro at home and run them at my buddies til i can get clones to try here.

thanx again and i will be back with more questions and updates


I hold El Roacho's
I was pissed off today I had to get Maxicrop Original Soluble Seaweed Powder because they were waiting on their order for the liquid and that's what I use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water for my seedlings and vegging & flowering it makes my plants stand tall and the leaves just look like their lifting up to the lights. I like it and i make a cocktail with that and add some alaskin fish emulsion never steered me wrong and the plants love it.


...2 inch rockwool cubes...

Well there's your problem there! Hahaha! Just joking! I never had any luck with rockwool. I kept overwatering. I like the rapid rooter type plugs personally. Soak well before putting the seed in. If doing the typical Hempy, then just water about once a week around the plug (recommend not water directly on the plug itself).

I have some ebb & flow friends who swear by rockwool cubes but I quickly remind them how much trouble they had at the beginning. Now they have it squared away and rarely have issues.


New member
well the ones im havin trouble with are not in the rw cubes i soaked them in the distilled water for 20 hrs then put em in cubes but for only about 15 hrs cuz i read about drowning them in the cubes so i took em out and put em into 16 oz party cup hempys and they were doing fine at first until the second light and seaweed were added. i emptied the cups that the dead plants were in and they were pretty wet inside so now im thinkin my holes arent draining right and ive over watered so im gonna leave the remaining trooper alone for a couple days on its new light cycle and see what happens

the new ones in the rw cubes will be going into 3 gallon tubs when theyre ready and so far theyre doing better than the first group did so i think theyll be ok


in the thick of it
@ guanito- what do you veg in?

I also had tons of problems when I first started with rw cubes...always overwatered. On the issue of ferts at this delicate stage...I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that the seed had plenty of stored energy and nutrient to get through the first couple of weeks of the plants life. It seems to me, that once you start feeding, the dependancy begins. It was taught to me to stick with water until the 4th or 5th true leaves form, and then begin the feeding regiment.
Now with our cuttings, we use a "tea" of liquid karma and water and they get that once a day until the roots are all crazy outside the rapid rooter, and then they go into the hempy buckets.
For those of you who use rw with hempy buckets....how can you tell how often to feed? Seems like the rw will retain way more moisture then the medium...
(i love this thread)


Active member

i use rapid rooters, dixie cups, and whatever mix i got going.
keep under a dome for week. start feeding after 2nd or 3rd node.
once i feed them the stalk stiffens up like i gave them some viagra!
so i try not to over do it.




here i tried vegging in hempies. it worked.


day 27 veg in hempy - bubblegummer




ok im trying it

ok im trying it

im new at this hempy thing so im going to have help,but here aremy 4 cali hash plants in hempys behind my wall they have been in the bucket for two days now and seemed to be happy so far:woohoo:


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New member
i found my problem while reading this post--


the problem was me. over watering. the 4th pic on the above link shows exactly what my one survivor looks like so now i just gotta lay off and hope it will keep growing. i did notice a new set of leaves forming today so maybe its not too late i hope

I wanna throw this link up too for anyone reading this that may not know about it and is looking for help with anything this thread is awesome



in the thick of it
@tolker- hey man, I use those buckets sometimes too.....fwiw-when the plants are planted that low beneath the top of the bucket, after a while, it gets a little difficult watering the plant. Unless you prune the bottom leaves later on in the plants life. Also, if you veg for an extended period of time, you may need the extra space for root growth.
@stone-glad to hear your situation has gotten better. best wishes!


im new at this hempy thing so im going to have help,but here aremy 4 cali hash plants in hempys behind my wall they have been in the bucket for two days now and seemed to be happy so far

Why so low in the buckets? Recommend next run to fill the bucket up closer to the top. Now that I'm using lids on my buckets (with a hole cut out of the middle), I fill completely up to the top. With your style bucket, you cold use some landscaping fabric to cover the top (don't think they make lids for that style)

Besides that - Lookin' good!


Why so low in the buckets? Recommend next run to fill the bucket up closer to the top. Now that I'm using lids on my buckets (with a hole cut out of the middle), I fill completely up to the top. With your style bucket, you cold use some landscaping fabric to cover the top (don't think they make lids for that style)

Besides that - Lookin' good!

Thanx for the compliment...the perlite is low because i had 5 buckets and 2 bags of perlite at the time and trying to spare what I had.Guess what im trying to say is im being a cheap ass lol ...no really i want to try this style out before i go all out and spend alot of money..U get what im saying,but an update thay are growing kinda slow at the moment because the tap root has not hit the res.and im feeding low nuts until i see more growth.Is this normal or something wrong?:thank you:



Active member
my medium never comes to the top of the bucket but I never considered it necessary either. I guess there could be dead air-movement in there but I lolly-top and the lower branches are removed anyway.


@tolker- I'd say that's normal...Once the roots get down to the res, she'll go nuts.

Dubs' right. That's typical. You'll know when it hits the rez, and it'll shoot up a count of inches. Just keep lightly feeding it.

The perlite doesn't need to be all the way to the top but you'll find later on that it's easier if it's a little closer than what you are currently working with. It'll be alright though so don't sweat it. We're just passing hopefully helpful tips (things we've learned the hard way!)


Active member
I tried something this past month. I purposefully vegged my cuts in my aero-cloner longer than I normally would, getting the roots very long, long enough to reach the bottom of my hempy buckets from the transplant. He reports that they didn't have any lag time.


I tried something this past month. I purposefully vegged my cuts in my aero-cloner longer than I normally would, getting the roots very long, long enough to reach the bottom of my hempy buckets from the transplant. He reports that they didn't have any lag time.

I have done that same thing when I used to use my aerocloner. I would keep them in the cloner until the roots were about a foot long or so (bascially just long enough to touch the rez). Glad you brought that up as I don't think it's ever been mentioned here before. Thanks for sharing!


ok thanks..That help me understand why they are growing slow, but I see some new growth so im thinking were getting there.oh by the way,i went and bought some peat Mose and im fixing to put a cali hash plant in it and do a side by side grow.What do yall think about this?Will it still be calisifed as hemp bucket?Or will it even work?:watchplant



ok thanks..That help me understand why they are growing slow, but I see some new growth so im thinking were getting there.oh by the way,i went and bought some peat Mose and im fixing to put a cali hash plant in it and do a side by side grow.What do yall think about this?Will it still be calisifed as hemp bucket?Or will it even work?:watchplant:


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