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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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In case people haven't noticed, Bodhi has been dropping some serious dank!

SSH from Bodhi
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My NL #5 dry shots turned out sun bleached. I will post up some more pictures once the main part of the plant is trimmed up and cured.

Thanks BD, Is that SSH just finishing now? I had some Nevilles haze x x18/indicas that was in that ball park.


Luther Burbank

Lmao... I don't give a shit how open or wide spread it is or is not... Or weather or not it's legal or illegal on whatever level... You better ALWAYS know theirs a thief nearby... Their always gonna b a big problem anywhere your at no matter what ur do'n... East Coast West Coast it don't matter...

Of course there are thieves everywhere, but if you have a small pile of coins locked away in your house and a large pile of coins in your yard on a yearly schedule it's fairly obvious which makes a larger target. Reality speaks for this - rippers are not a major issue back east because we don't have large plots of outdoor plants on our property, but out west it's common enough growers discuss it often.


Well-known member
jackboys and rippers dont really take live stuff anymore. They do, for sure, but not like the dry stuff...

if you have hella tree pounded up, thats a juicier steak for them then a live plant that has to be processed....especially if you have more then a few. Why grow when they can rip your packs and sell it 5 min later?


Active member
jackboys and rippers dont really take live stuff anymore. They do, for sure, but not like the dry stuff...

if you have hella tree pounded up, thats a juicier steak for them then a live plant that has to be processed....especially if you have more then a few. Why grow when they can rip your packs and sell it 5 min later?

Ummmm, no. House invasions are far less common than the field ripper.


Active member
If your game is tight, your finished product is not near your grow. Why would somebody commit a crime that will be prosecuted by police even if home invading a pot grower which would carry a sentence of a decade in jail. To add to that there is a chance all the product is gone.

When it's sitting in a field even a teenage goes after it and you know it's all there and worth going after. Also, my plants don't have guns.

Think about it, how many times have people on this board been ripped? What percent was at gun point? Use that pea brain of yours BYF. Even in your own life, you have been ripped right? Was that a home invasion?

I have been ripped three times. Twice was somebody taking a nug or two. Once was a full out jack and tried to get my entire crop while growing.


Bulldog sounds like you are comparing your urban backyard grow to a hillside grow. Your inexperience shows. I've only been ripped once, at gunpoint, for dried flowers. People do still rip whole crops tho, just much harder. Either way, if you get robbed, you were probly setup by someone close to you, or someone that knows your schedule and property better than you do...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Bulldog sounds like you are comparing your urban backyard grow to a hillside grow. Your inexperience shows. I've only been ripped once, at gunpoint, for dried flowers. People do still rip whole crops tho, just much harder. Either way, if you get robbed, you were probly setup by someone close to you, or someone that knows your schedule and property better than you do...

:tiphat: Thanks for saying it better


Active member
Bulldog sounds like you are comparing your urban backyard grow to a hillside grow. Your inexperience shows. I've only been ripped once, at gunpoint, for dried flowers. People do still rip whole crops tho, just much harder. Either way, if you get robbed, you were probably setup by someone close to you, or someone that knows your schedule and property better than you do...

Come on guys, I will start a thread with a pole if needed. No way the majority of pot gets taken by gunpoint. Just not feasible. If you talking for growers out in the sticks, maybe, but not likely.

Maybe it's your inexperience showing? Maybe your mindset that the rest of the world is like the sticks? My herb was taken by some low lives that lived on the block and smelled the herb, not somebody I knew. They are now in jail wishing they never robbed me.

BTW - I don't live in the suburbs, I live in the sticks. I have also been growing for over 15 years. You make a lot of assumptions.


I Been held up at gunpoint for packs that were just trimmed up, they didnt even touch the mature plants in the ground outside. Professionals wait until the shit is harvested they dont use loppers and trash bags.

We are on hyper-alert at the farm from the time trimming starts until everything is bagged up and safely transported. Nobody leaves without an escort etc..


My herb was taken by some low lives that lived on the block and smelled the herb, not somebody I knew.

BTW - I don't live in the suburbs, I live in the sticks.

You live on a block, or in the sticks which one is it?

Really, somebody that knows my property better than me? Did you even hear how that came out?

I didn't mean you specifically, just in general, and yes most of us are on land we were not the original homesteaders. Most land in my area was subdivisions of very large acreage that has only been heavily developed in the last 30 years. Most of the land has been hunted and roamed by locals for long before I got here(don't know about you) and thus people have extensive knowledge of the land in general. I know every single one of my neighbors has been on my property a lot before I got here, some had grown hundreds and hundreds of lbs on it in the 80s. If you are 5th generation homesteader or have some other way you owned land that nobody else has ever been on then good for you. The rest of us have to work with what's available and that may be parcels that don't have the best privacy or security, it's hard to watch over large pieces of land all the time, and you never know who's watching you out there...


Active member

I got no problem with what your saying. IMO, more people get jacked without guns than with. Take that for what you want. As far as being a local, my family homesteaded here in 1919. Hope your harvest is plentiful, and the buds are sticky.

I would hope everybody has perimeter alarms, force multipliers, cameras and firearms to defend their finished product in a separate location if possible.


Now when it's in tubs and turkey's is when I worry a little. But I set up the chamberlain motion detectors so I'll have some warning and that's all I need.

I second using these. I had a half dozen or so set up in my plot this year and I was able to chase the tweaker out before he could do any real damage. 0% lost to theft this year...


Active member
I use blank shot gun rounds with trip wires. Works great! Also camera's with motion detection, other force multipliers, dogs. Keep in mind the approach the rippers would use. Try to make them come the way you want them to. It's all in the design, I don't see many people utilizing these tactics. I remember MedMan posting up what is needed to run a good facility. However I don't remember consulting with ex military for defensive tactics. Highly recommended. You will find the best place on your property to snipe from if needed and many other tactics normal people just don't think about. May I suggest Tim Larkin's 5 second survival as well.

BambooGardner - How are those dogs with the family? I am looking for another dog next spring. I am going to pick up some soil in your neck of the woods soon, the coots mix is almost ready for sale.


Active member
Of course there are thieves everywhere, but if you have a small pile of coins locked away in your house and a large pile of coins in your yard on a yearly schedule it's fairly obvious which makes a larger target. Reality speaks for this - rippers are not a major issue back east because we don't have large plots of outdoor plants on our property, but out west it's common enough growers discuss it often.

Lmfbo... Either way Burbank... I got respect for the Cali boys because they know their shit... Due to more lax'd laws and a awesome open minded view, which is the way it should b, they have the freedom to experiment more hands on without fear of leo... It must b nice to grow in the backyard... If I were to lose my shit outta the back yard, I'd probably b ashamed of myself lol... I've been grow'n 25-50 plants a year outdoor gorilla style since '96 and it's not uncommon to for me to harvest 5-8 lb plants... I've been rip'd twice... 1st time was my partner in '99... 2nd time was leo n '08... Mutha fucka's come'n outta the sky n shit the neighbors said lol... Hid n my patch for 5 days... Then tried to shoot the neighbors black lab n pit bull when they come out interrogating the neighbors... I thank the cannabis gods because if I wasn't at work that day and hadn't plant'd close to the river/creek on an empty piece of property, I def would've been in the garden and therefore I'd be in prison now... Two of the biggest plants I've ever grown got took that year... They were cali 10-12 lb style :biggrin: and that's more then likely y they were spotted... And I'm on the EAST COAST too Burbank... :tiphat:


Active member
Sorry for the dbl post... I was just gonna say that due to it be'n close to the river/creek... t\They couldn't do shit because no one said anything and no one was in the patch... Public access :biggrin: ...
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