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The LED Area - LED Units - We Speak LED Now!


:bump:Hello All, Just busting off a new area for us to discuss LED Units in General. :bump:

:hotbounceGot an LED Question Pop it Off Here Now!!:hotbounce

Personnally I use the Hydro Grow LED 126 Watt Unit. There's three I have now but I am looking on pickin up 1 more.


If you have followed a recent thread of mine, you can see I used a light mover to simulate 4 units. by moving the 2 units I had from one side of the divided cab to the other every 12 hrs, it simulated 2 12 hr grow areas. Well now I am going to have 4 so no need for all the mover in that. I have a 60" x 20" canopy to work with.

I don't have a thread for it but I have 2 in that same area, no track, next I will try 3 and if I feel I can turn up the volume like I want, Ill put all 4 in there.



We are open for discussion here, plain and simple. This thread is for LED based questions and discussion.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
We are open for discussion here, plain and simple. This thread is for LED based questions and discussion.

No, this forum has a specific purpose. If this thread is not about the companies products, it will be moved to the appropriate forum.


Active member
The sole purpose of this paid for forum has been to heavily promote a specific dropshippers product for financial gain and has been quite evasive and disingenuous at times.

There is now a growroom lighting sub forum where any LED questions and product recommendations will get unbiased discussion without deletion or edits.

A dropshippers product? We STOCK 50+ units at a time in the US, and are currently building up to over 100+ units in stock. The only units that have been drop-shipped in recent months, were done that way as we were in the middle of MOVING OUR COMPANY from one state to another. It's kinda hard to carry stock and ship it to in the middle of a move, as any intelligent individual would know.

Quite evasive and disingenuous at times huh? So that's why I get rated so high on customer service by almost anyone and everyone who has ever done business with our company? That's why emails are usually sent out same day, or within hours of receiving them, and phone calls returned same day? Or how about warranty replacement units that often ship the same day as I receive defective ones in return? If you want to bash my credibility and service, please divulge to everyone which lights you are using and how I was evasive towards you. Because otherwise your words are nothing but junk, like more than half of what gets posted on forums like this. I left the forums to get rid of all the BS and drama that people like yourself bring on for no reason, almost as if you get off on it or something. Being in a male-dominant society has taught me that you guys act worse than a bunch of bickering women, so I let you have your domain. But THIS FORUM is still MY DOMAIN, regardless of if I frequent here often or not.

The only thing we delete or edit, are baseless accusations (those without any proof or backup information) like the ones you just made. Opinions are fine, but defaming a company simply because you don't like them, and then making up ridiculous information about them like what you said above, is certainly worthy of an edit. Comments like yours will also be deleted from other forums, not by myself, but by the other mods here who like to keep the peace, and keep the TROLLS at bay. So if you think you're going to run around somewhere else to bash me and get away with it, think twice.


Active member
No, this forum has a specific purpose. If this thread is not about the companies products, it will be moved to the appropriate forum.

Kharma - MeanBean is our appointed moderator for this forum. Our forum is for active topics of anything that relates to LED, especially topics featuring our products. Just because IC started their own LED section now, doesn't mean LED's cannot be discussed at length here. After all, we were the FIRST LED forum on ICMag. Our topics will not be moved, nor will they be edited by outside moderators lurking in, unless you're JJ or Payaso, or Skip. Please don't micro-harass my staff again. I don't need the drama coming in from mods as well. Thank you.


Haha and if your not watching the power struggle feel FREE to openly ask and discuss about and led unit here, no matter what manufacture. We like LED's and we want to follow everyones experiences.

There is no scam's or guidelines being broke here.. Not that I know of

Karmagirl: i deleted your post because it was an attack at our company.

I guess will just wait and see if I am allowed to make any use of this forum...

All I have said is the unit I use, now if someone else is using something other than mine I won be bashing them or there manufacture, I may just ask questions about there experiences using led and not just about the light company, theres tons of other things to exchange.

In return I will share my knowledge in the subject. I like it here in the HGL forum, that way I can help keep this thread clean and USEFULL...

I see alot of members describing there grow light "led and non" and those companies aren't even paid sponsors here. No reason I can't do the same...

Maybe after this argument stops we can get on with the real discussion, well did it ever have a chance to start???


~Resident Puck Bunny~
MeanBean...Perhaps you simply were never told, but mods are never to delete posts from other Mods, SuperMods or Admin. Also, the hard delete function is to be never used. Even us SuperMods are not to do it. Just FYI...Also, since my posts were deleted and I cannot defend myself, I never once said one word about the company.
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How about this "build it yourself" unit? Seems like a great deal, and you can customize the spectrum by selecting your own mix of LEDs.

Anyone have thoughts or experience with this?

Well I can tell ya this question has come up before. What I have gathered is by the time your done building your unit, you don't really save much compared to a manufactured unit, plus you loose the safety of a professionally made system.

Heck I see OTHER LED Unit companies modeling there design off The HGL models so sure and Independent technician could technically do the same thing, no pun intended. But wow so much easier just to buy. Kinda like buying a house, you can build it yourself for a little cheaper; if you got the tools and know-how. If not its going to cost you more in the end.

Also building a high output led panel shouldn't be your first technical DIY endeavor, but if you have the technical know-how sure it COULD be done, and some have succeeded here on ICMag.

AS for that unit in the link hahaha I would build it just to see, but the product has been discontiuned lol, you can only buy the circut board for 5 dollars... Musta had great results..

Looks more like craft time then a led unit if you ask me.

Even 1 watt leds would burn that board to a cracker, let alone 3 watters..


ICMag Donor
Have used and lent this unit out since xmas and has been in constant use , and have seen enough myself and had feedback from several non canna growers as well , to form a meaningful assessment of its benefits and limitations in the real world and happily spent my own money to find out the truth , rather than rely on hearsay or compromised grows.


The rest of the series show complete disassembly and repair of dry solder joints i posted elsewhere out of courtesy to Gypsy.

In my insignificant opinion as a customer they are currently a solution looking for a problem , probably mainstream soon but early adopters get burned.

Honest customer feedback or trollish attack , take your pick.


Did you make a journal about any of these grows between you and/or these other non cana growers? I'd like to see the results and not just take your word for it. Sorry to here that the leds are aren't up to your standards. Even though it's been in constant use. If you dont want it Ill take it for sure!!

This is for general talk of USING LED's for those of us who use them and have some pictures or something you can see n share. If you don't like any of the led manufactures don't post your neg comments cause I will delete em.

There are plenty of threads here with useful information on how well some of these led units perform, were not doing the whole "leds don't work" argument here.

Looks like Verdant is getting them to work ok, maybe try adjusting something besides your led light.


Ok MeanBean, I'll bite.

I've a real early adopter of LED growing, going on three years now. I'm running 500 watts of home brewed LED lighting in a 3x3x7 foot tent. Plants just love the LED light, it's like pure love to them. My plants stack nodes with 1/8 to 1/4 inches between them and blossom dank and dense.

What would you like to talk about?


Ok MeanBean, I'll bite.

I've a real early adopter of LED growing, going on three years now. I'm running 500 watts of home brewed LED lighting in a 3x3x7 foot tent. Plants just love the LED light, it's like pure love to them. My plants stack nodes with 1/8 to 1/4 inches between them and blossom dank and dense.

What would you like to talk about?

Talk??? Lets see this beast, It wasent me who wanted to know about the DIY it was Mr. Bongjangles, but yeah I'll take a peak for sure! :bump:

:jump:POST IT UP:jump:


HempyGuy .... do you have a thread about your homebrew LED board ? would love to see how your design worked out for you.

Anyone try building a board of RGB LEDs yet ... I've installed RGB LEDs as controllable residential and commercial accent lighting. I would be interested to see a grow light using controllable RGB LEDs .... then you could dial you spectrum percentages for veg or flower.

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