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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Tom Hill

Active member
Hiya Butte,

It was great to visit with you brother, as always. Best regards and biglove from all out this way and we hope to do it again real soon.

Your garden looks very nice amigo, and man what a vaycay villa that must have been - just beautiful.

Speaking of groove on, those brewers of yours are so very cool, I just love the way they sound,,,, bdjjjjjj :)

Nomaad, awsome shot man ;)

Fill, TG, DR.Purp, Ganja D and HL, EVERYBODY is just impressing the hell out of me this year - beyond any other - Rock steady folks, it's all downhill from here.

I've been working on trellis and these "trellis forks" come in handy for the big plant applications. You can make them out of pvc, bamboo, whatever is lying around.. - Tom



Nomad, About a third (bottom 4 rows) are BD from 3 different sources, which there is definately some variation. Some go up, some go out. There are two rows of Green Crack, which isn't liking the low humidity, but a great growth structure with excelent light penetration due to the tiny skinny leaves. There are also Headband, GDP, Purple Kush, Lavender ( would have been a monster if my help had followed directions. It only got 12" of soil in a 70" Roots Pot), Hindu Skunk, Strawberry Cream, Master Kush, Matanuskan Thunderfuck,purps flat OG, and I think an unknown or two. The headband doesn't like the low humidity either. I have trimmed out all the bottom branches and the inside 2-5 inches of all secondary and tertiary branches. Only tops for me! Feeding compost teas bi-monthly, pbp, Trinity, and Silica Blast. Most of the plants have been super deficient since birth, however since I have been on the scene (for about 2 weeks now) they are starting to see real rapid growth. I had to be a master gardener remotely with no pictures or proper communication. I had surgery and have been out since May (wear your sunscreen, dont be ignorant), but I'm back in action!
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Active member
Tom: Excellent photo and tool. Thanks.

I will be printing it out for the crew as we set out to tackle the next layer of trellis. You're just doing a drape/wrap job there, it seems? No more bamboo structure in this next layer? I guess some could just be popped in where needed and e-taped to trellis where appropriate.


However didn't I also see some folks in here that are using spinosad successfully as well? I'm using spinosad for thrips and for some reason in my head I had it that I was going to be using it for caterpillars based on comments in here
Botanical Bill: I used Spinosad last season and only had two caterpillars during the later months before harvest - they fell to an early grave with little damage to one bud! I've used it a couple of times this season for Thrips and early prevention for those blasted green-pillars. It hasn't failed me yet... Good luck with your pest control and happy gardening!


Active member
I concur. Using Spinosad once a month for thrips and cats. Instructions and advice say only six applications per season. Also doing a weekly BT kurastaki (dipel or safer cat killer) caterpillar preventative. Last season I used Safer and had no cats in buds but found a few on leaves as well as a couple of egg clusters.


Active member
Heh, Tom, there's nothing that can give proper scale to those monsters! Figured you must have been super busy. BTW, where'd you find that short dude? ;)

Finished my first round of trellis today in one 13-hour push. It's a blessing and a curse to be a solo gardener...

Hey everyone...there are great options besides spinosad for 'pillers that don't mess with the rest of the ecosystem. IMHO, spinosad is a last resort when infestations are imminent, not as a preventative. I hate to see everyone recommending it for everything under the sun. Ever heard of "acceptable losses"? Bt can be brewed with your teas as a foliar and doesn't kill bees...


Active member
Bt can be brewed with your teas as a foliar and doesn't kill bees...

i was not aware. this is good to know as I was planning on using trychogramma wasps against caterpillars as well... used em last year and did not remember until they were mentioned in another thread. i wonder if spinosad would kill them off as well. they are expensive. it'd be pretty stupid to murder my beneficial predators with spinosad.

any reason Bt should not be applied with Brix Mix?
What would be the point of draping trellis over the plant?

My biggest worries as of now would be pillers, I'll be working on eliminating them this season.

TH: amazing what you are doing man, enjoy every post you put out.


How late into flowering is everyone spraying BT or Spinosad? I'm also a little confused on Dipel. Can it be applicated as a dust, or do I mix into my sprayer with water?

Tom Hill

Active member
Hehe Butte how does it go? Something like "one for the rat, one for the crow, one to rot, and one to grow"...

Maad, yeah,

The procedure here was to drape two layers over the top (making sure they overlap- each layer catching several of the same terminal future budsites). Then a skirt around the sides of the plant - again, making sure this skirt overlaps the top drape etc. Then through it all with bamboo around the outskirts, taped where appropriate. Then I'll probably go over all the overlaps with some zipties or tape etc as well to help it all become one.

The next layer (probably the last) will then just be a loose drape over with no help from bamboo etc.

Speaking of the last layer, any idea of when these things will stop stretching? It looks like they're thinking about starting now, but for how long approx? All the way through August? Midway?

NorCalMeds, thankyou kindly. The trellis holds the plant up and keeps buds from flopping/breaking all over each other later helping to keep botrytis etc at bay. It takes the place of the traditional (nightmare) tie-up jobs, much better, much quicker too.-Tom


Active member
Speaking of the last layer, any idea of when these things will stop stretching? It looks like they're thinking about starting now, but for how long approx? All the way through August? Midway?

could not dig up photos that tell the tale nicely, sorry. They stretched into late August last last year.

Trinity Gold

Looks like the dreams are getting close to 14' tall. Bad ass. Maybe they'll get close to the 20 I guessed early on. Getting ready to lay down a skoosh of nitrogen seabird and phos bat guanos to get me through the stretch. After which I will switch to neptunes harvest fish(2-4-1) with earth juice bloom instead of organic gem (3-3-.3) to drive the program.. Thoughts?


Active member
There are some spectacular monsters in this thread, excellent job everyone.......makes me almost embarrassed to show these late-start small fry's but late than never.

Blue Dream

Hawaiian Sativa
Thanks Fill, nomaad, for the Spinosad responses...

Has anyone tried painting hortonova yet? I'd LOVE to use it for ours but the white would just stand out rediculously in our case.. If there was a way to make it black, brown, etc (It seems to only come in white from what I've researched online) that anyone has found successful I'd kill to know.



Well-known member
Wow, thats such a nice thread!
thumps up!

thanks for your soilMix-recipe TomHill1, very good work!!!



Hiya Butte,

It was great to visit with you brother, as always. Best regards and biglove from all out this way and we hope to do it again real soon.

Your garden looks very nice amigo, and man what a vaycay villa that must have been - just beautiful.

Speaking of groove on, those brewers of yours are so very cool, I just love the way they sound,,,, bdjjjjjj :)

Nomaad, awsome shot man ;)

Fill, TG, DR.Purp, Ganja D and HL, EVERYBODY is just impressing the hell out of me this year - beyond any other - Rock steady folks, it's all downhill from here.

I've been working on trellis and these "trellis forks" come in handy for the big plant applications. You can make them out of pvc, bamboo, whatever is lying around.. - Tom


Awesome tool idea. I just about killed myself putting up hortonova last night. (on a ladder, on a hill, by myself). So, not only has this thread helped me to grow bigger much healthier plants. I may now actually live to see the harvest:)

Tom Hill

Active member
Hiya Bill,

It would only stand out for a week or so as the plants swallow this stuff up pretty quick (as long as they're still growing) and it disappears. The only thing I can imagine sticking to this netting for any length of time would be a very expensive pvc type paint that they make for inflatable boats etc. Regular latex might work for a few. You might be able to cut swatches out then dip them in a bucket of that stuff but the netting does disappear pretty quick anyway.-T
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