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FoxFarm can do whatever it wants with its products; sell or not sell to whomever it wants. Wise or unwise that decision may be. And you can do whatever you want with your money for wise or unwise reasons also.

In the end, whoever wins the economic battle of wills, probably should. Win that is. Most value systems boil down to economics in the end. But I'm cynical.


From the FoxFarm Employment Opportunities link:


"FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to an alcohol and drug free work environment. Pre employment drug screening required."

What I find interesting is the names they use for their bloom products, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching; to me these names sound like maximizing your cannabis buds are the main point!

Guess you gotta play cat and mouse games with the idiot powers-that-be thugs.

Nearly every place that drug tests does so because their health insurance providers requires it.


Fox Farm does in fact support us....cuz we support them. Their anti Cannabis rap is simply self preservation. They're fully aware of the fact that without us... they'll cease to exist.


trust and believe...

trust and believe...

Perhaps they should stop producing a product that is widely used for mj cultivation.
If they were as righteous as this anecdote would have us believe, they would suspend such operations.
By even making a comment that asserts their position, they make a mistake marketing wise, and ethically for that matter.
No offense smokesalot, but I would have to see further proof that they did this and made the statement as reported.

See, what you are telling us they stated, and posted, would be fodder for the grow shops lawyers.

i went there and it's true true true... found out before i saw this thread.

my boy went to a friends shop and they matched the price so we were good, but this may be the last round for FF in our grows. i just wasn't about to change it up in the middle of things.

on a side note we found a bone in our bag of FF ocean forest, i will post it up late if i can. tell me what it is from.



Hmm so you mean to tell me that they thought they were selling their products to normal gardners and the like? Get real lol outside of indoor grow shops I have yet to see a bag of fox farm soil or nutrients being sold for normal gardening. Perhaps its just in my area but how many gardners do u know that would be willing to pay up to $25 for a bag of dirt? Let them learn the hard way and maybe they will drop the prices some. There are plenty of other products out there u can buy to grow MJ as Hold Your Fire said.

25 shoes up my ass batman! $25 dollars for a bag of soil? it better come with a gram of bud or hash! bro the shop on t*dd where we used to get this shit(subject store of the post) sold it for $10 and for $25+tax i could get it and the smoke all in one stop!!!

I haven't had time to go to the shop in question to ask the owner for a copy of the letter but I'm glad someone else has seen this. I know the person knows what he/she is talking about because he named the street it is located on, without me even saying which town or where in Cali the shop is located.


In the USA there is a thing called the RICO act. I am not aware of it ever being used against a nutrient company...but in theory, it could be. Doubtful that a jury would convict...but that isn't the point. Regardless of being found innocent the financial hit would be substantial. These companies have lawyers, those lawyers are advising their clients on avoiding conspiracy charges. The companies are doing the financially prudent thing and taking that advise.

Does not change one bit the fact that most of them make perfectly suitable for mj nutrients.

Just like going in a head shop and asking for a water pipe instead of a bong. Doesn't change the fact that it is excellent for smoking mj out of...but it does provide a small measure of protection for the store.

Boycotting a company for protecting their financial interest is rather narrow minded in my humble opinion.

i agree with you and others on this point. that's what caused me to edit my original "i just woke up post."

Fox Farm can lick my ass. I don't use them anyway but fuck them for trying not to be something they are.

do you mean for trying not to look like something they are? if so read the following DISCLAIMER by.....

DISCLAIMER : I do not grow illegal plants, nor do I consume or do anything illegal. All my posts are strictly from reading and research on the internet. All my questions and statements are just to make others think. Any photo I post, are from others on the internet. This is just interesting and passes time.

I have a current Medical Marijuana Recommendation for medical reasons I wish to keep private.

you don't hold a monopoly on being concerned for your safety, wellbeing or livelyhood. not bashin you, just think about it.

i must admit i at first was going to bash 'em (ff) myself as i am down the road from that store and heard directly but now i see the point and i get it. i just would rather make my own at this point.



IMO we have yet to see any jack booted thug activity, although many think the last admin was jack booted thugs...BUT, with what I see happening now, fascism and tyranny are at hand.

In fact, soil mixes in bags will probably be the last of our worries very, very soon.

so true, sad but nevertheless.....they are just cranking it up and sadly i think marijuana is going to be one of the cards up their evil sleave. partial parody maybe something like this-disaster coupled with planned act(housing crash?) = great fear/panic = martial law = federal law = illegal substace in many homes(medical marijuana?) = fema camps = forced mark = lack of soil choices left for the few that remain behind as human pet's for the global elite.




I haven't had time to go to the shop in question to ask the owner for a copy of the letter but I'm glad someone else has seen this. I know the person knows what he/she is talking about because he named the street it is located on, without me even saying which town or where in Cali the shop is located.

SD native chillin' in the rose for a quick minute. haha what's up.



Invertebrata Inebriata
The reason they take the stance they do, is exactly the same reason a head shop will throw you out immediately after you open your pie hole and say anything remotely to do with illegal pot. Say bong, and you are history.
Good analogy. Same thing in a hydroponics shop, or Lowe's or Home Depot. "Uh, yeah, where's the pvc pipe, uh, I'm makin' a huge bong, dude!"

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