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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Like I said above here is a link to help show some ideas and tips pertaining to the hempy Bucket style of growing and some of the plants look great and it got me Interested in growing the Hempy Bucket growing method....

AFAIK all that info is here too. No need to link to another forum. Easy way to get yourself banned from here.


I hold El Roacho's
The link was removed but it isn't a reason to get Banned as It was meant to add some helpful Info to an already helpful thread so now that it's removed you can wipe your eyes and stop crying.


Active member
One of the oddest things about this thread is that the first post tells people the incorrect way to mix nutes. The official hempy thread is telling people to mix micro-grow-bloom together..........and then add water.

Any hempy thread on the net is going to be about the same thing, there are no big secrets. There's a little tutorial on how to make a bucket, some info on medium and then the rest of the info is about growing, and that's the same regardless of what style you grow in.


in the thick of it
Just out of curiosity...what would you think is the longest one could veg a plant in a 2gal container?
The reason I ask is....I've got 5 AI's in 2 gal. pots and 3 are in bloom and are getting very top heavy. I've got them tied up with bamboo, so they're stable, but I think I may have been able to go a little longer in veg with 'em then I did.
Another question I've had is, if anyone is using hempy buckets in a vertical setup?


in the thick of it
Im real close to setting up the vertical in our bloom room. We've got 16' worth of height and I'd like to use it all up. I can fit two 1kw lights in there and increase my output by quite a bit, so I've read.


Active member
I've seen some at different sites, I believe there is one at the cabana. By the way I just read a thread where a guy warned about verticle MH and that it can make you go blind if you don't wear shades.
dubwise: i believe as long as you give your plants all the nutes they need as often as they need it, they will grow fine for a long time.

example.... my current 12 gal outdoor hempy cuts were taken last year on 5 oct. they were in 1gals for 2-3 months, then placed on top of 3 gals... they stayed that way until june and grew 6-8 feet indoors... now they are outdoors in 12 gals - but only filled about 6 inches..

still alive and well and slurping up an average of 2-3 gals of nutes per DAY apiece! i have to feed them 3 or 4 times most days... they are working my ass off!


They make ZZ TOP style welder`s glasses that`ve been standard issue in bare bulb threads for many yrs if you`re gonna work the plants lights on......

Getchas some sunscreen as well....especially if you`re usin several 1 kw`s.........and try not ta get tatooed by the bare bulbs.........ouch.......been there , done that......

So much has been forgotten about or fallen through the cracks when OG and CW along with HG fell by the wayside.........

Any bare bulb if stared at like a deer in the headlights will cause eye damage.......MH as well as the conversion bulbs are worse from what I`ve heard ....

Me......I got smart yrs ago and started usin those "green eye" tasklights that fit over yer ears for lights off inspection while trimmin , prunin , and shapin in early flower.......

Other than that......I let em be except to check for problems periodically with my welder`s glasses..........I don`t see as well as I used to , but it`s more from age than eye damage from bare bulbs , and ran em 15 yrs.....

Take care......DHF.......:ying:.......


in the thick of it
thanks marry & dhf. very good information. marry-i bet those are some monster plants to be consuming that much nutrient each day.


Hello all!

Setup is : 600w, 420m3/h some vents, i use GH 3 Part Bloom, Micro,Grow you all know it :)

I wanted to try a Hempy and i decited to go for straight perlit cause i can carry it in a bag and noone will see it. Like my platin coco bricks great stuff.

So i took a 10Liter "Blitz Zement" pot and drilled a hole in, like you can read on the tutorials, ..........and filled it with pure perlit.

i never seen perlit before and it was a bit scary like i have seen something from outter space lol i bet nasa only use perlit cause of the cool space alien look and feel.

At the same time i took AK47 cuttings to start at the same time in 3.5l pots coco pure.

The hempy got a BigBang i had left from spring, it was a really stressed plant the size was about 3 inches lol, grown from seed.

So i started my grow and coco and perlit got the same GH 3 Part solution (normaly i would use Atami Coco A/B but i dont wanna mix 2 different res.), and some extras like Rootjuice some Bio Grow Boost, Atami Coco Skunk Booster and some molasse.

When i compare my plants the Perlit - Hempy is the biggest plant (remember it was stressed and never grown big before, normaly you trash that plant). I had never a problem with the perlit and its great.

It outgrown all ak47 and even the ThaiThanics are smaller (have some more sativa gens) but the TT are younger 1 week or almost 2 now so they dont count.
I wait for about 10% - 20% drain every time i feed, about every other day so the water wont sit long in the pot. 3rd week bloom now and all looks fresh and green cant wait for buddddsssssss on the hempy.

Next will be 5L Pots with HydroClay at the bottom and Pure Coco above but with Coco A/B fert cause i have so much of it lol ( i have a full cab of Fertilizers haha so many diff. brands i wih i could give them away).

Thank you all for all the info you wrote down in that thread its a great system.

Is it cool to reuse perlit ? or will it be too "sandy" (it breaks really easy) after a bloom cycle ?

Cheers! :tiphat:


in the thick of it
gates3rd-i reuse my perlite all the time and it has not yet broken down or been a problem. Be sure to flush out the medium as best as you can before using it again.


Active member
I've used my perlite for over 2 years now with no problems but like you pointed out it does breakdown into smaller pieces and finally into dust so every cycle I have to add some fresh perlite to the mix as well, but only about 10% by volume.
dubwise: yes, they are HUGE... 8-10 feet after bending, scrogging etc.

clones of a strain called kushage... the stalks are as big as my wrist... a 100% perlite grow.

ps...it seems to me that perlite does wick somewhat without any other medium present.

i have 1 inch holes that are cut so the bottom of the hole is 2 inches from the bottom of the 12 gal container. this size rez area holds maybe 1 gal without any perlite...less with of course... so this leads to many feedings each day...

i am a slave to my plants right now...


I hold El Roacho's
Before you use the new perlite shouldn't I put some holes in the bottom of the bags and flush with plain water to rinse clean of any particles or dirt left from coming in from the factory while being bagged. I had read that new perlite should be rinsed but I would like to be clear on this and if so is the method I mentioned correct.