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The Hounds Log 09 (Cleaning up the mess........)




Put the word yes inside colons (closest they have here) : y e s: only smooshed together.

Not too great the thumbs up...but at least we can post pics now, I swear I think we were the last ones to know...haha I learned last nite!


ICMag Donor
D4 whats the name of your root stuff? I can never spell it. Have you ever tried the Zone from DM. We've been having an issue with fungus gnats in the resevior (being caused by the plants getting too damn big I have no doubt) and my hydro guy recommended Zone over Rhizotonic or Root Excaul.....? He seems to be right as it has definitely gotten control of my gnat problem, plus I use it as a soil drench for fungus gnats as well. Ever tried or heard anything about it, good or bad?


ICMag Donor
Lola, I saw your lovely white Rhino clone over on WT's thread. Beautiful roots; good work! I killed off THOUSANDS of clones till I finally got it right. And we won't even TALK about all the seed-o-cide I have created over the years. :D


Thanks Weedy! I was proud they did so well too! I put it in dirt last nite and it's fine this afternoon, with no wilting! Yippie! I was lucky I thought of the peat pellets to use when the rockwool didn't show up in time!


D4 whats the name of your root stuff? I can never spell it. Have you ever tried the Zone from DM. We've been having an issue with fungus gnats in the resevior (being caused by the plants getting too damn big I have no doubt) and my hydro guy recommended Zone over Rhizotonic or Root Excaul.....? He seems to be right as it has definitely gotten control of my gnat problem, plus I use it as a soil drench for fungus gnats as well. Ever tried or heard anything about it, good or bad?

I use roots excelurator from house and garden and oregonism xl from roots organics...I'm gonna go out and get some DM zone also along w/ some penetrator....nobody local has reverse:mad:....


I miss posts in these threads sometimes Dutch. I didn't see it either! Have ya'll noticed sometimes stuff doesn't load up in thread and has to be re-loaded? Or is it just me.

Wish I had seen Dutch's post on 2/1/9, would've saved me weeks of searching...LOL.


ICMag Donor
d4, I'm not sure you can mix the two. Your root stuff (I'm told) is a very concentrated version of the Rhizotonic made by Canna. He told me the Zone was ok to use with Cannazym.,.....but not with rhizotonic. So I'd make sure before you add it and your roots always look great anyway so I don't think you need it. I was just curious if you had heard about it and if so, what you had heard.

The battle with fungus gnats goes on. Everytime I think we gotten it another one pops out from somewhere. I'm sure this is due to all the plants getting too big .......again.......from the lighting screw up because a lot of the undergrowth of the plants is dying off. I certainly hope I don't have this problem next grow but I'm pretty sure the issue is in the large trash cans and the way they drain. They are too big to be moved to remove any standing water so yesterday I tossed some mosquito dunks in the trays and we'll see if that helps. They are completely gone everywhere else thanks to the Zone.....it's just getting to the standing water of the soil stuff that has proved so tough.

May try sticky traps but I have a feeling the problem will be completely gone once I've harvested the present stuff in there.


ICMag Donor
Shoot Dutch I just repped you and screwed it up. Here's what it was supposed to say...."we love you even if we never listen to you." :D


Damn them gnats! I spray, and smush them every day! Threw lime on em once, they didn't like that! Ran around the dirt all white colored, smushed some more! Every bag of dirt I bring in is infested! The gnats sneak into any soil they can find, and I can't spray them seedlings! Wish I had some nice DDT, that would get em! heehee


ICMag Donor
loco I bought mine from my hydro guy so it was local. They are very common on e-bay and I have heard of some people getting some good deals there. I won't tell you what I paid for mine but I can promise it'll be less on ebay.

We use a simple two stage Spectra RO system called "Crystal Clear/100gpd." It screws on to a garden hose and we take it down and put it up as needed. Also figure on buying a storage container for your RO water.......we use a 50 gal barrel for ours. We start with well water and not city tap so that may make a difference as to how many stages you want to buy (do they go up go 5 stages or something?) We found two to be plenty.....our well water starts at 110 ppm and is at approximate 2-3ppm after being processed.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
NPS to da rescue

NPS to da rescue

Damn them gnats! I spray, and smush them every day! Threw lime on em once, they didn't like that! Ran around the dirt all white colored, smushed some more! Every bag of dirt I bring in is infested! The gnats sneak into any soil they can find, and I can't spray them seedlings! Wish I had some nice DDT, that would get em! heehee

Finally wiped out my funus gnats with a no pest strip.

Just laid it on the soil and they died as fast as they hatched.
Eventually ran out of eggs and larvae too.
Have not seen one for a 3 months now.
Though it does have me wondering if the No Pest Strip vapor is what's killing my clones.
Got some fresh cuts in peat pellets in a different room as a diagnostic.
Wish me luck.



ICMag Donor
Yeah, no pest strips are out for me too since we have birds in the same room as the plants. Ditto C02.

I don't know about clones Weeze but I remesmber kp over on cdot almost lost one of her geckos that was in the same room as the no pest strip (on the other side of the rooom) so ever since then I've been scared of them.


Yeah, no pest strips are out for me too since we have birds in the same room as the plants. Ditto C02.

I don't know about clones Weeze but I remesmber kp over on cdot almost lost one of her geckos that was in the same room as the no pest strip (on the other side of the rooom) so ever since then I've been scared of them.

All this time I just thought they were sticky. I guess I should start reading labels...lol. (Maybe they have DDT in them...haha)

I read although DDT banned in early 70s, one company had been selling stuff that contained it until late 90s, and it may still be out there on the shelves. I should look that name up and see if any one has some old stock...Fungus Gnats Beware!!


ICMag Donor
Well sticky traps are different from no pest strips. It wouldn't hurt to throw some sticky traps in there as well....but I'm very proud of my mosquito dunks in the catch trays. :D
Thanks for the tip Weeze and Lola.

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