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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My experience in Texas is that people are straight talking, no bull shit, and the women can take care of themselves. Hard to see how that mixes with a meelie mouthed, piece of shit, New York, pussy grabbing', lying', weasel, mexican hatin', son of a bitch like trump.

Like I said earlier I couldn't really care much less about Donald trump,i voted like many others for policy.

I dont care if he pays porn stars for a night of fun,shit he has my vote solidified even more for that.You know like the great dem JFK did all the time.


ICMag Donor
Hey different strokes for different folks,hey let me ask y'all what do you think of Betos proposal of tearing down the security barrier at Tijuana just out of curiosity Zeez,one Texan to another?

Well, I've got a question for you first. Did you ever see the donkey spray painted with zebra stripes down there?


ICMag Donor
They will never open the flood gates.

I believe in having the best education in the world and strong social benefits like they do in Europe. For me, this can only be done with a limited amount of no payers which means we can only let in so many. There should be a certain amount of humanitarian and the rest should be need based - We need doctors, nurses, lettuce pickers, what ever.

It would be cheeper, smarter and better if we moved much of our supply needs to central America. It would create jobs that keep people from leaving and these countries wouldn't be fucking with us like the Chinese.

I never went in those places in TJ, but we used to go drinking in Juarez once in a while. What a hoot.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Agree with most of that,our teachers as well as healthcare workers are at the brink.Our teachers are getting laid off due to budget cuts as the ratio teacher/student is staggering.But we want appropriation Bill's passed to pay billions for the crisis at the border,this is insanity,screw flores congress,close the loophole.
To be a teacher along the U.S border you would need interpreters in the classroom,humanity is needed yes,but not at the cost of stunting our children's education.
Our government doesnt work,and now the house is giving themselves a pay raise,you've to be shitting me.


Well-known member
"Seventy-one percent of immigrants with college degrees speak English either exclusively or “very well.” Among immigrants with less than high school diplomas, only 12% speak English either exclusively or “very well,” and a high percentage (67%) speak English “not at all” (27%) or “not well” (40%)."

So in other words you don't want to teach the children of illegal immigrants who will then become a bigger detriment to society than immigrants who are educated.

You're literally creating the problem you seek to remedy lol.


ICMag Donor
That's an interesting point. The government has become pretty self serving and allot of the bullshit is just to get us to take our off the ball, not paying attention to all the crap they are pulling on us. If more people thought this way, it would be very unifying and easier to agree on the other shit.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
"Seventy-one percent of immigrants with college degrees speak English either exclusively or “very well.” Among immigrants with less than high school diplomas, only 12% speak English either exclusively or “very well,” and a high percentage (67%) speak English “not at all” (27%) or “not well” (40%)."

So in other words you don't want to teach the children of illegal immigrants who will then become a bigger detriment to society than immigrants who are educated.

You're literally creating the problem you seek to remedy lol.
Not trying to start a shitstorm today,your stats may very well be true.Out of the 150000 that came in may,many children,how many do you think speak english?
What schools are they integrating? What impact is that having on our public school educators who already are overwhelmed with many elementary teachers already at a 30+ student to 1 teacher ratio.what is an acceptable ratio for the taxpayer who has children in these classrooms?
Many of these teachers are already buying supplies out of there own pockets,as the school administrators are cutting their budgets consistently.While the fat cats are drawing 6 figure salaries.Its just not sustainable,that lady that stands in the harbor in NY is going to sink at some point.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm not rich,and I paid more in taxes than Amazon and netflix.The house that holds the majority at the moment wont even give money to DHS for these kids in the border that's sleeping wrapped in fucking foil,these are the Democrats that say they want to help,but not at the cost of giving Trump anything even CNN agrees on that point.
It's all politics,you really cant see that?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If we tax the top 1%,what will they do?
They'll move their businesses overseas,Americans lose jobs,we've been there done that.
Watching the tail wag the dog for years now.
I would love to see more schools,more healthcare facilities,more jobs who woudnt.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Like I said earlier I couldn't really care much less about Donald trump,i voted like many others for policy.

I dont care if he pays porn stars for a night of fun,shit he has my vote solidified even more for that.You know like the great dem JFK did all the time.

Comparing these 2 POTUS pussy conquests aren't even in the same league. I wounder how many women Trumptard has passed STD too.


ICMag Donor
If we tax the top 1%,what will they do?
They'll move their businesses overseas,Americans lose jobs,we've been there done that.
Watching the tail wag the dog for years now.
I would love to see more schools,more healthcare facilities,more jobs who woudnt.

If they take their money overseas then they will either pay more taxes or their money will be at risk. A consumption tax for luxury items would help too, - Private jets, Maserattis, Houses over $1m. Prior to Regan, the rich paid up to 70%. When he freed them from taxes everything started getting shittier, schools second rate, Infrastructure worn out, Middle class disappearing, etc. The rich should be happy to be as fortunate as they are and live in a system that gives them so much. Just being pigs is killing us all. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have both said it would not bother them if they paid more tax.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Agreed there is a larger issue,and one problem is alot of us old farts remember a better America several decades ago.
Watching Trumps speech at Normandy the other day had me wondering what those remaining heroes seated behind him think of what our country has become.

2.5 decades ago - not bad

6 decades ago a single income earner could support a family of 5 - 7 and take vacations, 2 cars; top earners paid a 91% income tax rate. Middle class 15 to 17%

Is that the good ole days?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Agree with most of that,our teachers as well as healthcare workers are at the brink.Our teachers are getting laid off due to budget cuts as the ratio teacher/student is staggering.But we want appropriation Bill's passed to pay billions for the crisis at the border,this is insanity,screw flores congress,close the loophole.
To be a teacher along the U.S border you would need interpreters in the classroom,humanity is needed yes,but not at the cost of stunting our children's education.
Our government doesnt work,and now the house is giving themselves a pay raise,you've to be shitting me.

Unfortunately the educational system has been stunted for a long time. Why would the funders think at all that 30 students to a teacher is effective. If they financed education like the military, maybe they could have an educated population.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm not rich,and I paid more in taxes than Amazon and netflix.The house that holds the majority at the moment wont even give money to DHS for these kids in the border that's sleeping wrapped in fucking foil,these are the Democrats that say they want to help,but not at the cost of giving Trump anything even CNN agrees on that point.
It's all politics,you really cant see that?

Yes it is politics. It is not only Trump related but revenge. Look at the behavior of the republicans, refusing to go through the confirmation process for Obama's court nominee. Pure childishness on both sides. Trump has exacerbated this attitude rather than work it out as he promised.


ICMag Donor
Unfortunately the educational system has been stunted for a long time. Why would the funders think at all that 30 students to a teacher is effective. If they financed education like the military, maybe they could have an educated population.

Because their kids go to private schools and they don't want to pay for the other schmucks.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Your post earlier "think" go back and take a peek.
You may want to read up on JFK,the secret service on occasions PHYSICALLY had to restrain Jackie O from entering rooms.I guess he was in their with Gorbachev.
Unbelievable, 36000 posts and that's your best response to History? STD'S? Where do these asshats come from
More people in this thread worry about what women Trump is fucking,no concerns about who Buttyfudggge is fucking .....:moon:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes it is politics. It is not only Trump related but revenge. Look at the behavior of the republicans, refusing to go through the confirmation process for Obama's court nominee. Pure childishness on both sides. Trump has exacerbated this attitude rather than work it out as he promised.

Just like the Kavanagh hearings....Politics,both sides are not working for American Taxpayers.
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