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The official 2020 Trump re election thread.

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ICMag Donor
So it's all one sided ? That's what you're saying ?
Better question how come you're not smart or strong enough to come at me by yourself ?
Why do you need a gang ?
You closed your thread cause too many trump supporters started posting ,took your ball and ran home cause you were out numbered ...Cause your feelings got hurt..

You just don't get it do ya George?

I don't insult anyone I'm just shootin the shit here.So wheres the beef ? You a sensitive lad ? And what the moe 1 and 2 story and what's it have to do with me ?

What are you like 5 ? That's so childish
Go cry a river you little twerp

You really are a scumbag no hope for you...
Educate me with that 3rd grade knowledge lol
It aint a few bud it's a gang just like all of you they're to much a coward and bitch to go 1 on 1 so they gang up start rioting and burning and smashing peoples property .
Why are you still here you should be banned for that disgusting death threat you made against my family._


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Gee i don't know maybe cause your peaceful protesters have been throwing frozen water bottles and fire crackers and bricks whil screaming pigs die at them for 3 straight weeks

Coming from the guy with a 1st grade education. You think any believe a word you post. You 3 are sock puppets..


Well-known member
Gee i don't know maybe cause your peaceful protesters have been throwing frozen water bottles and fire crackers and bricks whil screaming pigs die at them for 3 straight weeks

CNN and MSNBC are not showing the violence and mayhem so it's likely the sheep have no idea what is really going on in the streets.


Well-known member
So it's all one sided ? That's what you're saying ?
Better question how come you're not smart or strong enough to come at me by yourself ?
Why do you need a gang ?
You closed your thread cause too many trump supporters started posting ,took your ball and ran home cause you were out numbered ...Cause your feelings got hurt..
For posterity


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Well just like a typical Liberal when the fact's and evidence started to get in the way of their liberal safe space.They censor you and cut the chord

They closed the last one.
So i'll start this one.
My rule,you wear your big boy pant's in here.
No running to mod's and crying victim.
You start some shit you'll get shit back.Way it goes

Say your peace.

Trump is going to be the President for 4 more years...
Discuss :

Ok Zeez maybe no one will see the death threat to my family because you cherry pick and quote my replys _
You know what you don't get ?
here's some quote cherry picking for yah!

learn it,live it,love it!:biggrin:


ICMag Donor
It's exactly what happened...Tried to censor us...Cause his whittle fee fee's got hurt.

Georgie, Everyone knows why I shut it down. If you don't know, well that's just one more thing you don't know. Too bad for you buddy.

Hammer nailed it. You write like you're in first grade and we all know about the sock puppets. One has a skid mark on his head. :biggrin:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor

my prediction for nov 4th...republicans..."trump has got this,no need for me to stand in line with plague rats"

democrats "glad i sent my mail in ballot early"


ICMag Donor
I don't insult anyone I'm just shootin the shit here.So wheres the beef ? You a sensitive lad ? And what the moe 1 and 2 story and what's it have to do with me ?

What are you like 5 ? That's so childish
Go cry a river you little twerp

The last one is my favorite because third grade would be uptown for you. You communicate like the Village Idiot and I have yet to see you write something involving an original thought or any signs of intelligence.

You really are a scumbag no hope for you...
Educate me with that 3rd grade knowledge lol
It aint a few bud it's a gang just like all of you they're to much a coward and bitch to go 1 on 1 so they gang up start rioting and burning and smashing peoples property .
Why are you still here you should be banned for that disgusting death threat you made against my family._
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