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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Active member
Sorry to hear that, Butte. I appreciate your contribution.

So... does anybody have a soil pH and moisture meter that they recommend above all else? I am sick and tired of the cheap 3-way meters... what a joke. Need something rock solid reliable for heavy use.


Active member
FrknSqirrel: Thanks for reminding me about that post by Dr Purpur regarding the pH meter... pretty sure he recommended the ControlWizard pH8. That's the one I have been considering... just looking to see if anybody has a different opinion.

Yankee Grower

FrknSqirrel: Thanks for reminding me about that post by Dr Purpur regarding the pH meter... pretty sure he recommended the ControlWizard pH8. That's the one I have been considering... just looking to see if anybody has a different opinion.
The Control Wizard meter is fine for moisture but have seen many complain about the pH side. It appears you can get a bad one out of the box. I've had a couple, one did kind of go bad or at least became erratic, and it's important you clean it before use with the little scour pad they give you. Some people have used the same one for a few years and swear by it.

On another forum they are very popular but one guy gave up after going through a few of them and spent a few hundred $ on a Hanna meter. He really liked the Hanna meter but said be gentle with the probe. He ended up using his Control Wizard to make holes in his containers for nute spikes...lol.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Sorry to hear that, Butte. I appreciate your contribution.

So... does anybody have a soil pH and moisture meter that they recommend above all else? I am sick and tired of the cheap 3-way meters... what a joke. Need something rock solid reliable for heavy use.

Control Wizard, with the 12" probe does it for me. I love that thing, and use it every day indoors and out. I damaged my first one when it went into a barrel. It cost me 60, The grow shop sold me one for 45 this time. List is 75


Active member
Thanks, Yank.

Purpur: is the probe retractable? seems like the photos suggest it, but no mention in the blurbs that it is.

I think I'll get one and maybe a Hanna later down the line to test the control wizard against. Thanks for the help.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Thanks, Yank.

Purpur: is the probe retractable? seems like the photos suggest it, but no mention in the blurbs that it is.

I think I'll get one and maybe a Hanna later down the line to test the control wizard against. Thanks for the help.
no its fixed. Your looking at the short one Bro. You need the 12". It works fine outdoors in our type of medium. Dont get the short one. I use it mainly for moisture. My pH works too, and appears to be accurate. Its a good first alert warning meter if pH goes funky.


Active member
I got the model number right, though. The one you are recommending is the Control Wizard Accurate pH 8.

there we go.



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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I have a picture of it somewhere in my albums, but cant find it. You can see the top of it in this pic. Im showing my ass. Thats how i messed it up. Hanging it the barrel.(not my ass, the meter) The moisture. Pretty stupid. I always tended to over water before. now I know whats going on a foot down.


Blessing butte , your knowledge will live on .....:thank you:
Hello everyone

Respectfully I need to bow out of this discussion. There is just far too much casual patter to wade through just to keep up with the thread. My gardening is more important to me than reading several pages of posts to get to current.

We all have to keep a bunch of different balls in the air at the same, but I tell people, "keep your eye on the big ball." This thread takes far too much time and energy away from "The Big Ball" in my world.

Good luck to everyone and I hope things work out for peeps as they hope. Lot's of good and bad potential shown on these pages...

Happy gardening - Butte
Hey everyone,
does anyone know much about this western POZZOLAN It comes from volcanic material and it great for soil ammendments... but has anyone tried it?


Adding Pozzolan to your soil profile Increases Moisture Retention, and
offers these other benefits as well.

• Allows Soil to ABSORB and HOLD water

• Reduces Frequency of Watering

• Increased Quality and Quantity of Yields

• Reduced Use of Fertilizers

• Accelerates Blooming and Optimizes Maturation

• Promotes Deeper Roots and Increases the Number of Fine
Root hairs

• Allows for the Efficient Movement of Water that Adds to the Permanent
Availability of Water to Turf and Plants

• Reduces Labor Costs Associated with Intensive Turf Management

• Reduces Compaction


• Orchid mixes

• Landscaping

• Potting soil additive

• Golf course topdressing material

• Residential and commercial turf

• Sports fields

• Hydroponics

• Carrier for mycorrhizae and fertilizers

• Slope stabilization

• Rooftop gardens

My partner owns part of this company so i get it free/ at cost so i was wondering if the pros here think i should, and if not, why.
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Yankee Grower

You can see the top of it in this pic.
Yeah that's the one and yes you want the 12" probe. The thing seems to work great when it works and have seen some have problems with it...including me...but pretty darn inexpensive. Seems best not to try and get a pH reading immediately after watering or when the medium is real dry. I'm wondering if peeps have problems with the thing because they insert into recently watered medium and that gets inside the probe tip. If you get one you'll see how the tip is constructed and you'll understand what I'm saying.

For sure the thing helped me get waterings dialed in better when indoors in containers.

Hey Dr. Purpur...can you show a new pic of the probe tip? I don't have access to one of these at this point.

Yankee Grower

My partner owns part of this company
LOL...your post borders on spam.

Sounds like pyrophyllite clay if it has a high amorphous silica content and have recommended peeps use Pyro Clay from vitalityherbsandclay.com for a few years now. That comes from the Crater Lake OR area from deposits they own.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yeah that's the one and yes you want the 12" probe. The thing seems to work great when it works and have seen some have problems with it...including me...but pretty darn inexpensive. Seems best not to try and get a pH reading immediately after watering or when the medium is real dry. I'm wondering if peeps have problems with the thing because they insert into recently watered medium and that gets inside the probe tip. If you get one you'll see how the tip is constructed and you'll understand what I'm saying.

For sure the thing helped me get waterings dialed in better when indoors in containers.

Hey Dr. Purpur...can you show a new pic of the probe tip? I don't have access to one of these at this point.
My camera freaked out. and my loaner camera is loaned out. Since i keep Oyster shells in my water barrel and mix it in my soil, I dont worry too much about pH. No problems so far


hey i feel i should warn people about putting out anything with sfvog in its genes. it has an auto flowering trait. if you were indoor on it and keeping a small mom, growing no bigger than 3' tall in flower then you wouldnt ever see it. it happened with the jc i was running indoors. i thought at first it was just throwing crazy preflowers. i confirmed this with s.w.,e rve himself at thc expose in la. supposedely he has it fixed. but i realize alot of indoor guys doin their first outdoor frequent this board and if you were keeping mini moms of old sfvog stock you might not realize it had this trait. talking to him he said it triggered that auto response after the plant reached a certain size. they were the largest going in my flower room and the smallest coming out. although i did get nearly a p each.

thanks, i just realized theres some kind of drama goin with that co. so im not wanting to start that here, just a heads up. im also not saying if you have it it will go auto on you. it did on me and it has on others.


i notice a lot of ideas for water and timers. im a fairly advanced aquarist and we use a controller to control pumps, lights, heaters, chillers, and so on.

its software can be renamed, reprogrammed,and you can use it for an insane amt of things for indoor or outdoor use. you could have it add supplements, or turn on pumps for diff systems or plants, have it water or not, if ph or temp is off in your reservoirs. made by digital aquatics. sold at sunlight supply, but you would need electricity at your spot.



hailing right now a bit on the plants i plugged last week. few days of rain next wednesday and thursday...

summer!!? where are you
I suggest you take your request out of here and to the Growers Forums area and start a thread in the Nutrients and Fertilizers sub section.

Because nutrients and fertilizers have NOTHING to do with growing large outdoor plants... pfff comeon yanker..

This discussion started off with a question about soil mixes...

Yankee Grower

Because nutrients and fertilizers have NOTHING to do with growing large outdoor plants... pfff comeon yanker..

This discussion started off with a question about soil mixes...
If someone were to ask I'd steer them to purchase Pyro Clay from the site I mentioned instead...and I have NO vested interest in recommending them.

Big plants are not just about one soil mix ingredient and would consider something like pyrophyllite clay a very small piece of the puzzle and low on the list of priorities. I've seen a 12+ lb monster grown and not a speck of clay in sight...lol...just basic, simple organic practices for the soil mix/feeding.

If you look back a few pages you'll see I asked Tom Hill about this subject. See what he has to say :)
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