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The Humble Growroom



YwouldntI - Yes, the sd mix 1 and the kali look like they will be last to finish. I am waiting patiently.

Dr. Dog - Thanks for the stop in, I know you have a lot of threads to visit; your definitely one of icmag's biggest supporters which I really appreciate.

YwouldntI - The gumbo hash worked pretty well, I don't know how to compare it to bubble-bag hash but I am sure a 7 bag system or even 3 bag system would beat this method. There is no fault to the method at all, I actually did it just with one bucket without doing the pouring step. I just filtered out what I could by stiring and then filtering. Dried, it looks grey and doesn't really have as much green tint as I thoght it would. I got about a gram but barely used anything to create it (old leaves from another grow). I only used about 1/8 of a big gallon's ziplock's worth of leaves.

- Well put, if I make this really good smoke then it will last me for several months.

Khaleel - Thanks for the advice, I could definitely start the flowering but I want to preserve the genetics from this round a little better. I am going to have to keep the plants alive but not flowering.


51 Days Flowering - 58 Days 11/13 - 96 Days from Seed
Good Afternoon

Uploaded some pics of the vegging plants (except for those which are going outdoors or are already there). I also included a couple shots of the budding plants and what I harvested early to be smoking on.

Before anyone judges it, my plants are stretched, have ph and water issues, and all sorts of def. problems. I know, I just hadn't given a fuck lately and really just want to finish and clean up.

I love growing but the stress it causes is unreal.

^Been feeling down, it shows. The plants feel the same way. 3 weeks of neglect to start these plant's lives out, not a very pleasant entry I provided them into the world. The ones on the porch are doing better, I suppose from the bright sun instead of cheap veg box or window light. I will probably put all of them outside except for one or two of the seedlings.

^See how they are all turned for the light? Light starved! I will fix this by taking a bunch of clones and growing them close to the 400w (I plan on air-cooling it similar to how NZjay did his bunkbed grow).

^Typical flushing amount (I do this to each plant about 3-4 times)

^Snowdog Kush F1, quart challenge (never weighed- no scales)

^Snowdog Kush F2



wattup playa,ur big girls are lookin nice and plump.u'll be toasty for a while.
just cause ur feelin down dont take it out on the lil ones.hehe they did nothin to you.
you better snap outta it or im gonna find out where you live
send some hoochies over there have then tag team ur ass till you have a permanent smile on ur face,and need surgery to uncurl ur toes.
have you wakin up the next day doin the pee-wee herman dance.lol
dun dunna nu nu ,nu uh - dun dun du nu nun nu

peace bro-Y-


52 Days Flowering - 59 days 11/13 - 97 Days From Seed
Good Evening

Hey to everyone enjoying this round, I am probably loving it more than anyone;its nice to not have to waste so much money on medicine. I am taking some advice from YwouldntI and not let everything die on me. Part of me hates not having enough, I am almost already done with the first plant I harvested!

YwouldntI - I am trying to not neglect anything. Are you still happy about cutting down early? It looks like I might put a couple of patches outside and just leave them till fall (if I decide to check on them).

Nzjay - Thanks for stopping in, like what you did with the urkle. How is the stone?

Dr. Dog - Glad you like the avatar; thanks a lot.

^Snowdog Kush f2



^Kali Mist bx1

^Kali Mist bx1 closeup

^Group Shot

^Bottom of cab

^Top of cab

^Temp at night


wow dude.. nice fat nugs! youve put in alot of work.. keep it up dude...

i love the urkle stone mate..always have. shes good medicine and oh so tasty!
she will be even better when fully dry and a bit of a cure. ;)
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bro they look tasty,
hell no i aint happy with choppin early yo,but honestly i think i got about 4-5 lbs.!
man these nugs are like rocks,i never weigh when its wet,but it was so heavy today i did.31 lbs wet! wow i aint bout to count my chickens but im kinda pumped right now yo.even if i only get 20% back thats 5 of em and some change.
nice handy work on the cab bro.peace-Y-


Tom 'Green' Thumb
ExcelAtIt, you have the same Honeywell fan that I just purchased recently. They are great for cooling down my vertical hanging 1000 watt HPS's. I put them on the ground and point them straight up. Nice and cheap too. Just thought I'd mention that.

Nice grow also! Your buds look amazing! I am sure they will maintain quite a bit of their weight as they look very dense and a really nice size. Let us know what your final weight is after drying. Nice!



late night wakin and bakin checkin out my dawg excel,wattup yo.just bumpin some jamz and blazin out with ya bro.

"ooh child things are gonna get easier -you gotta keep ya head up-things are gonna get brighter"

peace brotha-Y-


The SD and Kali are killling me, taking forever!

I can't even make a good update
Thanks for the song YwouldntI, I like that one.
tgt and nzjay , thanks for stopping in; your taking some of the work off of YwouldntI's shoulders to get me to respond.

- I like that honeywell fan, wish I had a good dayton blower or a whisperline though!

Nzjay - I remember when we started flowering around the same time, I knew I would be behind you!

I needed something to smoke on so bad I cut some more of the snowdog kush f2 down. I wish I had harvested it early 2 weeks ago so that I would have some dried bud to be smoking on (instead of quick drying some every 2-5 hours).

^Snowdog Kush f2 12 hours after chop

^Snowdog Kush f2 before chop
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awesome bro! :D

yeah i remember! :D :D :joint:
but actually, mine were due to come down today. (27th) not 5 days ago.. so.. it was pretty close :D

rock it my man... smoking an urks for ya right now :)
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bro dont ya hate that,havin good smoke in the room but none in the bowl,i be hatin that.and im too stubborn i WONT buy weed,if it wasnt for the bubble id've been rapin my plants last week!let it dry out on the tv or cable box if you can wait it'll taste better and be more.mine gets done enough for a bowl or a rillo overnight if i need to cut a nug off.peace out yo-Y-


Real nice thread Excel! Good read.
And your plants rock! Nice grow.
Im A little to the party. :/ lol


excel wassup my dude,you been a lil quiet over there yo,in a weed coma or what yo?peaceout -Y-


CHOPPED ON DAY 62 11/13 (lowerered the hours 1 by 1 about 75 days ago)
Hashish anyone???? ----->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDYnYkkVBh4

Gnarly - I laughed so hard at that, I even did the pee-wee herman dance YwouldntI had mentioned in this thread when I thought "wheeere da goooold at"

NZjay - Keep smoking on nzjay - you need to get the gold medal on this grow because your shit totally killed mine! Nicely done, I can probably pick up some good hydro info from you and continue to give nothing intelligent back your way.

THoc - Thanks for the comments man, glad to see a new face around! You might think your late to the party but it will get better, I promise.

YwouldntI - The man always calling me out. Thanks. I had chopped these a couple of days ago but was having problems with the camera. I didn't want to tease anyone by saying "pics in a few", one of my most hated things. I click on the current threads just to discover I have to wait. Well I am sorry I have been making everyone wait, I am trying to get off my behind and get outside some lately.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Nice crop there bro, nice buds
That is the one bug I am kind of happy is in there, I know it will eat anything, but what brought it in to start with?


Dr. Dog - It was on the wall a couple of days after the chop? Kinda funny I saw that because I had noticed this season's fungus gnats starting to fly around. Caught one in the shower which I thought was a flea (had flea problems on my own body?... I dont even have a dog). As you said, it definitely is the bug I am happiest to see. A praying mantis worked in my last grow but I felt like it was gonna die so I put it back outside.


wattup excel,bout time pimpin!lol jk holmz.yea man looks like some dank bruh.i see you kept them to reveg-smart move yo.you can keep them little lst them then move them easier.they'll throw out some even more monster buds this time too.i know i be doin that "pics in a few" sometimes lol you be hatin it yo,lol my bad dawgcatcha.sometimes a pimp be on the move yo.my buds didnt even last long enough to take more pics of.i got like a oz.left hehe.and a gang of trim for my bubblehash makin.watch when you see how much trim.three harvests worth one of mine and two of my homeboys.should be a gang of bubble.waiting for the smoke report bro.i can never describe my tastes right.just cant put it into the right words.great job brotha.im lovin it.peace-Y-