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tha colors Duke ...tha colors


Active member
Things are looking good. Much thanks to all those who have gave there information.
Wouldn't be this far with out the community.

Looking GOOD? That garden is wicked! Well done. Impressive ICM debut. Way to rock the residential backyard. I am just finishing my first layer of trellis...next step is PVC framed cubes like yours. are you as worried as I am about hedging out... seeing as how we're just starting the second mee of July?

What strains do you have going back there?

t.rips. Tom does not feed the roots during veg. Just foliars feeds of Brix Mix and Ca25. That's my understanding of it, anyway. (not trying to hijack ?'s for Tom...but he's not around all that much these days.)
Hi everyone, got a question for the tarp pulling crowd around here that would care to answer.. Since there is relatively easy access to our location and we're growing ours horizontally(I don't think anything is over 18" vertically right now) we're considering throwing up some stakes on the perimeter of each one, and maybe one or two in the center, and pulling tarps over them for 2 weeks for just the last hour of daylight starting August 1st to force them into flower early for a handful of reason I doubt i need to explain. This would probably be for something to the tune of 7-8:15 pm or so.. My concern is that after those 2 weeks we've obviously not lost an entire hour an 15 minutes of light naturally so on the 15th the days would be a quite a bit longer again.. I'm wondering if anyone knows if this is going to cause them to try and revert or will the decreasing like as days go on into the season keep the girls in flower? We don't HAVE to do this as our season should should definitely go into mid October but since I'm not sure when some of these strains will finish outside we were willing to put in the effort to get them started earlier and give us a couple week headstart.. But I'd rather take my chances later in the season if messing up the light mid-august is going to create some kind of freak/mutant/hermie/revegged situation..Any thoughts or experience would be greatly appreciated..

I'm still stunned how everyone has such bushy plants already.. Amazing stuff.. We lost one of our plants but it was my fault.. I broke the main stem pretty good back in early June when I put it out and I guess it never recovered outside.. Was a shame too because it was one of the biggest going out and one of the earlier flowering strains.. Next time I'll try not to shove a 4 foot plant into a 3 foot rubbermaid for transportation... I started a handful of late-season seedlings to at least use up the space in the soil and they'll go out right when it's time to flower.. Other than that most look great, some look so-so. We've gone through a few hundred zip-ties but they work tons better than the luck we were having with the green stretch-tape..


Ganja D

Looking great everyone! Here's a few shots from HumboldtLocal's



Happy growing guys!


the phunky one leaf growth is cause its a sativa dominant Alaskan ice pheno clone, this is the AI pheno that makes a bud that looks like a long string with little seed pods, I call it honeysuckle haze , vine like growth and sweet smelling like honeysuckle . some say it aint worth growing but it was some really good bud , just not big hard nuggets


damn , i should'a put the damn snake in the giant Blueberry for photo of the month op, if i get another snake and do it.......... someone nominate me.... if its good... LOL


Lol this is a really nice plant dude.
Hope she buds out well.
its from seed and not flowering yet , but judging from the preflower I think its male :cry:, but we are gonna keep it for the pollen and do some breeding
Creek Garden July 2010

Creek Garden July 2010

All is well at the California Creek Garden... I'll post some new pics of the "BIG" Garden in the next couple of days. Looks as if everyone is moving right along - Good Job and Blessing for the weeks to come. This is Granddaddy Purple x Afwreck... The Mental Floss and our Blue Dream Boulevard, growing on the "BIG" Garden, has kicked in and exploded!


  • Afican Dance in Coh and July Garden Pics 019.jpg
    Afican Dance in Coh and July Garden Pics 019.jpg
    138.9 KB · Views: 20


what do you recommend for ANTS i have alot of ants in my 200 gallon bins..... if i dig in the dirt a little they go nuts...... any ideas..... can i use BTI like u do for gnats
nomaad:The strains we are running this year consist of: Mob Boss, Durban Poison, C-99, Blue Dot, Purple Candy, Green Crack, GreenKrack, Sour Grape, Purple Diesel, Purple Kush, Blue Crush, Mandala, Mandala 1, Train Wreck

The framed trellis cubes are the first thing I have used for support, to be honest the only thing I have been worried about is getting root bound. Not too worried about hedging out since it's a small garden and I'll have time to help them threw. Also I recommend never using the trellis that is rope material, It's been nothing but a pain in the ass.

100gallons are doing work.

ganga D/humboldtlocal: your garden has been inspiring, you can tell this is something you enjoy and I've been stoked on every update you put up. Thank you for all that you have contributed and look forward to seeing the outcome.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
what do you recommend for ANTS i have alot of ants in my 200 gallon bins..... if i dig in the dirt a little they go nuts...... any ideas..... can i use BTI like u do for gnats

I saw some in my garden and sprayed them with Azamax/ Pure spray. It looks like it messed them up, Im not seeing them any more and that was a week ago. Ants and eggs all over after I watered. I just hit them with what I had right next to me available.
anyone have any feedback on my compost tea mixture first year using compost tea was wondering if my mixture is good

per 50 gallons for soil drench is
2 2/3cups of Mexican bat guano
2 2/3cups of Peruvian seabird guano
2 cups of earth worth castings
3/4 cup of powdered maxicrop
and to the tea i add 600 ml high brix molasses and 500 ml of liquid karma

for my foliar feeding i cut the mixture in half and dilute 2 parts water to 1 part tea anything i should be doing different?? thanks


anyone have any feedback on my compost tea mixture first year using compost tea was wondering if my mixture is good

per 50 gallons for soil drench is
2 2/3cups of Mexican bat guano
2 2/3cups of Peruvian seabird guano
2 cups of earth worth castings
3/4 cup of powdered maxicrop
and to the tea i add 600 ml high brix molasses and 500 ml of liquid karma

for my foliar feeding i cut the mixture in half and dilute 2 parts water to 1 part tea anything i should be doing different?? thanks

i see you basically scaled up the tea recipe from the organics for beginners thread. it looks like you multiplied the recipe by 10 and dropped 2/3 cup. what made you decide on those amounts for 50 gallons?

i use the same (basically) OFB recipe, but couldnt find a conversion for larger brews. from what i gather, it doesnt scale exactly. its been a bitch for me get that recipe right above the basic 5 gallon standard.

maybe you should ask your question in the OFB thread, im sure Burn1 knows. in fact i should ask there too.
local hero:
i got the mixture from a friend ive talked to a few other people and what he had told me appealed to me more then the others so far seems to be working great ill post pics in the next couple days the one thing that is bothering me is i dont think the tea is coming out with propper fungal rates im thinking this because im only using a 3/4 cup maxicrop and thats were i have figured out most of the fungus is coming from being new to compost teas im not sure if this is a big deal or if i should be doing something about any ideas?
Things are looking good. Much thanks to all those who have gave there information.
Wouldn't be this far with out the community.

Man I agree with you about that rope netting... it is a pain in the ass. is the purple kush on the far left of that picture? looking good though man as well as everyone elses.
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