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look after your friend and when the time comes theyll look after you


Active member
ive been unable to grow for for a few years due to getting radied loosing my grow room house and girlfriend all in the same month but ive managed to get back on my feet and decieded i wanted to get my garden up and running again but had no kit and no money to buy any so i made a few calls and got in touch with some old friends on here and within a week ive got a 400w mh a 600w hps a couple of dozen pots, various half bottles of feeds and boosters and the offer of as many cuts of some really nice strains all for free:dance013:


To Have More ... Desire Less
excellent .....newZ..............helpz to stick together...........
safety and support in numberZ...............

glad U'r up and runn'in................:jump:


I know how it feels to be raided. I was in the middle of a slow expansion, going from a 400w HPS to a 800w CMH to a 1200w CMH to a 2400w HPS/CMH grow. Then before my last finished, I had piggies knockin' down my door. User fault, of course.

So now I'll be starting all over again with a 400w CMH. Good luck with your endeavor .


Good to hear you get another shot! Funny how much more your friends are there for you in times of need than your own family sometimes (that's how it is for me anyway). Be careful and good luck.


Active member
I know how it feels to be raided. I was in the middle of a slow expansion, going from a 400w HPS to a 800w CMH to a 1200w CMH to a 2400w HPS/CMH grow. Then before my last finished, I had piggies knockin' down my door. User fault, of course.

So now I'll be starting all over again with a 400w CMH. Good luck with your endeavor .

Same here mate, i strted with a 150w hp and half a dozen low watt house lights ive been raided 3 times and lost every thing but my last grow room was around 3500w and they took the lot, as a got more and more grow kit i either lent my old kit out or gave it away to get others set up and ive always help folk out with cuttings and weed if i had it and now the people ive helped in the past (most of them anyway) were more than happy to help


Active member
Good to hear you get another shot! Funny how much more your friends are there for you in times of need than your own family sometimes (that's how it is for me anyway). Be careful and good luck.

yeah same here mate im the black sheep of my familey so dont expect much off them anyway


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
3 times and you did not goto jail ever?

Are you in the USA hope you dont mind me asking. Be safe and good luck. :canabis:


Grower for Life
cool to be helped by others after you helped them. Some just stab you in the back after you helped them 1000X.


Active member
3 times and you did not goto jail ever?

Are you in the USA hope you dont mind me asking. Be safe and good luck. :canabis:

im in the uk mate, 1st time was 7 plants and a 600w, 2nd was 4 plants under a 400w and the third time was just a dozen stumps and leaves but still got community service and a suspended sentance the other 2 times i got heavy fines and probation
i had quite set up the 3rd time and the judge said to me .. due to the level of sophistication(sp?) of the grow it was in the intrest of public safty that i get a custodial sentance(jail) but my solicitor got it suspened so if i did anything drug relaied in the next 18 months id get 18months
smack head rob folk to feed there habit and they get a slap on the wrist, perverts get "help" becuse there "sick" i get hammerd for growing a few plants and minding my own busieness... its make me sick!!


Boz, I can say the same thing. All those people that left once it was dry? Keep them away. It's one thing I learned to do, and all that left? Was my girlfriend. She's been there for me the whole time. Helped pay my lawyer off while I was in jail. I'm facing 19 years, I still have to go back to court for sentencing next month. She's also, basically, my finance even though we're not formally engaged yet.

May I ask what led to the raids? In my case one of those "fair weather friends" Lady was talking about decided to get himself out of some trouble and wear a wire on me. 24 hours later I had my door busted down by 2 SWAT teams who proceeded to throw in some flashbang grenades and storm the place with riot shields and assault rifles. I was tipped off beforehand, and managed to get rid of MOST of my plants. In the rush I forgot about 7 clones that were sitting in another room tucked in the corner of the closet. There was still about 6 oz of dried bud around the place too. Various bongs and such as well as a handgun that was given to me by my grandfather (which I'm not allowed to possess as a felon.) Oh, and a bag of shrooms. All within 1000 ft of a school.