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The Haze discussion thread

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Dread & Alive
Absolutely, I didn't want to question anyone's words, it's written in black and white ....
The only problem is that I don't like anyone who takes others in the background, it's my fault, I know ...


New member
La Nina is a cross of Shantis MM x widow he has posted that from the CW days no secret

La nina is Haze B x ww female.
B was very fast for a Haze 10 week plant.
Nevile thought that it is some Haze hybrid for plant B.
So thats why you can find good Haze pheno at 10 weeks in La nina seeds.
Most of them are ready between 9-11 weeks.


Well-known member
La Niña summer 2020

La Niña summer 2020

This is La Niña grown in 20 liter pot on summer 2020. I induced her to flower indoors and the day I took this picture took her outdoors and she finnished there because I needed the place for sativas

Stretch x 2
It is an indica plant, it makes nice hash


Well-known member
La Nina is a cross of Shantis MM x widow he has posted that from the CW days no secret

Thats funny Hempy. I purchased LaNina from Shanti after he got out of the swiss jail. Before the purchase I messaged him asking if LaNina was in fact Haze B x WW. He gave me one of his famous talking in circles answers that it indeed was made exactly the same as it always had been. Instead of stating that LaNina was MM x WW. The plants were hay. Some of the weakest watered down seeds I have ever purchased. Not even Mids.


Well-known member
IMHO/E, the "5%" ratio is for absolute keeper status. The ratio for "good" plants is much higher. You can definately find decent smoke in a single pack of haze/hybrids... the once in a lifetime plants, yeah, that's the 5%.

Absolutely keeper status for Original Haze is less than 5%.
If it was 5% there would have been plenty around on forums over the years. But there are none, other than the few that are being shown lately, that seem worth keeping some time. But once in a life time plants? That's more between 0 and 1%.

That's why Sam wants to grow 100.000 plants I guess.
*SamS please select your 40 best, but keep the best 1000 males/females in the field :groupwave:

Getting dizzy with these numbers ...


Chasing The Present
I'm growing a few SMG this year that were reproductions from a long held line. Hoping to be able to light dep them for the whole month of July, and then let them go for the rest of the season..

good luck getting them to finish, when they do you'll be rewarded.... The SMC x SMG should be quicker, easier to grow I expect, but not much quicker - both parents are legendary.....

RE SMG..............
29 seeds started, one died off.... 14 males, 14 females, seeds many decades old, line older than that.... believe what you will, those whom know, already know.... - thanks those before, and after me in the chain....

Peace and enjoy HB



Chasing The Present
If I wanted to try and improve the OHaze I have I would grow all of them (almost 100,000 seeds I still have) in a single field and select the best 20 Females and the best 20 Males to keep as clones, and let all the males pollinate the 20 select females, or use them to polinate each other (the 20 females X the 20 males), or (the 20 females X the 20 females) and the second year grow as many as I could (another 100,000 seeds from the first years work?) of the 20 different lines from the first year and see if I can find a plant or plants that are actually better than the first 20 females from the first year, if I can't then I think I would assume that I can not improve OHaze without outcrossing. But I know that any outcrossed OHaze it will be difficult to find just the type of OHaze effects that I love, a Speedy, Clear, Cerebral, up High, psychedelic, strong effects where every hit you take regardless of the time or situation you get higher, not just more stoned or couch locked. The best OHaze has no ceiling, one of the rarest qualities to find in Cannabis besides the effects you love and outstanding potency.
Either it can be done or not, but I would still have the 20 or more including males, selected elite OHaze clones to use for outcross breeding or production, so the work would not be a waste either way. Maybe if needed new pure Colombian ladrace seeds of very very superior Colombian Cannabis could be used to help bring back OHaze to its former glory. It must be tried to find ot if it can be done or not. I hope to do this but it takes $ and time and the current Cannabis stock market has slowed down many in the trade.



who's smoke testing the quality of high on all them plants Sam? How will you narrow the 100K to know what the select 20 males and 20 females will be, what about the other 99,960 plants, will any of them every be smoke tested?

Would love to hear how you go about the culling process, at each stage, specifics of why at each stage, age at each stage, what tools you use to determine which to keep at each stage, how many stages of selection are their to narrow the 100K or whatever number it is you actually start with.... This all has been done once or twice before, hasn't it?

The final question is, why'd you wait 30 or more years? Why now, certainly could have bulked and improved the line over these years, perhaps not to same scale as legal environment allows for today but certainly work could have been done?

with, and In all due respect, thank you and best :tiphat:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
La Nina is a cross of Shantis MM x widow he has posted that from the CW days no secret

SSH as Nev`s Haze , Mango Haze that changed after test grows but was not explained ,La Nina that is Haze but is not Haze . And Grail Haze that was Nevil`s quest that Shanti stole the name of .

Funny how all those coincidences happened to one breeder ?


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
According to Sam himself in the Hash Church episode below @6:30

The original hazebrothers haze consisted of 3 different Colombians.
Punto Roja, a green Colombian and a mauve (light magenta) Colombian

Later some South Indian and Thai were added that Sam gave them (or he added).

(Also Sam says he isn't sure what Hazes Neville got. Listen @7:30.)



Well-known member
hi Dark the Mango Haze test seed were very different to what was offered as a retail MH.

The MH test seed grew like NH very long flowering heavy haze expressive plants that had long flowering times.

Most of the testers complained about the jungle sats they were growing and culled them.Only Me and jesse possibly 1 other grew them out fully.

This is why the MH got re worked as they were not practical for most growers.

MM and SSH mother side are sisters the fathers are different.

Hi All

just to clear the air from confusion and before you all go making a legend from myth here is how it was done and is done still....

Nh is made from Haze C male which is made by two pure haze parents from 1969....then the female side of NH is made from Haze A combined to NL5 or NL5Haze A where Haze A was also made by two pure Haze parents also from 1969

Haze A is no longer alive only Haze C male is along with several other different sativa lines.

but plants with the lineage of Haze A are still alive and carrying the genes within.

SSH is made up of Haze C combined to Skunk 1 or Skunk HzC which is the male side, the female side is Haze C combined to NL5 or NL5HzC

the Mango comes from a parallel cross same as SSH but with one difference

Haze A male combined to Sk 1 or Sk HzA being the male plant, the female is NL5HzC....that is the breeding of those three plants

considering the Haze A is no longer a male alive, it still is alive in the ancestry of some of the plants used in all these breeds

I do not have secrets about breeding but given the same seed batches we could all still create something different...it boils down to selection.

La Nina is the widow father breed to a pure Haze female...neither A or C by the way so I hope that clears up all your doubts once and for all.

There is no one other than Simon at serious seeds who follows breeding plants like we do.Most Dutch seed companies use females plants obtained from seed batches that were passed on to them or sent to them, making their origins a little doubtful at certain stages. The whole seed industry based alot of things on Neville's origins in fact , but none except Sensi Seed had the parent plants to replicate things time and time again. Whether plants dies or were lost to disease over the years...well most companies would probably not tell anyone, but think about it.How many back ups of parent plants would you need in how many countries to be sure never to loose an important line? As enforcement on growers gets more and more restricting rooms get found etc....and the law of averages catches up on you. My last problem with the Swiss authorities I lost all plants in my library...some 42 mum's and dad's...luckily we keep backup of all the most important plants in 5 different countries and have done for years...if we had not had done this then we too would have lost alot of heirlooms. I do keep original batches of seed from years ago also in several places just in case I have to go all the way back to the drawing board to do selection again...but that is as bad as it gets for us.

As you can see it is alot of work in alot of places to just keep things alive...not to mention the expenses and time factor involved.

Lastly just to clarify things to do with this site...well I do all the moderating alone plus the pms and all questions and answers....so if there is something wrong on this site it is me who made it. I have a webman to do the technical aspects but all content and daily admin of the site is up to me. Howard will be helping in a limited way one day but he is a busier person than anyone else I know. Nev is not one for public life or cyberspace...and due to family committments is happy to do some work on plants but nothing else.So I am afraid you are all dealing with Shantibaba...whether you like it or not.

All the best now off to Bologna for a 3 day fair....take care
?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-? shantibaba View Image
Breeder and moderator
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,520

Hempy jessi went back an found the very first version of that exact passage...he even made a thread about it....in that very first version ssh an mango are stated both to be haze c doubling....then that exat passage was altered to say ssh an mango both have haze A an C....then it was alterd to say just mango has the skunk haze a.....so jessi has done a thread about it saying the test seeds are a double of c as that was the very first description...an the current mango is a and c....but the current mango isnt a an c is it,....cus the discription says its c doubled up.....so wen did it have haze a in it an ssh never should have haze a in it at any point either...take alook at jessies thread "mns mango haze"..........


The Haze Whisperer
Hempy jessi went back an found the very first version of that exact passage...he even made a thread about it....in that very first version ssh an mango are stated both to be haze c doubling....then that exat passage was altered to say ssh an mango both have haze A an C....then it was alterd to say just mango has the skunk haze a.....so jessi has done a thread about it saying the test seeds are a double of c as that was the very first description...an the current mango is a and c....but the current mango isnt a an c is it,....cus the discription says its c doubled up.....so wen did it have haze a in it an ssh never should have haze a in it at any point either...take alook at jessies thread "mns mango haze"..........
The Mango Haze test seed are very different animals to that of the Mango haze that was later released.

What i also know is the mother plants of both Mango haze and SSH are sisters but the fathers are not brothers.

Nevil told me he gave shanti seed and told him to select a male from them to find a father for the Mango haze.

There was also a test seed called Shit Haze that i believe is SkA no one but me did a grow report on it and that was never released that i am aware of.


Well-known member
Has anyone seen the pictures of the germination tests of the old ssh seeds from 97/98...thers quite afew seed plants been grown out....an they look exactly like how the old ssh looked....all tall skiny plants...highly vigorous an look quite uniform like the old f1's wer.....remind me very much of how the old ssh seeds used to come out....need to see them closer to finish tho


The Haze Whisperer
Has anyone seen the pictures of the germination tests of the old ssh seeds from 97/98...thers quite afew seed plants been grown out....an they look exactly like how the old ssh looked....all tall skiny plants...highly vigorous an look quite uniform like the old f1's wer.....remind me very much of how the old ssh seeds used to come out....need to see them closer to finish tho

The SSH i have posted in here are from the last SSH Nevil mate.


Well-known member
The SSH i have posted in here are from the last SSH Nevil mate.

Your ssh looks right hempy...but some look different....shantis put down loads of seeds to test them....but wat some people have looks nothing like any of those plants....

If you have pictures of the shit haze hempy id lve to see those.....ive never seen those before.....I just thought the name was canged from shit haze to skunk haze to be more user friendly.


Well-known member
This is jessi an leets post discussing mango haze
Nothing new here to see at the moment, just decided to add a post I did a couple weeks ago in another thread in an effort to keep information available as easily as possible for the next Mango Haze lover searching the internet for the holy grail of cannabis varietys.

Originally posted by L33t
This is confusing me.On older posts I read that SSH and Mango Haze have the same father.. but now I read they have the same mother instead...This is contradicting information , if I understand things correctly and do not misinterpret your posts. From my understanding only one of the above posts can have the correct info....Could you please elaborate?
Hey L33t,

I think I may be able to help clear up some of the confusion for you, they dont have the same mother plant,there are two different NL5HzC mother plants. Sisters. Having talked with quite a few members privately I have found this kind of information is very confusing for even the most experienced growers. I think the reason you interpreted all of that as having the same mother, is because you werent recognizing the fact there are two different mother plants because their pedigree's are both NL5HzC. So on paper, the pedigree's will look identical even when talking about seperate plants.

I was lucky enough to be one of the original Mango Haze Beta Seeds testers, many years ago now. Im still in possession of those beans to this day actually, having grown them I can tell you they were just fucking amazing! Astonishing even! The main thing I want to concentrate on, is the ultimate lineage of the Mango Haze. The Original beta test seeds Mango Haze was a parallel line to the Super Silver Haze. Their pedigree's were very similar, but with some slight difference. Essentially, the Mango Haze pedigree on the male side was the same father as Super Silver Haze. Which ofcourse, is Skunk HzC.

But the difference between Mango Haze and Super Silver Haze is, the sister of the mother of Super Silver Haze was used to create Mango Haze. So we have two different female NL5HzC here in the equation, one is the mother of SSH and the other is the mother of Mango haze. Sister Mother plants.

So the original Beta test seeds lineage was

Originally Posted by shantibaba
"......When Nev had found the female line to breed to the haze male to create SSH there was alot of testing and sampling done by quite some legends....Mango is a parallel cross of the SSH.That means the same father but different mothers from the same generation that SSH's mother originated from.Lets say you have two sisters and they had children with the same man...basically...."
What I think has happened, is the quotes you've dug up here correspond to that of the Beta Test seeds, which ofcourse were just that. Test seeds. And the lineage was ultimately tweaked by MNS later down the road, for todays version of Mango Haze. Which ofcourse, is now apparently Skunk x Hz A, as the father of Mango Haze instead of the Original Beta test Seeds father of Skunk x Hz C.

Originally Posted by shantibaba
just to clear the air from confusion and before you all go making a legend from myth here is how it was done and is done still....

-Mango comes from a parallel cross same as SSH but with one difference
Haze A male combined to Sk 1 or Sk HzA being the male plant, the female is NL5HzC....that is the breeding of those three plants
So having established that the Orginal beta test seeds pedigree for Mango Haze contained the same father as Super Silver Haze, Skunk x Hz C and that the Mango Haze released on the market today has a Skunk x Hz A as the father we can assume the reason for the two contradictions is the pedigree was just simply changed. The constant in the equation is the NL5HzC, but there are two different mother plants for the respected SSH and Mango Varietys.

It can be a little complicated, I know. But it does appear as if a change was made on the father side of the Beta Test Seed Mango haze compared to the Mango Haze on the market today. It sounded like Shanti was adament about stopping the confusion and the making of legends from myths when he wrote about the pedigree's, so it only seems logical to assume the father plants were simply changed in between the times the Beta test Seeds were being discussed and the variety available today.

This is a very special Mango Haze pheno, the most Indica dominant Mango Haze Ive grown to date.

The Beta Test Seeds all yielded some monster plants, quite tall and branchy that reaked of Mangos from even an early age. They produced monster yields, of nice resin coated golf ball sized nugs. Hundreds of bud sites, and all of the buds tasted like Mango. We're talking the real deal, quite possibly the best Marijuana Ive ever grown. But they took a long time, 17+ weeks easy but worth every second of it! So its quite surprising to see a pheno Indica in nature, when I was use to seeing monster Sativas pop out from the Mango Haze beta test seeds!

Hope I helped clear some of the confusion up


The Haze Whisperer
Your ssh looks right hempy...but some look different....shantis put down loads of seeds to test them....but wat some people have looks nothing like any of those plants....

If you have pictures of the shit haze hempy id lve to see those.....ive never seen those before.....I just thought the name was canged from shit haze to skunk haze to be more user friendly.

The shit Haze and many other pics are on a disc i have not found yet but the plants to give you some understanding were massive like the MH test seed NH like a plant could fill a grow space.

I still have 20 or more of them stored.


Well-known member
The shit Haze and many other pics are on a disc i have not found yet but the plants to give you some understanding were massive like the MH test seed NH like a plant could fill a grow space.

I still have 20 or more of them stored.

MM x skhzA would make devastating plants....as would 78 x skhzA....those two alone would give you grail plants.


The Haze Whisperer
SSH as Nev`s Haze , Mango Haze that changed after test grows but was not explained ,La Nina that is Haze but is not Haze . And Grail Haze that was Nevil`s quest that Shanti stole the name of .

Funny how all those coincidences happened to one breeder ?

The Mango Haze test grows showed plants that resembled Nevil's Haze every one but me and Jesse culled the plants Huge mistake.

What they told shanti was the plants were not practical and that is why the released Mango Haze changed shanti made them manageable for most growers.

If Shanti had left the MH like the test seed you be seeing plants flowering up around the 16 to 20 week mark and some longer.
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