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The New & Improved [ROLS MEGATHREAD].

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Not sure if I can grow mj in this OLS stuff but I can start the shit out of chinese elm seeds, thousands of them in the holes.

But look at those red stems...a deficiency already, damn :biggrin:

And I gotta tell a coconut water/aloe story. At another spot I am hardening off some plants that are about 4 ft tall...been under metal halides. They are really healthy plants, brix 15-16 and the leaves are all waxy indicating lipid build up...high energy plants.

But they were not digging the desert sun. Leaves turning away from the light, etc. On top of that crazy wind...calm one minute, 30 mph the next.

So right before lunch I watered em with the 1/4 cup of each deal. Came back about 1.5 hours later and they were straight up following the sun.

I am totally impressed. You were right Cootz...no hyperbole at all.



any updates with your SST 3.0? you're my little guinea pig pal before I pull the trigger on buying some so it better be awesome!!
brand new to the forums, but been reading everyone for a while, just ordered the Bob's redmill Malted Barley Flour it was, and they were going to charge me 15 in shipping (more than the product itself- which is 4/20 ounce bags to a box, ehehhee at 14 and some change) and I received an email saying that they were going to ship it the same but in a flat rate box so they saved me almost 4 bucks on the shipping -good folks, thank goodness


Did you check around local organic stores? Bob's is available all over the US and you may be able to save on the shipping.
O yeah, and they sent it out within 3 hours of purchase. And a quick question about composting... say I can get quality horse manure half a mile away for next to nothing, would this be a viable option as opposed to cow manure? I know and plan to get some worm populations to work in some bins with it, but as a real deal compost (maybe with biodynamic preps added)?


Horse manure is considered primo among manures, so you should be good to go there as long as you watch out for vermicides.
Nicely, thanks. I used to use coco and ewc and perlite, and always brewing Peruvian Seabird and the Indo Bat guanos, with SSE from techniflora, maxi,and Thrive alive... AND the frickin' Beatie Bloomz, and Cha Ching... dudes, I would get fatty harvest of goods, no greats.. but the leafs turning splotchys and brown, badyellowing, anything you couldthink of... then, Subcoo's garbage can carp. And here I be. Thanks. Confidence do's it.


I'm a fan of any and all manures, including horse. Some people are wary of it because it has a larger percentage of viable seed in it compared to an animal like a cow or goat, but composting should take care of most of it.
so and so male? question

so and so male? question

i have read a lot of 'stuff' and one thing (like mrSterling mentions the five blade leaf) is hollow stems- they transfer more fluids, interesting stuff. Well i cut into the male i am using and it is solid stalked. i am not sure how this will translate toward the progeny but the idea was to use him again, which gives me a feeling if i use him twice i will be growing hemp. Assuming that if i wanted to bring the hollow trait back out it would involve using a different male on one of the original females.


horse manure vermicide residue shouldn't be a problem hopefully.. Key points worth considering. Chances are higher if the manure is fresh and not properly composting.. If the manure is left out in the sun for a period of time and not left in damp/shaded condtions it should kill it. something i recently came across...
Right on, they have fresh and they have a "composted" version that is mixed w i think wood shavings that they let sit and turn for 8-9 months... should I go with the pre-"composted" variety? It does look nice and fluffy, and was steaming and smelled like pastries and cilantro...


great stuff! the composted version sounds best to me... Maybe wait for a more experienced user to chip in, it's only my first time using this stuff. Would imagine The wood chips being a good addition for aeration..especially to the worm bin bedding.. all the best
if the wood chips are charred perhaps, but they retain moisture so i am not sure what you mean by an addition for aeration

does any one pay attention to hollow/full stalks, IOW besides increasing biomass is there any benefit to full hurds? or is it just another trait that will have any % of dominance in any batch of plants (whether they are full or hollow)? i need to do more research i guess
Right on, they have fresh and they have a "composted" version that is mixed w i think wood shavings that they let sit and turn for 8-9 months... should I go with the pre-"composted" variety? It does look nice and fluffy, and was steaming and smelled like pastries and cilantro...

yes, but wait for a qualified reply


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor

i prefer to do my own composting however; if you need 'composted' sooner you could try the composted product which could lead to some valuable data as far as 'good' commercially available compost

hollow stems

i havent paid much mind to hollow stems ~it seems like some have a larger 'opening' running down the stem but never made a correlation as far as performance

if you value hollow stems in your breeding project you will get consistent hollow stems breeding hollow stem X hollow stem

how hollow X not hollow progeny turn out depends on whether that particular trait ~in that particular instance~ passes {i.e. recessive/dominant/incomplete dominant}


if the wood chips are charred perhaps, but they retain moisture so i am not sure what you mean by an addition for aeration

sounds like you have more experience with wood chips... not sure, my guess was simply due to the size and shape wood chips come in, so not allowing the bedding if manure to compact together as easily, giving off that fluffy feel as he described..aiding it's ability to hold oxygen over all right?? my guess is horse manure would be good with or without it, it just feels right, texture, density wise.
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